

Happy Friday Friends!! Our County Fair kicks off today. 9 glorious days of food, animals, rides, and dust. It's a big deal around here kids. I dedicated a few posts to it last year 
like 9 Reasons You Should Go To The County Fair and Stylin' for Swindle along with my Friday Fair Favorites last year. So, you'll find me there but I also hope to get in some relaxation, sunshine and family time. Hope you can do the same sweet peeps!

AND it's HOT kids, index in the 100's today so I like to keep cool with refreshing drinks besides my cocktail concoctions like the new......

1. Iced Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato
K, say that 5 times but oh how yummy. I first saw this on my sweet mama to be friend Nadine's blog last week and knew it would be my pick for my once a week Starbucks treat. Little did I know this was the actual title of the drink so I say to the barista who looked like death warmed over, mind you, "I'd like a Mocha Macchiato made with Coconut milk." and she replied. "Um, duh it is with coconut milk." Ya know I wanted to b@*#h slap her after the day I'd had but I was nice and laughed. Good thing that drink was Fabulous!!

2. Summer Date Day
Every Summer my Mr. and I pick a Saturday, or 2, or 3 and have a date day to some of our favorite locales. This past Saturday was perfect and started off with a noon time breakfast including he BEST Eggs Benedict evah!!! , coffee and beer (We were at our favorite Brewery complex), a little beach time,  rooftop dinner and a glorious Lake Michigan sunset. LOVE these days!! 
One of best last year I wrote about HERE

3. Week's Attire
Summertime mix for work and play
Target cardigan and top, Old Navy Skirt, Michael Kors flats

The Loft cardigan, JC. Penny dress, Target sandals

TJ Maxx eyelet top, Charming Charlie necklace, The Loft skinny whites and Sam Edelman sandals

4. Ribbon Obsession 
About a decade ago I won a contest at our Fair called Bursting with Blueberries with my Blueberry Crunch Parfait and got this big ole purple ribbon, thus my obsession with winning Fair ribbons began. Here are a few of them. It's been a few years since I've entered anything but come Fair time, I pull out all my ribbons and reminisce. lol
Sorry.. grainy old news photo on a hot Fair day with the 1st place win a decade ago..

Our Country Fair is HUGE Kids, just HUGE. It's the 2nd largest County Fair in the nation. With 2 of our 3 in 4-H and this being the oldest one's last year as a 10 year member, I had to showcase some of my favorite things about it.

The corndog of all corndogs that I only indulge in once a year, my favorite country concert to date, a view of the midway and cotton candy. Mmmm
And this guy!!! 10 years strong showing pigs and steers. My cowboy at heart. Come auction time next Friday, he gets that money towards college, whoohoo. So proud!! Wish him luck in his shows next week.

And a favorite Beef Barn Photo from years ago during one of his first shows

Does your town have a Fair?
Enjoy the Weekend and in Ferris Wheel fashion...ENJOY the View!!

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday 


  1. I'm pretty pumped that your loving eggs benedict so much now!! Oh my gosh - I think it's awesome that you won for your blueberry concoctions!!! Hope you have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! Now I am going to have to try that Starbucks drink! I always feel so intimidated ordering drinks there, so many choices. I can't believe how rude that barista was to you - ugh!

  3. Anonymous22.7.16

    Love a great iced drink from Starbucks too, I haven't tried it with coconut milk. It sounds delicious ! Have a wonderful Friday !

  4. Our county fair is coming up next week. Even though it is literally down the street, I haven't been in years. You might have me convinced to go this year! How fun that you've won so many ribbons! Stay cool this weekend! The heat is ridiculous!

    Doused In Pink

  5. My husband loves eggs Benedict too!! And yay for winning ribbons! How did I not know that was a thing?!

  6. Oh boy, the county fair! I grew up in the town that has the largest county fair in Ohio so I know fair week all too well! And look at you with all your ribbons! So fun. Hope you enjoy it this year and have a great weekend, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  7. Our State fair is coming up - its always a fun time!
    Love all your outfits. Yellow always draws my eye - but I love the coral mixed with navy.
    I keep hearing about that drink from Starbucks. I may have to try it out this weekend.

  8. I love a county fair!!!!!!!!! Good luck to your son!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Have the best time at the fair! We went to our state fair a few weeks ago and it was a lot of fun. And your date days sound amazing! That's so nice that you and the Mr. take time out for each other. Have a great weekend :) Beautifully Candid

  10. We almost never go out for breakfast and now I am totally craving eggs benedict. May have to fix that soon haha!

  11. It's so weird to scroll down and see pictures of St. Joe! It sounds like you've had a lovely week! Have lots of fun at the fair and please eat a corn dog for me :)

  12. I LOVE the county fair!! Ours start next Wednesday. The food mmmm! Congrats on all of those ribbons!

  13. Fair time!! How fun! And just look at all of those ribbons. Our county fair starts mid-week. Daycare is closed this week too, so I think I am going to take Jax. We used to go as kids and watch people showing horses and of course the demo derby. Plus I need to get a funnel cake. I haven't had one in years and just thinking of the fair makes me want one!

