

How in the world did 2017 get here so fast? Happy New Year Sweet Gems....it is going to be a  great one. In reflecting over 2016, I was surprised that this Post garnered the most traffic and most comments (110 to be exact) of any other, I think it is because the bloggers who read each other's blogs and run their creative juices 24/7 just get it and like any other job...this is how we feel sometimes....
I've added another one too as they longer one blogs, the more ideas that pop into place...

5 Things Bloggers Feel but may be Afraid to Say...yep, I think many of us can relate to a few of these, if not all. Do you ever feel like your Blog friends get you more than your everyday friends? Like, dare it to say, but you might even like some of them more? There are things you may feel about being a blogger that others may not understand, but I am here to tell you that no matter how much you love your blog and the blogs of others, sometimes we feel these things...just like you would at a 9-5 job, parenting or plain adulting. Whether your blog is your job, your hobby or your online journal, I bet you can understand........

Commenting....can I get an Assistant??
Oh friends, you know how much I love to comment and I love you all and your awesome content but sometimes I simply cannot comment on all my loves. I have a list of my top 200 favorite blogs but it simply isn't possible to comment on every.single.one all the time. And there are a couple hundred more I read regularly. Just know I love ya all and browse your posts at least a few times a week. Now, if had that assistant, whoa, I'd make sure comments galore or better yet quit my day job...not doable.... #twokidsincollegethisyear

We Compare Ourselves To Other Bloggers even when we don't mean to...
I really don't mean too but man I want her house or I need to do better with my pictures...hers are amazing!! People don't want perfection, they want honest reality. COMPARISON:
DONT.DO.IT!! It can lower your confidence, spur unnecessary jealousy and limit your creative potential!!

Unorganized CLUTTERED, hard to navigate BLOGS
Gazillion Pop ups be gone, content so askew that I can't even find the latest blog post, captchas or signing in, difficult to comment boxes. Is it just me or does this drive you nuts too? Just about all the blogs I read are basically clean, easy to navigate because when I come across one that isn't I usually give up.

Bloggers that don't acknowledge you...EVER
This one irks me to no end. Unfortunately, I am probably guilty of it from time to time too but definitely NOT intentionally like I think some are. As I mentioned I'm a huge commenter and I know it can be overwhelming and really I don't mind if you never comment on mine or think my material is crap but there have been a couple, a few actually, especially the "I've grown huge" bloggers who never reach out to you in anyway...so I give up. There was one blogger who I admired and adored and I commented every.single.week but never ever heard a word so I gave up...you lost a reader. Even when curiosity got me and I viewed once again, I was disappointed with how commercialized and sponsored she had become so bye again. One little comment, email or google+ click even, just once, could make someone's day!!

Yep, you so know what I'm talking about.....we're not complaining, we LOVE to blog and we LOVE the community or we wouldn't do this, but blogging can be like a heavy cloud sometimes, especially when we have day jobs, families, fur babies, commitments, bodies to exercise, etc.....This is where priorities come in and good organization skills. But if you need a break, you need a break and as a fellow blogger, I would Not be upset in the least of I head over and see you're on a siesta....enjoy that time sista, we'll all be here when you return!!

Trolls and Scammers
Plain and simple, we will delete you!! No one has time for vicious trolls, solicitations, or scams. This blog is our fun zone. Leave us be!

Ultimately, Living On Cloud Nine is an extension of my life, a virtual diary but it does not consume me or entirely encompass who I am. The fact that you beauties take your precious time to stop by this space amazes me and makes my heart smile!!

My 2 Favorite Posts of the Year

Read My Lighthearted Take on Forgiveness HERE

Never give up and know we in this TOGETHER!
PS...If you read this the first time around last May and commented, do not feel obligated to comment again as I know you have 6 zillion others to comment on....Go Get your Blog on Girlie!! I'm actually blogging every day tis week...2017 refreshed and renewed!



  1. I love this post the first time around because it totally made me feel understood. We get each other! Happy 2017 babe!!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  2. Love this recap and your thoughts. One thing I want to do in the new year is getting back to reading so many blogs. It's what made me want to blog in the first place and sometimes I feel like I run out of time. I want to organize even more so I have the ability to read other's posts. Loved your post about happy women and everything in between. Following you and getting to know you better has been so amazing. Hope you have the best start to the new year! Xo!

