

It cannot be August, it just Can't!!! Last baby started Sophomore year yesterday. I really didn't want this month to come, not just because it was the twilight of Summer but because my other babies leave; one this weekend. Mr. Nine is coming home a day before me so as I drive home alone, don't laugh if you pull up beside the hysterical crying lady. Eyes on the road, music least if I get pulled over for speeding, the officer may feel sorry for me, haha!!

1. Taking This Guy to College
NOT my Favorite Thing
Really friends, NOT doing well with this. How do I take my baby, who I do so much for, and drop him off at a college with 22,000 other people. He NEEDS me. No, really he probably doesn't but I need him. 
I blinked and the time was here
and the tears roll.....

Mr. Nine and I had the same son to drop off at friends for Lollapolooza last weekend so we decided to make a weekend out of it in the city and what a weekend it was. Gorgeous weather that had cooled down and lots of city strolling and eating, lol.

Just look how many steps I racked up in 2 days!!
Saturday and Sunday Steps Round Town

And Yesterday I showed you our dinner outfits and what we styled for this month's My Refined Style Fashion Link-Up. Love the Vineyard Vines Outfit on Mr. Nine and my Vince Camuto dress, still a favorite #Nsale purchase.

3. Week's Attire
Easy and Breezy~only 2 days of work this week as getting boys ready for college.
J.C. Penny kimono, Target tank, Old Navy skirt, Wal-Mart sandals

Target Top, Michael Kors pants and shoes, Kohl's necklace

J.C. Penny top and shorts, Sam Edelman shoes, Boutique necklace from mom

I have been on hunt for these ever since I saw them on Biana's B Loved Boston Blog a while back. I literally did not think I'd come across a Sugarfina store but lo and behold at the bottom of the Nordstrom Escalators, there sat a pop up one with the beloved Champs bears. Defiantly as good as I had heard they were. Here is how Sugarfina describes them:
Made with Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne, these sophisticated bears sparkle in flavors of classic Brut and fashionable Rose. Named "the perfect party favor" by Cosmopolitan magazine, these grown-up gummies are the finest bears in all of candy land.

5. S'MORES!!! week's excitement
NEVER knew this was a thing until my friends Sarah and Whitney asked me to make a S'mores creation and join their Blog Hop with several other ladies next week for the National S'Mores Day tribute!! Heck YES!!! Be sure to check back in with us all next Wednesday for the S'Mores Hop and I have a special fashion treat to go along with it. 
No, I'm NOT dressing up like a giant S'more, lol!!

May your weekend be breezy, cool and full of fun and love!!


  1. Good luck this weekend girl - I know it can't be easy for you, but you raised your kids the right way and they'll be rock stars in college and do you proud! Love that you guys snuck a weekend in Chicago - so great!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  2. You are rocking that black Vince Camuto dress! You look great (as always)!! And I'm so excited to see your smores creation--smores are my favorite thing to eat!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. I'm loving all of your outfits! Also love your last quote here - August is like the Sunday of Summer. Here's hoping it's a good weekend for you - take care of you!!

  4. How did I not know about those champagne gummy bears! I need to find them asap! Good luck this weekend! You raised amazing young men and they will do great in college!

    Doused In Pink

  5. Aweee dropping off the baby who grew up like BAM! Be proud, mama! Cry because you're proud! And cry because time is cruel too but ya know we won't go in on that right now lol. So glad you got that time in Chicago with your man - you deserve it! As always gorgeous outfits for the work week. Go get your s'more on girlfriend...I mean it in a term of some delicious adult beverage. xoxoxox Amanda

  6. You looked so gorgeous in that black stunner in Chicago!! And good luck with dropping your son off--I remember when my parents dropped me off! It was hard but just know he'll probably call you every single day!!

  7. My son is leaving for college soon too and I am a wreck! He is my oldest and my youngest is a junior this year. I feel like I'm gonna blink and he will be gone too. I'm a mess!

