

Can you really truly believe Thanksgiving is next week? Wowzer, but I am ready for some of mom's turkey and delicious fixings! Today (and last evening) I am conducting a big in-house moving sale. I staged it like a boutique and even have food and mulled cider. Wish you could all come. Eek it's getting close, in less than a month, we should be moving!! Wishing you a bountiful weekend as the Holiday prep begins. May it be joyous, relaxing and lots of fun!!

1. Family
Isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about! Monday, I shared with you the trip Mom and I took for her birthday. I'm super excited to report that one college boy comes home today and the other on Sunday. Going to try to get a family photo for cards while they're home and indulge in lots of food and laughter! Here is what our 3 sons have been up to:

This guy, who comes home today, participated the Indiana University Dance-a-Thon for Riley Children's Hospital. He danced all night Saturday and raised more than $500. 

This guy, who comes home Suday, is not studying to be a Priest, but he dressed up as one at a Purdue Party. 

The youngest finally got to play the last two football games of the season, here he is with his buddies on the night of a BIG 'W" and 19 degree wind chill. #coldestgameever 

Mr. Nine got these for me last Christmas and I was so excited to find them while digging through Holiday stuff. SOOOO Cozy and one of my favorite gifts. Get em' for the snuggly ladies in your life!
Don't my feet look cozy!!

From Amazon HERE and from Zappos HERE

AND They are packaged so cute too!

3. Week's Attire
The Loft top and pants

Nordstrom Chelsea28 top, 

Boutique Cardigan, The Loft Scarf and necklace, Macy's pants

4. Flannel
I don't like too heavy of a flannel but this lightweight one with the rust and navy colors was perfect to tie in front and shoe off my zippered jeans from Kohl's. 

More inspo

5. Misc. Fun
Lots of fun stuff and great gift ideas.

I got the satin gold table from Target to go by by couch in my office at the new house. Under $75 and soooo nice.


I love to give food as gifts, and Harry and David are some of the best, in taste, quality and presentation. The classic pears, apples and cheese is so pretty.

I got a bunch of these from Target, the new Project 62 stuff. I got 2 for my office and 3 for the living room. They make a great cozy, accent pillow. At Christmas  I'll have them with red and grey and after with slate blue and grey. I got the sating gold table from Target to go by by couch in my office at teh new house. Under $75 and soooo nice

Have a cozy and sweet weekend my loves!

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday


  1. Ah those slippers scream Christmas!! And I've been looking for a side table like that one, how did I miss it at target?! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend Andrea!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  2. Best of luck with the sale today and tomorrow - I hope it's a success! Those food gifts are such a great idea especially for corporate gifts that I have to take care of!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Have the best moving sale my friend, I'm sure you'll do well especially since your serving food and drinks, how sweet!!!! I can't believe in less than a month it's move in time for you, how exciting! I cannot wait to see it. Love the updates on those handsome boys of yours. Here we are in the final countdown till they're all home for break. Nolan is catching a ride home sometime this weekend and I am thrilled.
    Hugs to you my beautiful friend!

  4. Thankful for you! Look at the boys! I can tell who the party animal is LOL!!!! Kindred spirits but now I'm too old for those silly shenanigans that made me the party girl in college. I hope that sale is so rewarding - and I know it will be! I need to sell the contents of my house to pay some bills LOL! Darn this time of year! Food as gifts always and Harry & David is always a winner - one year I used them for client gifts. XO sweetest!

  5. Hooray for having the boys home for the week! And how fun that you are setting the house up like a boutique for the sale. I am sure you'll have a blast and so will everyone who stops in. Have a wonderful weekend, I can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. What sweet kiddos and the pic of your son in the priest costume made me LOL!! I know you must be so excited to see them!! I hope your sale is going great, I can't believe you're less than a month away to move! Will you host Christmas in your new house?

  7. Anonymous17.11.17

    Happy Friday ! Yay for your youngest to finally get to play football again ! I've been wondering how he was doing. I love love those slipper socks, they look super festive and warm. And.... I alway enjoy you posting your week's attire ! You always look top notch :) Have a fabulous weekend.

  8. Those slipper socks look so cozy. So glad your son got to play the last couple games of the season - and I know the coldest game ever night - it was a miserable cold night.

    Daily Style Finds

  9. Love so many of these things!! That pillow and table are perfect! Happy Friday!

  10. Those slipper socks are so cute!

  11. I love that side table, those furry pillows, and those cozy socks! Yay to your boys coming home this week for Thanksgiving!! I hope that your sale goes well too. I would come by if I lived closer. :-) Have a fabulous weekend!!!

  12. Those slippers look UH-mazing! SO happy your boy got to play some football. I bet he was SO pumped to suit up and get back out on the field again. It's awesome that he didn't have to miss a whole season!

