

 Oh what to wear, what to wear? Umm, the menu? More importantly the guests!! Have you ever pondered what famous people you would invite to a dinner party. Well, lay out your most beautiful table-scape and I'll tell ya what famous 5 ladies and 5 guys I would have over for dinner at the Nine house.

Why I chose these awesome peeps was based on many different reasons and I opted to do all living people as well, because you never know, 
it COULD happen!! Jimmy Fallon could be ringing my doorbell!!

However, if I did have to choose a man and woman who have passed to have over for dinner, hands down: Ronald Reagan and Princess Diana 

Oh the Menu, you ask?

Baked Brie
Prosciutto Wrapped Figs
A Flowing Champagne Fountain

Standing Rib Roast
String Beans with Almonds and Bacon
Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Apples
Asiago Focaccia Bread

Pumpkin Banana Mousse Tart 
Sweet Riesling, Assorted Teas and Coffee
  Now that you're hungry, like me, here is the guest list:

I had a tougher time picking he ladies. While I do admire several, here are my 5 five gal pals

1. Kathie Lee Gifford

Don't get me wrong, I love Kelly Ripa but LIVE was best when it was Regis and Kathie Lee. She is such a woman of grace. She speaks her mind but does so with dignity and the help she gives to others is uplifting. I adore her with Hoda in the morning and the recent strength and devotion she just showed in the weeks after her husband's death is inspiring. She was the first woman I ever saw on TV to talk about parenting like it really is, good times and bad, and Funny! She's a friend you'd be honored to have.

2. Christie Brinkley 
To me she has always been one of the most beautiful women on the planet! She absolutely never ages. Can you believe she 61 years old? Although she has never been lucky in love, and she admits that, she has a certain grace about her that is truly admirable. The main thing I would ask her at our dinner, is what in the world are your beauty secrets?

3. Sarah Palin
 Loved her from day one! I love that she made mistakes like the rest of us, I love that she told it just like it was, I love that she's a gun toting Alaskan. She bleeds American, she's not slick, she's REAL.
Trump/Palin 2016, why the heck not!!

4. Julie Andrews
The Sound Of Music has always been my favorite movie musical! I am not one to watch movies over and over however for me The Sound Of Music never gets old! I have traveled to Austria and while most of the film was filmed in the United States, there are some location spots in Austria where it was filmed and I got to actually stand in the gazebo from the scene I am 16 going on 17. I think Julie Andrews is magnificent, and I would love to ask her all about her time filming the von Trapp family classic 

5. Jennifer Lopez
J-Lo, Jenny from the Block, Ben's ex. Doesn't matter, she is da bomb!! Old school Brooklyn Latino who is
a mega talent and beauty. Movies, dancing, singing, Idol judging; just love her. Yeah she may be a
cougar, but she doesn't flaunt it. She ROCKS it!!

This was fairly easy and I could literally have had a couple dozens studs sitting around my dinner table but since it only seats 8, I'll stick with five. Now friends, this is not based on the male "hotness" factor, It is based on people I admire. You'll note however, #5, HOTNESS all the way!!

1. Jimmy Fallon
You see, Jimmy Fallon’s greatest strength is that he’s suuuuper nice. And I think this world could use a couple more of those. You can tell his niceness is legitimate because everyone, and I mean everyone, plays along with his silliness. He got Morgan Freeman to suck helium and speak in a ridiculous voice.
He even got the First Lady, Michelle Obama, to be on the hilarious skit, “Ew”. The Bro-Magic/Bro-Mance he shares with Justin Timberlake is pure gold! His musical talents and impressions are beyond compare. I think Johnny Carson would be proud. I have told my husband many times, 
"He's a genius!"

2. Donald Trump
 Heck, I could be having dinner with the next POTUS. Here is why I find him interesting. The press has become ridiculous so the fact that they are eating this Donald run up is hilarious. The guy may not have all the facts, but he truly cares about this country and speaks what we and all the other politicians are too scared to say. And if he should say something that makes me mad, I'll say "Donald, You're Fired!"

3. Dana Carvey
 "Party on", "Isn't that special", "We want to pump you up"!! Those famous Dana Carvey character expressions are not the only reason I love him. His spot on George W. Bush impression is my all time favorite of impressions. However, when I feel even more in love with him was when he was a guest host with Kelly Ripa vying for the open co-host position that Regis vacated. I have never laughed so hard during those shows as when Dana was on there. I waged a major network campaign for him to be the new co-host. Michael Strahan won and he is good but on my bucket list is to see Dana do his stand up routine someday.

4.Mark Cuban
 The billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner said "I have absolutely no problem paying more taxes. None." He simply "gets it"! He's a family man with two very distinctive personalities: an ambitious self-made business tycoon who loves to have fun, sort of like a hipper version of Bill Gates. The fact that he stated his computer consulting firm without ever taking a computer class is Awesome.
 And well, the fact that he is an IU grad makes me happy.

