

Good Monday Morning Friends. I hope your weekend was cozy and spectacular! Biana over at B Loved Boston did a post like this about what her typical workday was like and it was so fun to see what she was up to, I thought I'd do my own, "Day in the Life...of Andrea".  Oh if only I could stay in my robe and bunny slippers all day....

  5:45 AM - Alarm goes off and I hit snooze once before throwing on my robe and letting out our dog, Daisy. I enter the home office, keep the lights off and close the door as to not wake the household. I like sitting in front of the computer in the dark; checking Bloglovin, commenting, linking up and yes, checking the overnight stats.
  6:40 AM- I slip into our bathroom and get ready. Believe it or not, I get ready in less time than I did 20 years ago. It helps that I'm a shower the night before gal.
  7:15 AM- After filling my work bag with breakfast, lunch and any other necessities, kiss husband goodbye, tell kids to have a good day and I'm out the door! This is the first year, the kids get up themselves without mom prompting and I cannot tell you how much I love it!! Thank you iPhone alarms, yogurt and breakfast hot pockets.
  7:30 AM- Search the parking lot for a parking spot and eye both back doors for 3rd shift nurses to leave so I can stalk them til they get to their cars and I can covet their vacated spot. Make a cup of coffee, usually one of my from home pumpkin spice k-cups, with the lounge Keurig and enter the office.
  7:31 AM~PM Since I do not divulge my work establishment or business routine due to security reasons, Let's just say my day is crazy but often flies by til I can fly out the doors to the busy after work life. It involves lots of Ticonderoga #2 pencils, phones, computers, electronic devices, classified info, trips to the restroom, parking lot selfies (not) and a decorated office complete with an owl with yes, a football that says Score between his legs! Thanks girls! :-)
 This office tree gets decorated for every holiday. My crew and I get mad if someone asks if it's a Christmas tree. NO! It's a seasonal tree. You should see it in the summer~Flip Flop lights and drink umbrellas!!

  3:30 PM-Errands like stop by grocery store for the one (then end up getting 10) item I don't have for dinner, pick up a kids Letter jacket that had  patches sewn on, cash from ATM, pull in drive and let dog out again.
 Martins, my favorite Grocery store.
Trader Joe's is only a dream coming to our neck of the woods!
  4:15 PM- If no after school, activities. discuss school day, things to know, things to do, check college apps, grades and help with homework and go through mail.
 5:00 PM-Workout, usually walk, run or stepper. If walking, or on stepper, I will comment, answer email, etc via voice text. This could've also been called the "Look like crap and what dumb thing did I do?" hour:
 Husband wanting to try out cool new camera lens. Not when I had a cute outfit on, but when I was just coming in from my workout. #hotsweatymess

  Yeah, so went to throw away something under the sink and lo and behold, by the dish soap, I had put a bottle of salad dressing under the sink!! What the?? It's Called, "too much on the brain!!" Oh friends, I could do a whole post on stupid things I've done. LOL  
6:00 PM- Prepare dinner (tonight was leftover homemade friend rice and sweet and sour chicken) answering email, commenting, clean-up, put away clothes, tidy, etc.
 Recipes on Blog Tomorrow!
7:00 PM- If no school related activity like a game, I check the blog post for next day, and am always putting together a few things for future posts and more linking, commenting and answering emails. I also may finish a project such as this one. Remember when I did my post
 29 Things I Wish I'd Known in High School? Well, a dear friend of mine asked me to create a page about that post for a frame for her soon to be 15 year old granddaughter. Here is what I created.
7:30 PM- A few planks, crunches and then shower and make sure clothes are ready for the next day.
8:00 PM- Time to get cozy with hubs. Tonight, Wednesday, watching The Middle, The Goldberg's, and SVU. When watching shows in "real" time, Commercials mean browsing Pinterest, commenting on blogs, answering emails, checking work email and researching future posts.
10:00 PM- Kiss kids goodnight. Head off to bed, slather on my peppermint foot cream, put on carmex, kiss hubs goodnight and try to watch Chicago PD but most likely fall asleep and have to watch it the next night. Thank heavens for a DVR!!
Might be boring to some but suits me just fine, except the work part, lol! Now, this is life Monday through Thursday for the most part. The other 3 days are way different and sometimes way crazier or perfectly relaxing. I guess, that's life! 
May your week get off a great start!! 
Linking up with Biana // Garay Treasures


  1. I loved this!! You do so much in the day and I'm a little jealous of when you get out of work! I love that you squeeze in blogging wherever possible!! great post! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Thank you for the inspiration my dear!! ;-) Have a marvelous Monday!