  8. Anonymous5.8.16

    Happy Friday Andrea ! I struggled taking my boys to college too. Can hardly believe how fast those high school years go. Wipe away the tears and give the big ole hug !! Love the city of Chicago......... my favorite city ever. Good for you and Mr. Nine to get to the city for some fun !
    Enjoy your weekend !

  9. Oh my goodness! Not this weekend! It's too soon!!!! I can't believe you guys are back to school already too. I think they still have a couple of weeks here. I'll have to start paying closer attention to these things soon! Have a great weekend, he'll be just fine!

  10. Cannot believe he is headed to college. Loving those side by side pics. Your Chicago weekend looks like so much fun! And I need those gummy bears!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. Sending lots of *hugs* after dropping off the baby! But how fun that you guys got to have fun in Chicago too! And those gummy bears are the BEST! Totally worth the pricetag! Happy Friday <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. OMG! I am tearing up reading about your Son. I cant even imagine. I have already started telling Taylor that wherever she goes to college I plan to move a half hour away. I am dead serious. I cant be further. I feel your pain. Why do they have to grow up and leave us? At least you have your gummy bears to binge on when you are sad! I have been meaning to head over and pick some up! Hang in there Mama! xo

  13. Will definitely be thinking of you this week as you transition your son to college. Big hugs, you did a wonderful job!

  14. I am dying to try those champagne gummy bears!!

  15. Andrea, you were in Chicago!! OH MY! Too bad we didn't get a chance too meet and best wishes to your son! College is an exciting time!
    Wishing you a Happy Weekend!!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  16. OMG I have tears reading about the drop off. Think about how you've raised a great young man. You're a wonderful mom! I've heard that Sugarfina has those pop-ups SO glad you found some. I've only been to Chicago once, but absolutely LOVED it...what amazing pics. Hope you have the best weekend, savor every second. Xo!

  17. Oh my goodness that baby picture!!! I cant handle the cuteness!!! And girl, you have not aged a single bit between the then and now pictures! You look EXACTLY the same! I cant even imagine how hard it is to drop your kiddos off at college. I dont even know how I am going to manage day care or kindergarten yet alone college. I cant think about it!!! I have been dying to try those gummies too since seeing Biana talk about them. One day I will order some! Have a fabulous weekend!

  18. Happy Friday! Omg, I could just cry thinking about my little guys going off to college one day. Please tell me time slows down just a little?!? You and Mr. Nine looked fabulous in your dinner outfits. I've been itching to try those gummy bears too! Glad you found them. Have a wonderful weekend :) Beautifully Candid

  19. Oh goodness, I will sure be thinking of you, that is hard on a mama's heart. And we LOVE s'mores around this house so I am excited for this bloghop. Lots of love, thoughts, and prayers being said for you!

  20. You know I'll be thinking of you this weekend, sweet lady. We can do this!

  21. You look absolutely stunning in that black dress! And my thoughts and prayers are with you this month, beautiful friend! Your boys are lucky to have such a loving and supportive mama!

  22. This is so inspiring! I love the post:)

  23. I love those champagne gummy bears. I bought them and ate all of them when Biana talked about them. Now I want them again. I can't believe you sent off your son to college. What great photos though.

  24. Best of luck to you this weekend dropping your baby off. I went through it last was the hardest thing I've ever done - not gonna lie! All the emotions take hold...pride, heart break, knowing they'll have fun, but knowing you are leaving them, knowing they'll always be your baby, but knowing they are turning into true was CRAZY! will adjust - faster than you think...and your boys are sweet - they'll call and text and it will be just fine. Mine goes back next weekend, and while I am super sad to not see his sweet face's a lot less sad this time. I'll say a little prayer for you and your hubby - and you youngest - because he'll be really sad too and it will be a big adjustment for him also! XOXO!!