  13. Ooooh I need those slipper socks, so cozy! I can't believe Thanksgiving is already next week, but I can't wait :-D
    Green Fashionista

  14. Sweet friend, I have missed you and your cheery blog so so much while I've been away from the blogging world!! I couldn't help but smile reading this post! Happy belated birthday to your mom! Enjoy welcoming your boys home SOON!! Wishing you and yours the loveliest Thanksgiving! *Hugs!*

  15. So exciting that your boys are coming home soon! And great that you will be able to get a picture for cards while they are home. I can't believe you move in less than a month! Good luck at the moving sale and have a great weekend, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  16. So putting those slipper socks on my Christmas list! I know you are thrilled to have your boys all home for a bit. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. Goodness, I'm finding myself getting excited about thanksgiving, turkey with all the trimmings and the family coming home ... and I don't even live in the States! And I'm getting super excited about the new house and think it so magical that move-in will be just before Christmas. Yes, your excitement is travelling across the pond at breakneck speed, I feel I'm part of The Nines family!
    Hugs for a cosy family weekend, x.

  18. Hope your moving sale is a success! Sounds like a party to me! I can't wait to see your new home. I know it's going to be magazine material. As you said, the best part of Thanksgiving is being with family so I'm happy to hear all your boys are coming home. The slipper socks look so comfy and cute for the holidays!

  19. Great favorites, Andrea. After I finish here, I'm going over to Amazon and order those cute slippers for my girls. Love the pearls in the Loft shot.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Kudos to your son!

  20. Aw your boys are so handsome and doing great things, enjoy your time with them! I wish I could have come to your sale, sounds so fun and cozy!

  21. Those socks are so cute! Yay for you sons coming home soon so you can all be together again!! Have a great weekend!

  22. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with those slipper socks! I can't help it...I just bought some! Eek! Also, I'm so excited you'll get to spend the holiday with family! We can't get home this year, but we're spending it with our Army family, and that's almost as good. Happy Friday, sweet friend!

  23. Yay for your boys being home and time together. Love your outfits. I also love food as gifts, but you probably knew that since I just love FOOD. ;)

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  24. How fabulous, I love hearing about you, your family and thanksgiving. I hope you have lots of fun Andrea. x Jacqui

  25. I bet you are so ready for those boys of yours to be home with you!! I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your time together.
    I hope the sale went well!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  26. Eek!! I'm SOOO excited for your upcoming MOVING DAY!! Wish I could come help! Love you!

  27. Well all of our college kiddos coming home is a favorite for sure. We need to try and get a good Christmas card picture too. I'm so happy your #9 got to play even if it was fah-reezing. BRRR. Your feet do look super cozy. I don't miss the cold weather except for when it comes to super cozy clothes and such. I surely wish I could come to your sale. I know it's probably the cutest sale of all time. You've found some awesome things at Target for the house. I'm seriously about to die to see the new place so I can only imagine how excited you must be. Isn't Harry and David the best for sending gifts? We always send a big basket of goodies to Kent's parents from there. OK beautiful friend, that does it for me. Happy Weekend!!! Enjoy all those sweet boys being home❤️

  28. Aw, so many great things happening for your family!! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving next week. I won't be doing too much, but I'm ready for some time off, etc. :)


  29. I can't believe you're only a month or so away from moving in; how exciting!

  30. Your boys are so cute! 19 degrees for a football game...crazy! I guess the winter weather is here for you! I love those pillows from Target! I'm looking forward to some redecorating when we move back in. Have a wonderful weekend!

  31. Those slipper socks look so cozy!

  32. You are going to have the best time with your boys at home. Enjoy it sweetie!

  33. Your posts are fantastic-a nice mix of everything from fashion to home, to family. You pull it off, girl!

    Love your outfits and ideas for Thanksgiving. All the best on your move!!

    Jane x

  34. Ummm your moving sale sounds amazing AND you are having cider? Get out! You are too cute. I legit was just looking at that gold table at Target last week. Or maybe it was the week before? All my weekends are running together haha. Look at all your sweet boys <3 So glad you will all be under one roof for Thanksgiving! Hope you have the best weekend!

  35. So happy to see pictures of your boys and that they will be home for Thanksgiving. Your moving sale could only be amazing as you are the one in charge...ha! Hope it is successful. A month is not far away...looking forward to touring your new home. xoxo

  36. How on earth do you do all that you do? I mean, having a sale this weekend and preparing to move, working, blogging and doing life. That's a lot! Are you moving before Cmas? We hired a gal to have an estate sale after we moved 2 years ago. We left it all in the old house and she had it there and it was a huge success. I think I still kept too much stuff. :o)) Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving week!

  37. Those slippers look so cozy! Love!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  38. I'm loving plaid shirts right now, and yours is super cute! I also love those warm socks!

  39. Those slipper socks are SO CUTE!!!!

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