

Hey, if the Biebs says so then Listen up!! ;-)
Let's talk about the Importance of Loving Yourself.

From when we’re small children we may remember continually being told to follow the Golden Rule to “treat others as you would want to be treated.” Even the Bible tells us the second great commandment is to “love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:39).
So one might assume that in order to fully love another person, it’s important to have and develop that love for yourself. We live in a time where all over the media we’re being told what to buy, how to dress, how we should look, what to eat, and the list goes on. It seems impossible to keep up with these expectations. It’s easy to get caught up in these ideas, and when we’re too focused on our flaws, we miss moments to love and appreciate ourselves. 
We are all children of God. We have a Father in Heaven who loves us regardless of if we’re meeting the world's criteria. Why it’s important to start with self-love though is because ultimately we are the ones responsible for our own actions, choices and the outcome of those actions and choices. We cannot give to someone else what we don’t have and likewise we cannot get from someone else what he or she doesn’t have. Having this knowledge and allowing it to change us brings self-confidence, optimism, peace, and happiness into our lives. 
Self-love is not all about “me, me, me”; but it starts with “me” so that we can build a strong “we”.  Think of self-love as the foundation of a happy and full life, but not the full expression of it. The full expression of Love comes when we give Love away and because of the Love we have for ourselves, the more we gain.
Self-love is important because it is remembering where our power is. As we begin to be filled with this Love, we then pour it on to others in our lives.
Don't I always say, we just need to love on each other! So today, I'll add to that to love on yourself too!! Do something for YOU each and everyday! 


  1. What an awesome giveaway!! Loving yourself is so important for all the reasons you mentioned - if you love yourself I think you can better love others as well! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. What a wonderful message to start this week off with! Can't wait to enter the giveaway!
    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  3. Love the giveaway, and the message to this post! Andrea, you are fab and I am so glad to call you my friend! Sending much love your way!!
    Happy Monday, love!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  4. What a great message to start the week! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

    Doused In Pink

  5. So perfect to read on a Monday! And I absolutely love the giveaway...who wouldn't want to win that??!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  6. Good post and thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Such a great post!! You truly do need to love yourself first! Happy Monday!

  8. Raine Dawson8.2.16

    Loving who you are is so important (and hard, especially with the media ). What a wonderful post. I'll be drinking coffee and shopping with my mom on Valentines Day then relaxing with my kitties watching some good horror movies. I wouldn't change it for anything! :)

  9. totally agree on how important it is to love yourself!

  10. I LOVED this post! Such an awesome and important message! Happy Monday beautiful!


  11. Such a great post with an awesome message! Loving others definitely starts with loving yourself. I hope you had a most beautiful and loving weekend gorgeous lady! XO - Kim

  12. Wonderful post Andrea!! You're spot on about the media too. Sometimes I fall victim to it and question how I'm living my life. Like as if I'm doing something wrong. It is very important to love yourself in order to have successful relationships with family, friends, and our significant others. Thank you for sharing and I hope that you have a lovely day!! :-)

  13. Beautifully written post, Andrea with a wonderful message behind it! I got excited at the thought of winning Justin Bieber concert tickets-haha :) Hope you have a wonderful week!

  14. I am in love with this post! So great and so important to remember! Adoring this post!

  15. What a great post! It's such an important message. I know I'm pretty hard on myself and I'm really trying hard not to be. But you do need to love yourself before someone else can.

  16. Love this message! What I definitely needed to read starting this week out. Hope you had a wonderful weekend, friend!



  17. Great message & great giveaway!

    Have a wonderful week, Andrea!

  18. great giveaway, being Canadian I always miss out on the fun ones lol!
    Yes, loving yourself is so so important and something that always seems to get neglected, especially as mothers and parents when we put everyone else first.
    I'm having a coffee while little man sleeps and mini-me does playdoh (and makes a HUGE mess). That's my 'me time' :)
    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  19. Completely agree and am working on being kinder to myself. What a fun giveaway too! Thank you and back to laundry now.

  20. What an amazing post! Great way to start off the week! Thanks for the amazing giveaway. I plan on just spending the day with my husband on valentine's nothing special just being together. ♥

  21. would love to win this giveaway. we actually have great plans for vday this year, i bought the hubs a ticket to see a comedian he really likes, and it's on vday. then we are going to dinner with my bff and her hubs.

  22. What a nice giveaway!!!! Such a great message to remember too. It's easy to get caught up in wanting what other have (especially with all the social media brags going on it seems like everyone's life is PERFECT!).

  23. Not too much planned for Valentine's Day. With the girls, we are throwing a fun party for them and their girlfriends. There will be box decorating, treats, & card exchange. :)

  24. If you don't love yourself first-you can't love others the way you want. It's so important to remember! Great giveaway!

  25. Absolutely LOVE this message and I agree completely. You really do need to love yourself first. Once you do that you can spread that love to others. :)

  26. All so very true! Thanks for putting it in perspective. Loving yourself is definitely an important foundation. Hope you had a lovely week ahead!

  27. Great post! Thanks for collaborating in the giveaway! xo

  28. Loving yourself fully is SO important but so easily forgotten!

    toast the girl almighty

  29. What a beautiful message. I am giving a devotional tomorrow for my Bible study class and it is focused around love. Perfect for leading into Valentine's week.

  30. I love this message, Andrea! It's so important to remember self love, and how appropriate leading up to Valentine's Day! Fabulous giveaway too!

    Xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  31. Loving yourself is so important. How can others have any respect for you if you don't respect yourself is something that my grandma always used to say to me when I was little. Love this post!!!

  32. Such a wonderful message! In regards to the giveaway asking me my Valentine's day plans... I'll be spending it in an airplane! Woohoo romantic haha!

  33. We will probably have dinner and see what local bands are playing that night.

  34. This is so true, and I've been guilty of not putting myself first, pretty much my whole life. I'm working on it now though! Great post Andrea!

  35. Good luck, nice giveaway ;)


    Mónica Sors



  36. Such an inspirational post, thank you for reminding me of the importance of self love :) #BloggerClubUK

  37. I love the Biebs! My nieces (all 3) got Beiber tickets for April's concert. I am too old to go but I sure wanted to go!!! : - )

  38. Birchbox would be fun! I love beauty samples. Thanks beautiful ladies!

  39. Great post! It's perfect for February. Thank you for reminding us that we need to love ourselves. It seems like common sense but I have found that we usually put ourselves last one the list. I've created a self-care calendar with tips for women on how to start incorporating "self-care" into their lives. This

  40. Great post. Perfect for valentines weekend.

  41. This is great advice for anyone. It is great timing with Valentine's Day weekend too. Beautiful quotes choices to accompany your post. Thanks so much for linking up with #bloggerclubuk x

  42. I love this, Andrea! This is such an inspiring post. I have chosen it as one of my featured favs from last week's Thursday Favorite Things Blog Posts. Come by on Thursday.


  43. It’s so true! So much pressure from so many places and we really need to focus more on what makes us well instead of what others want of us


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