  25. Oh man...I can't believe August is here already! Summer went by way too fast!
    Best of luck this weekend, I know it won't be easy.
    Now I want some of those yummy gummy bears!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  26. LOVE your Nordstrom dress, and that Nordstrom replied to your tweet!!! Okay, so weird you should mention those champagne bears because I have some sitting on my desk that just arrived today! Ha! My SIL works for Farmgirl Flowers and they send Sugarfina products with their bouquets a lot, so I got a bouquet and a giant box of those bears this morning!

    Good luck this weekend. I'm sure it will be hard, but he'll hopefully love it and also call you LOTS. :)

  27. Oh my gosh, I need to go to Nordstrom and get those gummies! Good luck with this weekend!!!

  28. I've been craving a smore lately so I need to mark my calendar to have one for sure next week.
    Ahhh - time really does go by in a blink. You'll make it through momma!

  29. I can't believe that your son is leaving for college so soon! Good luck to him and getting him all moved in, and then driving back! I know that's got to be tough! I'm still totally in love with that dress that you wore in Chicago, and I'm so jealous that you found the champs gummy bears! I hope that you have a great weekend and an even better Friday!

  30. My heart goes out to you mama! It's so hard for them to become independent but it's also amazing because we are affirmed that we are doing our job! Hope the last one had a great first day of school! And I need those gummy bears - I've never seen those but oh, I think I'd like!!! Happy Weekending!!!

  31. Those gummy bears looks delicious! Good luck on sending your son off to college! It was hard when I left my parents!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  32. Your son has grown into such a handsome man - I know it'll be sad, but you must be so proud! The lace top and fit of your Vince Camuto dress is gorgeous - definitely a great LBD. Great Friday Favorites - have a great weekend.

  33. OH goodness I can't even imagine! Like seriously, what?! You got this and I would be right there crying with you if I could. Or at least give you a big hug! That black dress, STUNNING! Like seriously, wearing it all day everyday lady, it was made for you. Good luck this weekend!

  34. My heart hurts because I know your heart is hurting this weekend. But in time your sadness will become more bearable and I think you will discover this new chapter to be an exciting time in your life. Glad you enjoyed some time with Mr.9. Prayers for a smooth transition.

  35. Hope your weekend isn't too sad. I know it's hard to take your "baby" to college. Love your outfits!

  36. Those gummy bears sound amazing! I'm going to google Sugarfina right now and hope there's one near me. I can't wait to see the S'mores ideas! Fun! Hope you are having a great weekend.

  37. Hang in there sweet thing! You can do this!!!! XOXO

  38. Oh, Sweetie! I can't imagine dropping my baby off for college although I know it will be here before I realize it. I'm hyperventilating over middle school starting in a few weeks! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! I'm trying to catch up on my blog reading!

  39. Oh wow I'm sure it can't be easy when your little birdies leave the nest but you're such an amazing Mom, I know they'll be fine learning to be adults! So happy you and Mr Nine got to have a little getaway and I must say you two look SHARP! You are just gorgeous in the Camuto dress!

  40. Reading about you dropping your son of at college made me teary...because even though I'm all grown up & on my own I still get teary eyed when I think about when I was dropped off at college nearly 10 years ago.

  41. It was so hard for me to watch all my teen girls that I mentored from 7th-12th grade go off to college so I can't even imagine how hard it is to drop your OWN kid off. Oh, tears!

  42. Awww! My heart goes out to ya. I know that can't be easy. It flies by, doesn't it??

  43. I am dreading the day I have to bring my baby to college. My heart goes out to you. He will always need his mama! You are striking an uncanny resemblance to Katherine Heigl in the photo of you holding him as a baby. Stunning!

    xx, Elise

  44. Your first weekend of August was the bomb! I have skimmed some of these posts, i have read some and I have skipped some others because there are only so many hours in a day. I am sorry your two oldest are away from you in college. Those Wal Mart sandals are cute, my sister in law picked them up too.


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