5. Luke Bryan 
 There doesn't have to be any dinner convo. I will simply sip wine and this good ole' country boy can say whatever he wants!! I will videotape this dinner and "Play it again, Play it Again, Play it Again!"

Who would your ultimate favorite dinner guests be??



  1. What a fun post!! Ok J.Lo would be a really fun guest to have and I'd have Jimmy Fallon on my guest list as well!!! Speaking of the dinner - it sounds pretty amazing too! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Ha ha! Thanks girl! Hope it's a marvelous week

  2. This post was so fun to read! I TOTALLY would have Julie Andrews too. She is everything! They did a special on Sound of Music recently and I cried my eyes out! It's my absolute favorite movie!

    1. Oh Kelly I love that you adore The Sound of Music as much as I do!! I hope you have a magnificent Monday beautiful!!

  3. Anonymous21.9.15

    LOL...what a dinner party this would actually be!!! This is such a great question to ponder...I love all of your choices...I don't know who my final 10 would include for sure, but J to the L-O would definitely be there, as would Derek Jeter:)

    1. Love it Laura!!!! J to the Lo!!!! ;-) Hope your week is off to a great start!!!

  4. This is a fun post! I would probably fail at planning such a fabulous menu and plop a casserole down in the front of them lol. I would totally like to have Donald over for dinner just to see what he would say.

    pumps and push-ups

    1. Exactly! But a plopped down casserole made with love would win their hearts over!!! ;-) Happy Monday!!

  5. Ok, first of all, you had me at champagne fountain! I mean, really! I can't believe Christie Brinkley is 61! Oh, how I wish she and Billy Joel coulda made it! And I love that you haven't forgotten about {the first} "Beniffer" like most people have. Love your list, girl! Make sure I get an invite when you decide to pull this shindig off!!

    1. Now I shall sing "Uptown Girl" in honor all day!! ;-) You are in the list as I heard Trump is a Bama fan!!! ;-) Whoop!!

  6. Love this idea, lady! You have such fun guests and your menu sounds divine, I mean champagne fountain? YES PLEASE!

    1. Oh yeah, and I'll keep it flowing all night, lol!! Hope you are having a super duper day!!!

  7. What a fun post. Looks like it would be a great dinner filled with great guests. I totally would love to have dinner with Jimmy Fallon, he cracks me up.

    1. Too funny you say that Marie, I saw a glimpse of the Today show this morning where they were featuring a skit from the other night doing the video for Lionel Richie's "hello" song and it was absolutely hilarious! Hope you're having a great start to your Monday!

  8. YUM to baked brie and of course Luke Bryan lol! And I also love Jimmy Fallon :)

    Green Fashionista

    1. I'll put you on the guest list Kate and you can sit by Luke! ;-)

  9. That would be a fun dinner party!!

    1. ;-) yes! Hope you're having a great start to your week!!!

  10. Can I come?!?!?! I would love to have J Lo, Mark Cuban and Jimmy Fallon at one of my dinner parties!!! Also, Justin Timberlake, Mindy Kaling and Reese Witherspoon.

    1. Yes!! Let's just plan one big one and we can be co-hostesses!! ;-)

  11. What a fun post!! I love J-LO!! I adored her on American Idol. She was always so kind, but honest and genuine. I just really like her personality and she always looks gorgeous. Kathy Lee is so cute and I like watching her and Hoda sometimes. They are so funny together. As for the guys, Jimmy Fallon is great! :-) Hope that you had a nice weekend and that you are having a good day too!! :-)

    1. You're so sweet my friend!! Hope you've had a wonderful day gorgeous!!

  12. I loved this post, what a fun idea! I would totally have to crash your dinner party, just so you know...not only because of the amazing people but oh man, that menu! I hope you are having a great start to your week gorgeous lady! XO -Kim

    1. Ha ha!! You're on the list Kim! Just let me know where you want to be in the seating arrangement. ;-) lol

  13. I love the menu you put together! Really classy stuff. I'm a buge fan of baked brie and would love to taste those Prosciutto Wrapped Figs!

    1. Thank you my lady, two of my all-time favorite appetizers! :-)

  14. Great picks! I wouldn't even know where to start but you selected some really fun people!

    1. I admire a lot of people but it was fun thinking about why I like them. Hope you've had a great Monday!! ;-)

  15. I want to come to your dinner party for the menu alone! Sounds scrumptious!!!

  16. Such a great idea for a post! It made me really think about who I would invite. And dinner sounds delicious - can I come?

  17. Oh my! Great post! Pinned and tweeted. We love partying with you and we appreciate you stopping by! Please take a minute to stop by next week, so we can pin and tweet your new creation. The party starts on Monday at 7 pm! Have a great Saturday! Lou Lou Girls


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