  2. Your routine sounds very similar to mine! That homemade sweet and sour chicken sounds delicious! Enjoy your Monday:)


  3. So fun to get a peek into your day! It's smart to get blogging in across the day in little spurts. Have a great week!

    Doused In Pink

  4. I love these posts so much. That tree is cute!

    1. Thank you Brianne! Missed you! I hope your Monday is off to a great start!!

  5. I'm impressed you get reading so quickly! Looks like you've got your schedule down pat :)


    1. Organization is my middle name. Lol Thank you, have a glorious day!!

  6. I LOVE Catalina dressing! Even if it's hiding under the kitchen sink!! LOL!! OMG, girl! I'm worn out by your day! And so jealous that you don't have to get kids up anymore! The total bain of my existence! Love you! Enjoy your day!

    1. You will relish the morning without the crazy, get a kid ready, pull your hair out!! It's coming my love!! Mmm lunchtime, thinking taco salad with Catalina! Now where did I put the romaine??? Ha! Hugs to a fab Monday!!!

  7. Man you certainly are busy! I love using my workout time to catch up on tv shows or if I am just walking to read!

    1. We are exercising multi taskers girl!! ;-)

  8. Such a busy day! And I'm a shower at night kinda girl too, as I want to sleep in later. And yayyyy for Trader Joes coming to town - the BEST <3

    Green Fashionista

    1. ;-) Isn't that funny, my husband is a morning shower guy so it works out perfect!!

  9. Such a sweet post that shows are busy you are! Like you I like to take my showers at night too, it's always too hectic for me in the morning esp with my little man! Thanks for sharing, Andrea!
    Sending you much love, and have a fabulous Monday!
    xoxo, Vanessa

    1. Aww, yep getting that lil guy ready for his pre-school days!! How sweet!! I hope this Monday is off to a wonderful start for you gorgeous!!

  10. Great post!!!!
    Jaymie xo

    1. Thanks love! I hope you're having a great day!

  11. Love that last quote!!! And that picture you made for your friend is perfect :) Your day looks similar to mine, minus kids. Well, that and I work out in the morning when I wake up. SVU -check. Chicago PD - check! So fun getting a peak at your day!

  12. Wow, you are a busy gal!! :-) I admire the fact that you get it all done too!! Love The Goldbergs and Chicago PD too, they are so good!! Looks like you have a lovely home too. I hope that you had a great day today too!!

  13. You look cute coming in from work out♥♥


  14. You look fabulous after the gym! Nothing bad about that picture. I feel like a bad blogger who doesn't wake up early to comment and blog (because Im not a morning person) but instead I do it all throughout the day and night when I find a little free time here and there. Cracking up at the salad dressing under the sink....I could picture myself doing that as well.

  15. Love it! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

    And that last quote is what's it all about!

  16. This was so fun to read! Loved getting a glimpse into your day. I've thought about doing something similar - but since I work from home I'm pretty boring!

  17. I love reading day in the life posts! Your day sounds busy but organized. I wish I had a 7:30 to 3:30 schedule!

  18. I am definitely stealing this post idea from you and Biana....I just need to get my act together enough to take pictures of my day! :)

  19. Oh you are one busy lady! thanks for the letting us sneak into your life for the day.

  20. I love this post so much! What a great idea! I love to watch The Middle too, but I record everything so I can skip the commercials.


  21. Love this. I need to come up with a list like this sometime.
    Thank you for linking up to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me"
    Rachel xo
    Garay Treasures

  22. Wow this was NOT boring, this was action packed! Phew! You must have a lot of energy! Ha! I really need to sneak in the workouts like you do. Do you have the stepper or a treadmill at home or are you hitting the gym? Nice work doing some little planks before TV though, that's another great idea!


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