  3. I loved all three of those posts this year, especially the one about bloggers and forgiveness. I definitely feel you on having an assistant to comment lol there's so many amazing blogs out there that I love to read but one does not simply have enough hours in the day to comment on each and every one. I think people completely understand that though. Bloggers are cool like that! ;) Hope you and your family have an amazing 2017!

  4. I enjoyed ALL your posts this year friend. Those you picked out are some fabulous pieces. Here's to another great year of reading and smiling! You are my blog sunshine friend! xoxoxox

  5. Anonymous2.1.17

    Happy New Year Andrea ! I love stopping by your blog each morning and reading your wonderful blog posts. You write with substance and I love that. You my friend are one of my favorite bloggers. Hugs !

  6. LOVE this post and definitely agree with every single one! The comparison game is a tough one to avoid in such a saturated blogging world but it's so important to remain true to self!! Happy 2017 Andrea!!


  7. I'm glad you re-shared that post! I always make an effort to reply back to the bloggers who take the time to comment on my blog because like you, it drives me crazy if I take the time to comment on someone's blog and they never respond back! I hope you have a wonderful 2017!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  8. I can see why this was the most popular post of the year. I enjoyed it as much the second time around. I hope 2017 is a great year for you all!

  9. Yes, yes, yes! I agree with it all. Even though I am new to blogging I feel exactly what you describe. Genius! Thank you so much for saying all of this and now I don't feel crazy. Happy New Year gorgeous!

  10. You are doing a great job with your blog and I always enjoy my visits. Love the mix of posts. You are also so sweet to return comments to me but don't feel that you have to all the time. I get it!

  11. Awesomeness times two! Love you for speaking the truth in love and gentleness! Happy Near Year, Love!

  12. I so relate to this post! Comparison is the absolute worst. And I hate blogs with a million pop-ups. Sometimes those captchas totally stump me too!

    By Lauren M

  13. Happy New Year Andrea. Agree on all accounts. I found it quite interesting to look back on my top 10 posts this year. One resonated and struck a chord with quite a few, regarding being true to yourself and taking time for what truly matters...sometimes putting the blog aside. The other thing was, that despite the fact that most of my posts only receive a handful of comments, the number of views is quite different. It used to bother me, and I wondered if it was worth me still posting, but then realized like you and many others, some just have time enough to read (maybe on a lunch break) and simply just don't have the time to comment. In the end, I am doing this for me and my joy...no one else's.

  14. That's a fabulous post!!! I can see why it was your most popular one! I loved it the first time, and I loved it the second time!

    Wishing you health & much happiness in 2017 dear Andrea!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  15. Can I get an amen?! Especially the two about not being acknowledged EVER & it being overwhelming sometimes. Happy 2017!!

  16. YESSSS to all of this! I stopped following a few girls this year after they completely ignored me for months... yep months! not worth the time, I'd much rather send love over to bloggers who appreciate their followers. Love the friendships I've made through here, and can't be thankful enough for lovely people like you here. Happy New Year sweet friend <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. I must not have read this post this year, and I'm so glad you re-featured it because I was nodding along with all your points. Can't wait to meet you in 2017!

  18. Loved reading this when you posted it then, and especially again now! It's SUCH a great reminder that we're all on this little space together - so let's have fun with it! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with your beautiful family, and I can't wait to follow along on all of journey's in the coming year! Love you! Happy 2017! XO



  19. Haha! Love this... I hate when I try to comment on a blog and it deletes my comment twice! It is just not worth my time! And, sometimes on the bigger blogs if I do get a reply back to my comment, I wonder if it was a VA that wrote it! But, I guess at least they are making an effort. Happy New Year! :)


  20. I loved the post when it first came out! I totally agree with you: Comparing kills everything! SO glad we connected in 2016! You are a true gem I call a friend!

    Happy New Year, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  21. YES! I loved this post then and still love it NOW! I still tend to compare myself...ALL the time. Especially when it comes to bloggers who are newer than me and have surpassed my following, etc.
    Hugs my friend, hope you had a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  22. I know what you mean! yes, comments are where assistants could be helpful! I try to comment on almost everyone on linkup day and find it can be overwhelming as much as I want to! Not to mention I end up reinjuring my arm from typing so much. I truly can relate to each thing you have mentioned! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you the best in the New Year!
    jess xx

  23. Loved this post the first time around and loved it again today!! So true, everything you wrote! I always enjoy your sweet, uplifting and stylish posts. Happy New Year!

