

K, can we just be done with January already? This week was in the 50's, rainy, dreary, foggy, blah!! Let's either snow pretty flakes and be cozy or warm up with sunshine so I can read on the deck. In the meantime, we will chill with the youngest, do a little binge watching and maybe some healthy food prep. Here's to your weekend sweet friends!!

1. Meeting MY TBB Sisters this Spring!
I've had a goal of meeting a fellow blogger in person but BAM~times that by 12 come Spring!!! I am over the moon to say flights and rooms are booked for Toronto and I get to meet my Blended Blog sistas. First round of fun: Drinks and a BIG Hugs and I bet side splitting laughter galore!!

2. Birthday Girl
Show this gal some love!!!! Birthday girl in the house!! If you don't already know Laura Horton from the Horton Family, you need to!! LOVE HER!!
Look at her beautiful fam!!
We like to twinkie it up

3. Week's Attire
Kohl's sweater, Lush top, The Loft Necklace

Macy's Poncho and necklace

J.C. Penny Cardigan. Old Navy dress and scarf

4. Hunter's &Tights 
Usually, I wear my Hunter Boots with leggings or skinny jeans, But I decided to try them with just some grey tights.

More Inspo

5. Shakeology
I am not a fad diet girl or a meal replacement girl. I am a eat less, move more type. However, these past 2 years, I did the Beachbody 3 day Refresh 3 times. I even did a post on it HERE and I was so very impressed. 

Wanting to jumpstart my healthy eating and trim the sweets pounds from the holidays, (I cannot believe I am telling you this but I gained 8 lbs...Eek!!) I bought the variety pack of their shakes. So Delicious. I even mapped out everything I'd be eating for this week and am proud to say, I did not deviate and feel great. 
I do not sell it or sponsor it, just love the product. I simply bought it online and the taste is soooo good! I had one shake a day, lots of water and healthy eating with no sugar.

But this weekend I will eat ONE cookie.....K, I said it. Now go enjoy!!

Oh and if you LOVE LINK-UPS, go link up your favorite, best post of the week over at 
The Blended Blog with the new The Blended Blog Loves weekly link-up!!

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday


  1. Toronto is going to be a blast - it's on my travel list!! So fun you get to meet those ladies too!! Have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Toronto in spring is awesome. You will have a blast. I did a 21 day fix from shakeology too and it totally reset me. Need to look into the refresh.

  3. You gained 8 lbs where? In your pinky toe? Loving this post and I need to get over to Laura and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY (STAT LIKE!) Loving your tights and boots - super cute! You are a sunshine and I'm jealous of all you bloggers getting to meet up! That is awesome! Happy weekend and bring on spring....!

  4. Anonymous20.1.17

    Happy Birthday to Laura :) I recently started following her blog, and love her already ! 8 pounds OH Andrea i think over the holidays I gained over 10. I've heard great things about Shakeology. Where did you order from ? Just curious because I need to do something to help shed these pounds.

  5. I'm so jealous of your blog meetup!! Y'all are going to have so much fun. Yes to the red boots and leggings....you rocked this look. Adorable. I'm over this dreary weather here but it was fun to pull out my rain boots this week. Hope you have a super weekend!

  6. Our weather is so blah too! My kids have been asking everyday for weeks, when is it going to snow!? We're waiting for it! I love that look with the hunters and gray tights! Have a great weekend!!

  7. Happy Friday, sweet friend! I'm so with you...I vote to wrap up January already, too! ;) Doing a happy dance for you that you're meeting your lovely friends from TBB in person soon! I can only imagine the fun and laughter that awaits and how much you'll enjoy every sweet little bit of it! Heading over to the birthday girl's blog next...what a pretty pic of her precious family! Hope your weekend is as lovely as you are, Andrea! xo - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com

  8. I'm the same way, eat less and move more! I've heard a lot of good things about Shakeology so I'm glad to hear that you like it, especially as a non-fad diet girl. Also, love the Hunters paired with the tights, it looks so cute! Have a great weekend, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  9. Always love your work outfits so much! It gives me inspiration for work-wear! Once I'm done with Whole 30 I'll definitely check out Shakeology! I want to maintain the healthy diet but not so extreme as Whole 30 after I'm done!! Happy Friday Andrea!!


