

Warms up, gets cold again..warms up, cold again...no wonder everyone has been sick. Super Bowl weekend is upon us friends. However not much celebrating the pigskin around here as Hubs is taking a son on a college visit to DePaul. Looks like I'll be eating nachos by myself and watching Fixer Upper episodes in between commercials and halftime. I am kinda excited for Coldplay's performance. This weekend looks like a cold one again so I'm grabbing a cup of goodness and chilling. Hope you do much of the same and the weekend is all things lovely!!

Of course I'll need a beverage to sip during the half time show...and since We're rooting for the Broncos....um...and it has Champagne...and it's easy!!! 
Broncos Bullseye Recipe
1 part Blue Curacao
1 part Orange Infested Vodka (or plain vodka)
3 parts Champagne
Rim a champagne glass with honey and orange sugar (you can get all colors at a craft store like Michaels or Hobby Lobby.) Mix ingredients together in a champagne glass.

2. Cocktails Stamped Clutch
Who wants to go out for a cocktail so I can take my new "Cocktails" stamped clutch? 
It's the perfect size and I just love the tassel!!

3. Sweet Treat Finds
I had heard Tif over at Bright On a Budget talk about these Cinnamon Bun Oreos...Delicious!!!!!! ( note: I can only find them so far at Target)
So delicious in fact that  I created Cinnamon Bun Oreo cheesecakes..watch for the recipe on a Tasty Tuesday soon...

And look Red Velvet Lovers........mini Doughnuts and they are sooo moist!!

4.. Weeks Attire

Loft Cardigan, Target Top and Necklace

Loft sweater and scarf

Forever 21 Blouse, TJ Maxx vest, The Limited Pants, Aldo boots

JC Penny Cobalt Blue Sweater, Easy necklace, Bad selfie taker, lol
Blaming it on the Bathroom Lighting at work......

5. Two In One Shirt Peeks
Aren't these 2 in One's great! You don't get so hot with double layers and just have to buy one top. I fell in love with this one from Gordmans and how it goes so well with my Hunters, Nike retros or cute flats and boots. The peek of plaid is perfect but it's not a full button down underneath, just the peeks.

Loving all this Inspo too!
Hello adorable Two In One sweater and lace!!

How cute is Jill from Doused In Pink
in this pullover with the faux plaid bottom.
Anthropolgie Checked Hem Pullover HERE

so adorable!!

speaking of adorable......
Chip and Joanna Gaines
Mentioned this show earlier and I've talked about my love of Chip and JoJo before but how cute is this!!! Trust me, if you have not seen Fixer Upper on HGTV, you are in for a treat!!

Happy weekend Beautiful friends!!
Watch for an exciting Giveaway on Monday!!!!

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday   // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday



  1. Oh my gosh that cocktails clutch is just darling - love it!! Hope you get to take it for a spin soon!I need to find more of these two in one shirt pieces - they are so easy to throw on!!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  2. Love this post! All your looks this week are gorgeous. Yep, more Chip and JoJo any day!

  3. Love your outfits this week!! So pretty! And those sweet treats look fab!! Have a great weekend!!

  4. Loving the navy with the red plaid outfit, so pretty! Also, Cinnamon Bun cheesecakes?! Can't wait till Tuesday! Have a great weekend! :)

  5. That Broncos cocktail looks so good plus I'm rooting for them, so I like it! Hope your son enjoys his college visit! Have a wonderful weekend!!
    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  6. I'm getting ready for cocktails right now, Sista! But first, work! Ugh! LOL! I haven't seen the oreos you mentioned, but I have seen the Red Velvet oreos and those donuts! OMG! Gotta have 'em! Hate you'll be watching the game/TV by yourself! Come on down to LA and I'll fix us some Bronco Bullseyes and we'll watch Cold Play together! Enjoy your weekend, Girlie, and stay warm!

  7. Tell me about it! I have been so sick this week! Those Oreos are making me drool--I'm going to hunt them down this weekend! I LOVE that navy two in one shirt you're wearing--so adorable!


  8. Love that last black look...I'm wearing something similar this morning and was struggling with shoe choice. Yay, you helped me!

  9. Thank you so much for featuring me! So many great things in this post! That champagne cocktail is calling my name and that clutch is darling! I love Chip & Joanna too! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  10. the cutest my friend! Those outfits are fabulous and that cute clutch that says cocktails is so sweet!

