
I am so happy you're checking out
Living On Cloud Nine.
Contact Me: andreanine@rocketmail.com

My name is Andrea Nine
I turned 50 in April 2021

This blog is a dream of mine, founded in 2015 and meant to encourage, inspire and inform. I'm a forty (k, now 50) something, happily married, Jesus Loving Hoosier who believes you're never too old for fun, style and smiles, right? It might be a yummy recipe, a cute outfit, empty nest feelings, decorating our home, especially for the Holidays...I have over 20 decorated Christmas Trees, fitness fun, favorites or just a random, uplifting post. Like most of us, I'm still a work in progress but I hope to bring a little sunshine to your day.  

Being on Cloud Nine is being blissfully happy. 
Truthfully, I've never felt talented or extraordinary at anything, even though people tell me I am, but each day I come away with something that makes me happy!
While we all have good times and bad, I believe there are ways to find that bliss in each and every day!

A Few Things About Me
I'm a Girly Girl but love dirt & sports too. 
We are empty nesters now. 
AND WE HAVE TWIN GRANDDAUGHTERS born in September of 2023

I have degree in Education, but worked in healthcare for 18 years; resigning in 2018. 
YES to no more work stress!
I have extreme claustrophobia.
I LOVE to cook and bake and dream of composing a cookbook called 
"Dine with Nine."
I love to travel where no one knows us and immerse ourselves in the city and culture.
I have always loved FASHION, inheriting my sense of style from my mama. 
I remind my boys all the time I was
Best Dressed, Class of 89!!

I LOVE Sooooooo many things............... MY GRANDDAUGHTERS,
Sunsets, Summer "date days" with my husband, Starbucks, Pool floating, family traditions, country music, Chick-fil-A, M22, Guilt Free Quac from Trader Joe's, Barry Manilow (don't judge), hoop and statement earrings, shoes, pink, berries, CHRISTMAS, shopping til I drop, Notre Dame Football, crosswords, reading, FALL, being cozy, wind turbines, Chicago (the city), singing to the radio, the VERY rare occasions all our family is together, fonts, snowshoeing, working out including long walks with my sweet mom, dancing, Dana Carvey, black beans, Fannie Mae butter creams, Prosecco, Lake Michigan, decorating our home especially for the holidays, and binge watching T.V. shows with my husband.

Thanks for hopping on Cloud Nine with me.
Hope it makes you SMILE!!

Our Precious Daisy Mae...she passed away on July 31st, 2019 at 14 1/2 and I MISS HER EVERYDAY!!

But our newest addition, Born 12-11-2021
Has helped heal our hearts!!! 
STELLA MAE our Havapoo

Contact Me for Collaboration or Inquiries: andreanine@rocketmail.com

Northern Lake Michigan has our hearts!!
Currently looking for a 2nd home there. 

I dress up and I dress down and everything in Between. 



  1. Hey Andrea, I've nominated your blog for a Liebster Award :)



  2. Ahh you have such a cute about me page! I'm sure blogging makes you feel surrounded by girls since you're living with just men *poor you* hehe (just joking). So glad I stumbled upon your blog - fellow sister in Christ <3

    Blessings and Love x

    Dressed in the City ♥♥♥

  3. aww Daisy May is too cute! Beautiful family as well!

  4. Anonymous20.4.15

    I had to check out your blog after you left such sweet words on mine. I love your page so much and how positive it is! Your love for your family and passion for this blog shine throughout each page, keep it up!!

    xx, Katie

  5. Anonymous9.5.15

    Loved your Friday Favorites this week! The black/white combo looks fabulous with your Spring Break tan!! Connie Cox

  6. It was a pleasure to read your about page. You have a lovely family and Daisy Mae is a fur beauty. Thank you for sharing with us.Hugs!

  7. Wow loved reading this..your boys are adorable! You have a LOT in common with me...I am very claustrophobic as well...ha oh boy! I love to shop til you drop also! You are a doll!

  8. What a GORGEOUS wedding photo!! Look at your boys. Mine will be that big WAY to soon. Slow down!!

  9. No WAY you're 40-something. You look like a 20 year old!


  10. What a great about me page - I feel like I did get to know things about you that were cute, positive, and fun!

  11. Anonymous4.10.15


    I liked your blog so much that I decided to nominate you for a Liebster Award!
    My blog, Bliss in the City, is about finding ease & grace right here, where you are...wherever that may be!
    Bliss & Grace from my Heart to Yours,
    Antonia Lyons

  12. Anonymous10.12.15

    Hello Andrea, such a great blog..I love it! I'm in Texas but sounds like we could be neighbors and friends. .I have 2 boys ...well. ..young men now. I would love to know how you cut and color your hair. ...it looks fabulous! I like to wear mine very similar in and out of the bun.
    Thanks so much for all the great reading :)

  13. Hey friend! I wanted to invite you to a blogger conference in April. I'd love to email you the details if you're interested. My email is alovelylittlewardrobe@gmail.com

  14. Just found your blog. You are beautiful and look fabulous! When I first started reading one of your posts, I thought you were 20 something. Then I saw your boys and I wondered if they were your brothers!:lol I then had to read your 'About Me' section!!

  15. I loved your about me! Where about the Midwest are you?? Your sons are so handsome! How lucky you are! We have lots of the same interests :)

  16. I came across your blog from a link up, and just wanted to say hello from a fellow Hoosier :)


  17. Love your life altitude and so joyful that you have a great happy life!

    High Waisted Swimsuit

  18. You and your family are so full of joy - it comes through on everything you post!
    Congrats for being our Friend of the Week at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy. It was a pleasure to explore your blog and feature you this week Andrea! :-)

  19. Anonymous23.4.24

    Beautiful about page

  20. Anonymous20.6.24

    I ymiss your blog post. I hope you are okay!

  21. Anonymous26.6.24

    I have a good friend, now 90, who has asked me to see if I can find out why she hasn't gotten any posts from you lately. She hopes you are well. She so looks forward to your blogs and enjoys sharing them with all of us.


Thank you for taking the time to Browse my Blog. Your comments mean the world to me and I treasure each and every one!! If you are a non-reply blogger I won’t be able to respond via email. Kindness and Love, xo