  10. I am soooo with you on January needing to be over - I want it to snow or be spring! That is amazing that you're meeting all those bloggers - I bet it will be so much fun! So many great looks - loving all of your outfits - especially that white dress with the red shoes (sooo pretty!). Hope you have a great weekend :) xoxo

    Sarah Bell
    Trendy & Tidy

  11. Yay for blogger fun in Toronto- that's awesome! I love the lush top and poncho you rocked this week :) I've tried the beach body shakes and they are pretty good! Hope you have a great weekend beautiful :)

  12. Happy Friday! I think January is one of my least favorite months we are almost through it though and that much closer to spring. I am a little jealous of your blogger trip! You ladies are going to have so much fun!! I need to just give in and buy a pair of Hunter boots. I love how they look on everyone else! Have a great weekend! Beautifully Candid

  13. GIRLLLL - I gained 9 lbs myself over the holidays. That's crazy to me how easy it is to get back on.
    I think dreary weather NEEDS red boots!!!

  14. Watch out Toronto! Lovin all your work outfits and those Hunters and tights look amazeballs on you. I think we're all in the same boat with the healthy eating after the holidays, it's crazy how quickly we can pack on the pounds, ugh! Cheers to the weekend!

  15. Oh how exciting, what a fun blogger meet up you have planned!!! Loving all your outfits! Don't talk to me about weight gain right now, woof. Hope you have a great weekend!!!

  16. I'm totally eyeing some Hunter boots...I need to try some on. I fear they may not fit my big calves. LOL!
    So jealous you are going to a blogger meet-up -- I'm sure you will have a blast!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  17. Yay for the meet up, I'm so excited! 3 days of blogging buddies and people understanding why you're stopping to take a selfie and random times, heck ya! I'm beeing thinking about doing that 3 day refresh, do you use one of those shakes to replace a meal and then eat regular food? How does it work? Have a fantastic weekend!

  18. The May get away is quickly becoming my most looked forward outing of 2017! Counting down the days....

  19. You ladies are going to have SUCH an amazing time! I need to put it on my goals list for next year to meet some of you. That would be the best thing ever!

  20. My brother-in-law loves Shakeology! He's big into fitness and strength training and likes that their shakes are good for keeping him full. :)

    You ladies are going to have such a great time! How exciting!!

  21. How cute! Happy bday to your friend and Hunter boots x tights are to die! LOVE LOVE!!
    Happy Weekend, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  22. Yay for a trip to Toronto with blogger friends! That sounds like it will be a blast! Enjoy your weekend and that one cookie! It sounds like it will be a cozy one!

  23. Love that Kohls sweater and I have got to get me a pair of Hunter boots!! Happy Weekend!

  24. How exciting that you get to go on a little blogger meet up trip! I bet you'll have so much fun...especially in Toronto!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  25. I'm sooo ready for Spring!! (Although I do love that it's not freezing!!) You always look so perfectly put together! Happy Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  26. You have such a fun style! What a fun idea to meet up with blogger besties- have a blast!

  27. We have had clouds and snow since the beginning of December and today the sun was OUT!!! Everyone was so happy! I hope you have the best weekend, and binge watching is on my to-do list this weekend as well. Also, can I just say that I LOVE your outfits!

  28. So exciting you have travel plans to meet up with so many bloggers at once! I'm sure you'll have a blast meeting each other in person and sharing your passion for fashion plus drinks and fun! Have a lovely weekend and hope the weather starts to behave over there so you can enjoy the beauty of snow or sun! xoxo

  29. I'm with you, bring on spring! Too much mud and gray going on for my liking these days. Oh well, at least it's the weekend! Have a great one!

  30. That's so exciting that you're all going to Toronto! You're going to have such an awesome time!

    I agree that January needs to get it together weather wise. Although, I'd prefer it chose the warm side & not the cold.

    Hope you're enjoying your cookie & your weekend!

  31. How wonderful and exciting to get to meet up. Hope you all have a super time. Loving your looks too x Jacqui

  32. Oh, I am SOOOO jealous about your blogger get-away!! But I'm sure you will tell us all about it when you get back! Thank you so much for the birthday shout out, Girl! I love when we think alike and dress up together! We rock!

  33. I still can't believe we're all going to be together in Toronto! I've been afraid to weigh myself - but I'm sure I gained at least 10 pounds over the holidays. I'm doing the 3 day refresh next week - can't wait!

  34. I'm so ready for January to be over, but I'm loving the Hunter boots with tights!

  35. Ugh January can go! I'm so tired of the rain and the clouds we're getting over here. It's so cool you are meet your TBB friends!! You are going to have the best time! :)

    pumps and push-ups

  36. I know you girls will have the BEST time on your trip!!! How fun is that to have such a big get-together!!!


  37. Hunter boots were on Hautelook and I almost bought them. Now I'm kicking myself, hehe.

  38. WOW you get to meet almost the ladies of TBB, this Spring?! How fun!

    I love the first two neutral outfits and I absolutely adore the outfit with the Hunters. ;-)

  39. Thanks for sharing this article. Loved the way the blog is written.
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