  24. Great post and it really makes you think about the reader and the writer sides. I try my best to email back people who comment but sometimes there is not email link and sometimes it goes to Google plus. Since I am not part of Google Plus, I can't reach them. Then there are times when so much time has passed since they left the comment that I feel silly writing back. It's like - "I know it's Christmas, but I loved your comment about my 4th of July decor!"...well maybe I am not that bad! Lol... but I think we are all guilty of some of those on your list from time to time. I guess that's what New Year's resolutions are for! Best wishes for a Happy 2017!

  25. I totally agree! Except I don't really comment on blogs I read. I do read them everyday, which includes yours, but I rarely comment because I have limited time. I do love and read your blog, I guess I'm a silent reader :)


  26. These are all SO true Andrea!!!! Hope you and your family had a great New Year's and your 2017 is off to a great start:) :) :)


  27. Great post. First time visitor and commenter! I agree with your takes on blogging.

  28. I missed this post the first time around. Blogging is so fun and so stressful sometimes but I wouldn't change it for the world. Since I only do this as an outlet, I don't compare, I praise others, like you you sweet thing! Happy new Year!

  29. What a thoughtful post. Lots to agree with. Thanks for reposting it so those of us who didn't see it the first time can benefit from your wisdom.

  30. Oh Andrea, you hit the nail on the head with this post. (1) Comparing yourself to others is a NO NO and I've seen some bloggers fail because of it. You need to love yourself and create your own voice. (2) Ugh I've experienced the bloggers that never respond despite you making the effort to really reach out. I know you do your best to post genuine comments (which is time consuming) and then radio silence. These are definitely some of the disappointments that come with blogging which overall can be a wonderful thing!

  31. Thanks for sharing! I can relate to all of these!

  32. This recap make me understand what is going on behind blogs! You are amazing!

  33. I didn t ,,know,, you yet back then, but I enjoyed it now!

  34. Loved it then; love it now! :)

  35. Very encouraging -- and so true! Thanks!

  36. Love, Love this post! So true! Thank you for sharing!!

  37. This is so spot on! I relate to every one of these... Love reading your blog and how real your content is! Have a great week!

    Brittany :)

  38. What a great post and so spot on. I loved reading this!

  39. Love reading your posts and I'm guilty of not always commenting. When I do tho, you are always quick to respond. I look at commenting on a blog post as the beginning of a brief conversation. Some bloggers never say a word...hmmm, wonder why that is? As a non-blogger, I found this post very interesting. Going to revisit the 9 Things post as soon as I hit "publish". Happy New Year! xoxo

  40. Love the 5 Things post because it's SO SO true!

    I need to remember the Jon Morrow quote when I feel bad about missing a few days of not posting. Quality over quantity, right?

    Off to read your 9 Things Every Happy Woman Should Have post...Happy New Year, doll face. #Turnituptuesday

  41. Wow! You read so many blogs! Kudos to you for spreading the blogging love. I know that it really means a lot to get a comment, so thanks for taking the time to reach out to so many bloggers!
    I think I've gotten better at managing my blogging time, but it can still be overwhelming. I would love a personal assistant, too!

  42. YES! I can relate to all of these. Especially the overwhelmed one. Ugh...so much more to it than I thought!

  43. I LOVE THIS POST!!!! I can relate to all of these! And yes, blogging can definitely get overwhelming from time to time. I've enjoyed my blogging break this last week or so, but now I'm ready to get right back into it! I just love it so much!

  44. I remember this post! You brilliantly said what all bloggers have felt/thought, so I'm not surprised it was so popular!!

  45. Oh my goodness, sometimes blogging really can feel overwhelming, but like you said it's a fun hobby that we should try hardest to enjoy and not get too stressed about!

  46. Love all the reasons! Especially the commenting one. Somedays I'm telling my husband or kid...just one minute, just need to make ONEEEEEe more comment. Sigh.

    And the Captcha thing. God, some days, I question my own intelligence. I've left commenting on some because it's like too much.