  14. I have never been to a fair before but I am determined to go to one this year!! Love all your outfits in this post, so cute and stylish! Have a great weekend!!

  15. Hi Andrea! I'm baaack! I've missed you! I have tons of catching up to do! Anyhow, happy Fri-YAY! I love county fairs too! I don't know if my neighborhood has one yet but nonetheless we'll be sure to take our son this summer!! Have so much fun! Love u!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  16. I can't believe she said ummm duh. Like done be rude, there are a zillion different ways to order a drink and there and no one really understands it. Gosh! Glad you like it though!!! Look at you and your family rocking fairs!!!! That is awesome you won those ribbons and your son gets college money! Love all your summer outfits. Have a fabulous weekend!!!

  17. Daaaang! I didn't know they had fairs in the summer! But you guys are quite a bit cooler with less humidity than we are at this time of year. Our local fair is in October and the state fair is in Shreveport in October. Hell, it's still hot, then, too! LOL! Love that you and Mr. Nine got away for a day date! We haven't done that in a while. Yes, today is Wayne's birthday and we'll be celebrating all weekend. Enjoy yours, Sweetie!!

  18. Omg you're a rockstar!!!!!! Love it, come make me stuff!!!
    You're looking beautiful and summery as always... Also, how do you not age?! Tell me all your secrets

  19. What beautiful memories of the fair, how FUN! I haven't been to one in a while, but I always loved mine in my town growing up :) I LOVE summer date days...sunshine and sweet time, always great! one of my wonderful co-workers got me the Starbucks drink for my birthday and yes...SO yummy.Enjoy this weekend you beautiful friend, XO!

  20. I LOVE date days! Hubs and I randomly have a few each year and we were just saying the other day how we haven't had one recently!

  21. That drink looks delicious! What fun day dates!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  22. I was a 4H'er and ended up being a 4H leader until the local program vanished. I have some great memories from those days! My brother showed goats. I did home economics and a little animal stuff here and there. Oh man like I said great memories. We don't have a fair in my little podunk town but our big fair for the region is just 20 minutes away! It starts up at the start of October. I LOVE fair time! I'm so impressed with all your handiwork - love it, girl! Also, that drink I need to try it! xoxoxox Amanda

  23. The fair will be so much fun, even though it sounds extra hot! Just go on ahead and give me all that fair food and the new macchiatos! They're just so good!

  24. When we are in the UK we visit Fairs. I love them, meeting locals, eating fantastic food! Youre pictures me of that! And what a fantastic Prize you won, even if it is a decade ago!

  25. That is pretty cool about your prize winning blueberry treats! :-) Love all of your photos too. I hope that you have a fun time this year at your fair. Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool!!! :-)

  26. How did I not know your kids were in 4-H?!? I was in it as a kid and showed beef, goats, and sheep :)

  27. Hubby and I were just talking about the State Fair coming up -- can't wait!! I've always wanted to participate (other than going and eating...). Maybe next year?? Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  28. Unfortunately we don't have any fairs around. I have been to a fair years ago and I like it. Does the Christmas fair counts?

  29. Oh wow your fair sounds wonderful! :) We have something similar here, it's called Ekka, and everyone gets the day off to attend it, it's so busy on that day but it's a lot of fun too. Instead of corndogs, they are called 'Dagwood dogs' and they are pretty tasty!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  30. I'm loving all your outfits and that fair sounds so...homey and cozy?

  31. How fun! Love that you've been doing it for so long...I've never been to a fair...we have one out by me going on right now, and it runs for a month and I still never go...love that polka dot shirt in the first outfit, so pretty.

  32. OMG - loved this! We always went to the fair as a kid because it was super close. We don't go much here in GA but this makes me want to make it a priority this year! Love that new Starbucks drink - I've had 2 already! How awesome that you and the Mr. make date days - that's so good for marriage!!! Love all your fair ribbons and that your son has participated for 10 years - that's just amazing!!! Missed reading your blog girl!

  33. What great fun! Brings back memories of the Mid-South Fair in Memphis as a child and little fairs that toured the military bases in Panama. Thank you for reminding me of some days long forgotten. Congratulations on raising three fine 4-H-ers. My long time boyfriend was FFA. Loved wearing his jacket. Your work outfits with week are adorable. Everything this week is adorable and wholesome good fun.


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