

You all know I'm an 80's girl, so of course my life consisted of cassette tapes! I always longed for someone to make a mixtape for me. I sure made enough of them for various boyfriends but no one ever professed their love for me in song. Instead, in 88' someone stole my beloved Steve Miller Band, Bon Jovi and Aerosmith tapes! Boy, did that tick me off!! 

Through the years it was always hard to part with my cassette collection. I would put them in Garage Sales only to tell a buyer when handing me 2 quarters for a Guns and Roses cassette that it wasn't for sale, lol. Quickly I took the box in the house. Hard to part with music that touched us so deeply. I love all kinds of music and I would need at least a 10 volume set for the songs related to times in my life but for narrow down purposes.....

My MixTape from my life would consist of these tracks:

Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker

My parents bought all kinds of music but they were specially big into country and must be why I still love old-school country to this day! Tons of Vinyl records and a Turntable had their own special cabinet in our house. Many of you won't remember this song but Delta Dawn was the first song that I could belt out myself as a three-year-old and funny thing is I'm still belting it out today. 

Love Me Tender by Elvis

I took guitar lessons as a girl. What I learned is totally lost, I cannot read music anymore. Except one thing; I can still strum out the first 3 Stanzas of Love me Tender. And just like that I'm transported to 4th grade Music class where I gave my first and only guitar recital with this song. Slayed it!! 

Suspicious Minds by Elvis

Love Me Tender evokes a favorite memory and time in my life, but Suspicious Minds will always be my favorite Elvis song and get this, as Elvis's biggest fan; my mom, I never knew that this is also her favorite Elvis song but I do remember the day he died and how she cried.

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart

Middle school magic right here! Corey Hart was indeed the heartthrob of the early 80s to me and that cool vibe he gave off with this T-shirt and sunglasses made me want to sleep with my sunglasses on all night!

Waiting For a Girl Like You by Foreigner

Picture this: a freshman girl at a school dance waiting on the side of the gym when a slow song came on, only to be asked by the senior she had a crush on for a dance. I still remember he was wearing tight Levi's and a button-down pink shirt and Polo cologne. We would continue to flirt my whole freshman year and I kept his senior picture in a little frame on my desk and when at the end of the year I finally did get the chance to kiss him: Bam the fantasy was ruined; he was a terrible kisser!

Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi

Hello, Jon Bon Jovi, need I say more? The song of my teen years that I know every single word to and could hear it over and over and over again and never tire of it! Another cool story that would happen later on regarding this song, my husband and I were driving into Saratoga Springs, New York when the song popped on the radio, we were in a long line of traffic outside a huge concert venue and I said to my husband wouldn't it be funny if Bon Jovi was playing here tonight? We got to the hotel only to see a poster that said you guessed it: Bon Jovi concert tonight!! If only we had had tickets. 

Dress You Up by Madonna

The Material Girl made a huge mark on all girls lives in the 80s. This song was always one of my favorite dance songs and I felt like I could dance just like her when this came on!

Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera

Later 20's, trying to act like I'm 18 and dancing in the club like crazy when this song would come on, in fact screaming: "OMG it's Genie In a Bottle, Come On girls, let's dance!"

Me and You by Kenny Chesney

My husband and I are huge Kenny Chesney fans and this has to be our favorite of course, because it was our wedding song. Here's a really neat story about it: we had tickets to see Kenny at Soldier Field in Chicago one summer, he had not sung this song in years and only usually does one slow song each concert. Lo and behold as if he was singing only for us amoungst 80,000 people it was "Me and You!"

8 Second Ride by Jake Owen

As I have mentioned before, my husband and I love a good day date as I mentioned Here and cruising around belting out tunes. This is one of our favorites and Mr. Nine makes sure it gets played for me on all our trips. We know every.single.word!

Fancy by Iggy Azalea

It's no secret if you've read my blog before that if I had a daughter I would want it to be Iggy Azalea! After I heard the song and dedicated it to myself, I decided that the world might need a middle-aged white female rapper as in moi but it drew objections from my family, so I better stick with my day job, LOL! Despite my kids saying this song is so over being cool, it is still one of my current jams, big time. 