  11. That cocktail clutch is everything. Fab outfits as always!! Hope you have an amazing weekend.

  12. In love with the cocktail clutch! So cute! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Love that clutch and your plaid + sweater combo!! I love Fixer Upper and Chip & Joanna. I like that they are so sincere and kind. They are also so funny together and their kids are adorable. I'll be over later for one of those cocktails too!! Have a fab weekend!! :-)

  14. OMG those oreos - who knew?!?! May need to get those for Super Bowl viewing! Enjoy your nachos and some girl time! :)

  15. I am looking forward to the cinnamon bun Oreo cheesecakes! I just can't cheer for the Broncos, so I am going to be a one day only Carolina fan. Then it's back to the black and gold for me!

  16. I cannot wait for your recipe! Love the two in one look! xoxox Amanda

  17. Umm...that Broncos cocktail look pretty much A-mazing right about now!! I hope you have the best time watching the game and that the Broncos pull out a win for you!! Exciting!



  18. I love that chunky blue necklace that you wore to work! Love this post!


  19. That cocktail is so gorgeous! Haha I would feel bad drinking it. Enjoy the Super Bowl! :)

    toast the girl almighty

  20. How cute and pretty is that cocktail! I always love staying in theme and that drink is it!

  21. That cocktails purse is gorgeous! Where can I find one? lol I also love your red, white and blue two in one shirt...the whole outfit is styled so pretty! You just also introduced me to the sweater and lace look. I'm going to be on the hunt for something similar! Gorgeous!!

  22. That broncos cocktail looks so fun. And those Oreos? Dangerous... thanks a lot for telling me those exist! ;) Love your OOTDs.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  23. Love love love blue cocktails, that Broncos cocktail looks delish! Hope everything goes well with the visit to DePaul, enjoy your nachos and Fixer Upper <3
    Green Fashionista

  24. That cocktail sounds incredibly good! Enjoy that and your nachos ;) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  25. How freaking perfect is that cocktail!? I may have to remember it if we host a Royals watch party!!

  26. I'm obsessed with your navy sweater + plaid button down + Hunter's combo - so adorable!!!

  27. The Cinnamon Bun Oreos are INCREDIBLE!! We bought some to snack on during the blizzard!

  28. Cool choices!!

    Mónica Sors



  29. I love those layered tops! Yours with the plaid is so cute! I also love the lace one you posted. I have my eye on one from Nordstrom that's on crazy sale! I bought those cinnamon bun Oreos this week (at Fred Meyer--which is a Kroger-owned local chain here). They have red velvet ones too!

  30. I love your outfit with your Hunters! The navy and red look so good on you! And I love Chip and Joanna! Fixer Upper is my favorite :)
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  31. What a cute clutch, and I'm intrigued by the Cinnamon Bun Oreos :)

  32. My guys will be gone on Sunday too - too bad we don't live closer, we could watch the game together :)! Love your outfits this week - especially the sweater/plaid/hunters. Have a great weekend!

  33. I love this interesting post. Unique and inimitable as your blog.
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  34. Mmm... those Oreos! And I need to pick up a bag of those donuts for the kids to enjoy for V-Day breakfast!

    Hope your son's visit to the college goes well! Enjoy your weekend!!

  35. Your halftime cocktail sounds good!

    Love all your weekly outfits! And that two in one shirt is too cute!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  36. Love the show Fixer Upper! Those red velvet donuts looks delicious!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  37. Fixer upper is one of my favorite shows. They are just so sweet together and do amazing work!

  38. Red velvet donuts?!?!?! Whattttt get out of here!!!! That cocktail clutch is so cute! And I love Fixer Upper. I dont get to watch near the HGTV that I want to with Chris around...lol!

  39. I love your roundup of looks this week-- especially that yellow cardigan and print button up--so cute! And yes to Fixer Upper--Chip and Joanna are adorable! They could come fix up my house any time :)

  40. I love that we both had Cinnamon Bun Oreos in our Friday faves!! Our continual similarities make me smile, sweet friend!!! I've picked up mine (multiple packages at this point - lol!) at Walmart so hopefully you'll spot them at other places soon too. :) I'm sure your cheesecakes were delicious!! YUM!! Your looks are fabulous, as always, and that clutch is beautiful!! What better excuse could you possibly have for a cocktail than an opportunity to use that bag? ;) Hope you had a fantastic weekend and that this week is off to a lovely start for you too! xoxo


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