    Hope you are well =) Happy 2017! #TurnitupTuesday

  47. Yes, I totally agree with all of these! Captcha drives me nuts!

  48. Andrea this is great. Comparison truly is a robber!!!!

  49. I don't know if I commented the first time, but I loved this post again. CAn I get an AMEN??

  50. Yes and yes! I don't remember this post from earlier, because I also follow some 200 blogs also and miss things here and there. Yes I need An assistant that can just write a comment after I read every single blog post to let the blogger know that I liked it! Anyway. Happy new year!

  51. Andrea... great post. I agree on all your points especially the cluttered blogs. Enjoy your week.

  52. My goodness! This so sums up alot of blogging! My blog is just taking flight so I don't have much traffic and luckily no trolls but my twitter page I get some creapy people - trolls!!! LOL

  53. Oh yes indeed, comparison really is the thief of joy! We all know it but somehow we all still compare. In 2017 I vow to just be happy for others....at least I'm going to try.

  54. Happy New Year, Andrea! Nice post with some things I needed to hear! I fall into the comparison trap and it does steal your joy if you let it! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Janet

  55. So well said!! I love too many blogs and follow lots and lots of them!! I try to contain them all in bloglovin. I usually don't revisit too many blogs that don't interact with you. I try to always reply to all comments left on my blog. I will leave a blog with the quickness if there are a bunch of pop ups in my way.

  56. I remember when you wrote that post and they still all ring true! Especailly the acknowledge one...like seriously!

  57. I'm still quite new to blogging but I can relate to nearly all of these already!
    In particular blogs with pop-ups. I don't even bother reading them, they mess up my phone and just irritate me. I mean, I haven't even read your post yet, how do I know whether I want to subscribe or not?
    Oops! Sorry, that turned into a rant. Fab post #brillblogposts

  58. so many truths here! Esp. the part about hard to navigate blogs and people who never acknowledge you - that's so annoying! great post :)

  59. Everything you said is SO true! And i completely agree that even if you can't always interact, it is so important to do so when you can! If someone is taking the time to comment I want to let them know I appreciate it. :)

  60. This is great --and absolutely SO TRUE!! The comparison-- that's where I start on my own downward spiral to quitting.. thanks for the encouragement though!!

  61. You are beautiful inside and out, you write brilliantly, always from the heart and I love your blog. Loved this post, I am baffled by how unkind people can be online, so important to remember the good though. Keep shining lady, we appreciate you xx

  62. Great post! All of them 100% true. Thanks for sharing. It's always nice to be reminded we're all doing our best and we all have similar goals. Cheers!

  63. Amen to all the above! Especially feeling overwhelmed... that happens to me with all aspects of life, not just blogging!lol #brilliantblogposts

  64. Yes- thank you!! Oh the pop-ups!! HATE!!!
    Friday Frivolity

  65. I totally agree with all of these and have experienced all of these as well. I'm glad that you were brave enough to share them. I like the forgiveness at the end of your post.

  66. Great post. Really touches on some frustrations.

  67. These are all so true and relatable. I think my biggest pet peeve is a Blogger who never reaches out to their followers... they are the reason for our success so even a short thank you or like is better than nothing at all. Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful post with us at Turn It Up Tuesday...

  68. So true! Excellent list, Andrea. And I like the name you've come up with: the "I've grown huge" bloggers.

  69. I agree with all the baove, the worst offender is the popups and the fact that many times you cant find a way to comment. I love a clean blog, easy to navigate. Thank you for visiting and linking your post this week on Oh My Heartsie GIrl!
    Hope you have a great week and hope to see you again.

  70. So true Andrea. Blogging is one hell of a ride and so much harder than I ever thought. Wishing you an inspiration filled 2017 and I can't wait to read more of your stuff.

  71. Anyone who thinks blogging isn't a lot of work is not a blogger right? Holy heck I had no idea. Working this year to organize the blogs I know I want to read daily so it's easier to navigate. Commenting takes so much time but I definitely think it's so important and connecting with others is really my goal. Happy 2017..can't wait to see what you write about this year!

  72. Isn't it fun to connect with other bloggers? We used to be a rare breed--not so much any more. But for sure the ones who reach out and connect with others are the happiest. Bless you for shining your light!

    Hope your 2017 is wonderful!


Thank you for taking the time to Browse my Blog. Your comments mean the world to me and I treasure each and every one!! If you are a non-reply blogger I won’t be able to respond via email. Kindness and Love, xo