What are some tracks on your life's Mixtape??



  1. This is awesome! I remember trying to start the record button on the perfect spot when the radio was on to make the best mix tapes. I would sit in my parents basement making mix tapes all the time. What great memories!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

  2. Stop it with all these great throwback songs!! I had a serious obsession with Elvis when I was younger LOL and Shades at night...ahhh love that song!! Such a fun post! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. So many good songs!!! Bon Jovi is definitely a favorite. My dad's side of the family loves him - at ever family wedding this song has to play and we all get up and dance together. I love Kenny Chesney, but I don't remember that song - I will be looking it up shortly!

  4. So many great throwback songs! I used to love making mix tapes! Bon Jovi and Madonna were my favorites back then too!

    Doused In Pink

  5. Genie in a Bottle was easily one of my favorites too! May have to add that one to my spotify list today!

  6. Ahhhhhhh Livin on a Prayer is one of my favorite Bon Jovi songs ever! I got to see him perform with my parents back when I was in college and that was the coolest damn concert I think I have ever been to! Love Genie in a Bottle and I Wear My Sunglasses at Night. Hard not to get down to those!

  7. I LOVE all these songs and Steven actually introduced me to 8 Second Ride which will forever remind me of him when I hear it! Jake Owen is such a STUD! Such a fun post to read!

  8. I love the variety in your life playlist! 8 second ride has got to be one of my favorite songs ever! Happy Monday!

  9. Fun post!!! I used to record songs off of the radio onto a mix tape. :-) Even though I was a little girl (I was born in 1980) I remember a lot of those songs. Thank you for sharing and I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! :-)

  10. I would be the same as you, except the 90s. I love old(ish) music!

  11. Great picks for your mix tape! I totally love that Foreigner song! I had completely forgotten about it. Now you have me thinking about what my life as a mix tape would be. I may have to "borrow" this idea for a blog post for my blog. Happy Monday Pretty!

  12. Love this! I definitely loved genie in a bottle when I was in middle school and fancy is one of those songs you just can't help but rap along too ;) Have a great week!

  13. I love this! Delta Dawn makes me think of what my grandmother used to listen to--she loved the old country and it's what my mom grew up on. And the Elvis songs--my gran has some sisters who are OBSESSED with Elvis! I'm talking like making "pilgrimages" to Graceland each year for his death. I still have a great aunt who wears an Elvis jacket haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  14. lol I love this, such a fun post idea!!!
    Oh my... I don't even know... mine would have some random stuff lol not even sure where to start lol
    Simply Shaunacey

  15. I loved my cassette tapes, too! Brings back memories... :-)

    Happy Monday! Have a fabulous week!

  16. This is too funny and too cute! I love it so much! Such a fun post idea! Happy Monday!

  17. This is sooo fun! I love the Elvis additions! He's the best.

  18. OMG...I love this clever post. I know every song mentioned and love them all. Have a great week, Andrea

  19. Awww, so fab, Andrea! I totally forgot about some of these songs! Bringing back memories with "Geanie in the bottle" by Xtina! :)
    Happy Monday, love!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  20. Such a fun post, Andrea! My husband and I love the 80s, especially Bon Jovi! Of course, Fancy is one of my favorites too, and I'm ok with it not being cool anymore haha! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  21. This is the best post in the history of posts. SERIOUSLY!

    ...and now I have Delta Dawn stuck in my head.

  22. You are so much fun! I just love seeing what you come up with next!!

  23. I love all of these but would definitely add in a little James Taylor just because. :)

  24. You are so much fun! Love this post! I love that you love Izzy!
    Happy Monday!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  25. This is SUCH a fun post that I may have to borrow it--I love your songs...Christina is a classic-love that song, and she's from my city of PITTSBURGH...this is so cool to your mix!

  26. Bon Jovi and Foreigner definitely has some huge hits that I still love today. Too funny that you would want Iggy Azeala as your daughter but the song is so you!

  27. Such a fun post! Yessss to Foreigner, Elvis, Corey Hart, and my girl Christina! <3
    Green Fashionista

  28. Anonymous21.3.16

    Hhaha YESSSSS to 80s, 90s and old country (plus "Fancy", because, duh!). Love it.

  29. This is such a cute idea!! I'm so with you on the Foreigner, girl! Heck yes!! Happy Monday, gorgeous and have a lovely week ahead! xo


  30. I would definitely come see you rap, hehe :) Yes to so many of these songs! Awww, such good memories.

  31. You have had THE BEST ideas for blog posts lately and I just may have to steal this one - if you don't mind, of course. What an AWESOME collection of songs and I totally cracked up when you mentioned not selling your Guns N Roses cassette for mere pennies! Those peeps were just cheap and didn't know good music is priceless! Ha! I would TOTALLY buy your mixed tape if it was sold in stores. Or even as a special "TV offer." Ha!

  32. This is such a fun idea! There's a Kenny song that always reminds me of my high school years - I forget which but it would definitely be on my list!

  33. What an awesome mix tape! I remember getting excited when "Genie in a Bottle" started playing :)

  34. Delta Dawn!! Wow! That brings me back! My dad listened (still does) to country. Old country. We had an 8 track in our VW camper and dad played Tanya Tucker, Helen Reddy and the Eagles. Mixed tapes were great and in Italy we would buy them on the black market. Ahhhh the 80s!!!
    Making the Most of Every Day

  35. Corey Hart, woo, I haven't heard him a long time bring back memories.

  36. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have my man Kenny on your mixed tape!! Love this!! Can't wait to share mine tomorrow!!

  37. As a fellow 80's girl, I can relate to all of these. What a fun post! I've never seen Kenny Chesney in concert, but my older son has gone the last three years he's been in Seattle. Thanks for the walk down memory lane :)!

  38. What a fun post! I can so identify with these songs. Love it!

  39. Seriously loved this! So wish I had done this post much fun! I totally remember when Elvis died..I was 9 and after that my mom drug out all her albums and we listened constantly. My dad's best friend even sang My Way at my daddy's funeral. I remember my first two cassettes...Kenny Rogers the Gambler and the Village

  40. Holy cow! This was the most awesome post ever and literally could be one of my favorites! One, because I love music. Two, because I know all these songs and they bring back memories for me too! Three, because I absolutely adore the stories from your life that you shared for each song. Isn't it cool how we can hear certain songs from ages ago, and it just takes us back to a different time!?!

  41. Oh my God. You get me crying. My mom and dad were collecting vinyl. I had a bunch of tapes in my basement. It was till I got married when I trow everything away. Still missing my favorite tapes.

  42. What a great list! I used to love making mixed tracks for dance class. Even my younger siblings never knew the joy of pressing record and play at the same time. They missed out on the fun!

  43. I love this! Huge fan of Bon Jovi, Madonna and Iggy Azalea here. Such a good idea for a post. #BloggerClubUK

  44. What a blast from the past! I remember (and lived through) every single one of these! We are kindred spirits!

  45. This is a blast from the past for sure!
    My favorite kind.
    What a great post idea!

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us all at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We are so glad you are here!

  46. "She's 41, and her Daddy still calls her 'Baby'/All the folks 'round Brownsville say she's crazy..." I LOVE Tanya Tucker and Delta Dawn AND Elvis Presley (both of whom feature prominently in my itunes collection)! I think your mix-tape of your life is too cute, Andrea. Don't we all associate certain songs with times in our lives or describing our lives? Music unifies. Thank you for sharing this!

  47. What a fun post! Music is such an important part of my life too.
    Thank you so much for sharing this lovely post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Wishing you and yours a glorious Easter.

  48. Such a fun list!

  49. An interesting and varied selection. I've had a post similar to this in draft for about 18 months now that I suppose I ought to actually finish one day! Livin' On A Prayer might well make it onto my equivalent mixtape, although I suspect mine would have a much heavier 80s bias to it. #brilliantblogposts

  50. Ha ha I am glad I am not the only one that made tapes. Do kids still do that sort of thing - iPod play lists for each other? Love some of these I also grew up in the 80s and Bon Jovi are one of my favs I have been lucky to see them in concert several times. I will have to give a thought to what i would put on mine. Thank you for joining us hope to see you again this week x


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