

Hello sweet peeps! I love this day! It may have gone from a record of 59 yesterday to a high of 19 degrees today and freezing sleet turning to snow but I'm happy. I'm doing a little decor shopping today, some organizing and enjoying a precious day!! I've mentioned to some how I want not one, but 2 bar carts. My first one came from World Market but was nicked! The store is an hour away but I called and they have 3 in stock so Mr. Nine and I are headed up there tomorrow to get it. 
Cannot wait to show it to you!
1.Birthday Celebration Night Out
We do this the last Friday night of break every year but decided to celebrate all 3 since we never took the other two out for their birthdays. 
A very fun night! 

This precious boy of ours has a birthday today!! Lucky to have another Friday night of fun, this time at college. Hate that we cannot be with them on their birthdays but sending so much LOVE!

2 . Even More Family Fun
I showed you this fun red dress on Wednesday but thought you might enjoy a couple other pics. Just look at Daisy looking up at us!

Mom found the cutest pineapple paper for my gifts. 

My favorite pic of boys while all home. Sure missing the two college boys on the right already! Here's to a GREAT 2nd semester and last semester of 11th grade for the baby on the left!

This is how you do Prosecco..double fisted, lol!

3. Work Attire
Kohl's sweater, Macy's necklace, Michael Kors flats

TJ Maxx top, scarf from Italy, DSW shoes

Target Cardi, Scarf, gift from Tami

4. Pardon My French
I got this cute tee and cardigan way back at the anniversary sale this summer but just now styled them and whoa, what I was missing. Comfy and fun! I know you may not think I am a curser but YES, the words do escape my mouth form time to time....occasionally, lol.

Similar Tee HERE // Cardigan HERE
Converse HERE

More Inspo

Aren’t these the coolest little planters my sister-in law got me for Christmas. Going to put them in my office. You can get very cute fake succulents and greenery at Hobby Lobby! 


Spread the Love
Still time to sign up for the gift exchange HERE

I served up these pretties at the Holidays because they are too time consuming to make. How cool to get all these flavors in a multi pack at Sams! BUT, it was just announced our Sam's Club is closing..Bummer!

CUTE Book on Macarons!

I hope your weekend is precious and light like a Macaron!!

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday



  1. You had some great pressies. You must be proud of your lads. Flying the coop and getting on in the world now. Fun T btw. I've bought a slogan Tshirt which I can't wait to wear.
    Happy new year to you and your family


  2. All the pictures of your handsome boys are just precious, looks like a wonderful birthday celebration! Happy birthday to your oldest, I'm sure he is going to have a great time celebrating with friends. And that red dress is such a stunner on you my friend! That graphic tee is super cute too with that cozy cardi. Have the best weekend my beautiful friend and stay warm!

  3. Those little planters are adorable!! I’m obsessed and want them!! Haha!! Happy Friday!!

  4. Your boys are so handsome! Happy birthday to them! I can't wait to see the bar carts! Such cute planters!!
    Happy Friday!

  5. Happy Friday. Can't wait to see your bar carts.

  6. Anonymous12.1.18

    We love celebrating birthdays and our son has one this month too !! Love those planters and I hope you share a photo after you hang them in your new office, I'd love to see how pretty it looks ! Have a fabulous day Andrea.

  7. Looks like you had the best time celebrating your boys' birthdays! I'm with you on double fisting the prosecco too lol. Have the best weekend girl!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  8. Such sweetness with your family. My how your oldest resembles your hubby. Macaroons at Sam's...well, I never! How wonderful! Have a weekend that is as beautiful as you!

  9. Your sons are so handsome! When both of ours our home, I stare at them and marvel at what they've become.

    Are you having so much fun in your new house? I know you are!! We just got curtains hung in our dining room this past week. Only set that will be in the whole house but I love them.

    Have a great weekend. :)

  10. So I've never had a macaron! There is a place kind of near me that I've been meaning to try for months but still haven't gone to. My friend is coming into town tonight so maybe we'll go this weekend. What a fun birthday celebration for all of the boys! Double fisting is the way to go! Happy Friday!

  11. We made it to Friday! Hip hip hooray! My littlest sister is still home from school for a few days, but she'll be headed back soon. Just when you get used to seeing them again, they leave! I am sure you'll have fun on your bar cart exchange adventure and I can't wait to see it all styled! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Seriously it was like a heat wave here yesterday and now it's back to freezing!! All our snow is gone now too, boo!! Love the pics of the boys and I can't imagine not being with them on their birthdays! Ahh why do my kids have to grow up!? Love that cute tee!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. Good Lord Woman...you sure do surround yourself with beautiful people!! :) I love the pineapple paper. Everytime I see a pineapple anything I think of you and smile. And YES!!!...That is definitely how you Prosecco girl!! LOL

  14. Oh man. Sorry to hear that your Sam's Club is one of the ones that is closing. I just heard that on the news yesterday. Such a bummer! Glad you got to celebrate all three boys birthdays while they were home from school. Have a great weekend, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  15. I love your tee, your family is beautiful, I also love prosecco and I'm so glad I found your blog! If you have a Costco near by, they have the same macaroons!

  16. Macarons are so pretty! But are they made out of coconut? I don't like coconut! We had the same thing with the major temperature drop, which was why they expected freezing yesterday and we had a snow day!

  17. Your family simply couldn't be more beautiful! Love that you enjoyed such a sweet celebration together! I'm sure your mama heart is overflowing just thinking on all that cherished family time and the new memories created! Your dress is super cute and your mom's wrapping paper was pineapple perfection! Happy shopping - can't wait to see your bar carts! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  18. Love your pardon my french outfit. And those macarons.... YUM.

  19. I know I say this all the time but your boys are just the cutest!!! They look like they are so sweet and have the best parents ever! Loved the birthday dinner y'all had, too! Happy Friday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  20. That first picture is so cozy and LOVE all of your outfits :)! Cheers to macarons, yummy!

  21. Happy birthday to your boy! All such handsome men!
    I love that tee -- so cute! And those planters are darling, I almost included them into my post today. Haha!
    Gotta check out those macaroons, I hope our Sam's doesn't close down.

  22. I love how you love your boys.
    Your momma finding that wrapping for you... She's just the cutest,
    Have a safe weekend from the snow

  23. Love that t-shirt and how you styled it! Love the pictures of your family too. Daisy looking up at you and your husband is SO cute too!! :-) I hope that you have a glorious weekend! :-)

  24. Love your t-shirt! That pineapple wrapping paper is the cutest! And I want those macrons! I wish I could find a pack like that near me!

  25. How handsome are all of your boys?! You must be so happy when they are all home and so sad to see two go. :( I love your graphic tee and that pineapple paper it the cutest. Have a wonderful week Andrea!

    xx, ELise

  26. You have me craving a macaroon! You boys are so handsome, happy birthday to the birthday boy! I can't wait to see your bar carts! Enjoy the snow and snuggly weekend.

  27. I love the idea of celebrating everyone's birthdays. We do that in April and September when a few of us our in the same month. Your son and my mom share the same birthday today. What a great day! Have a great weekend and enjoy decor shopping! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  28. That pardon my French tee is the cutest! Have a great weekend, Andrea!

  29. I MUST get that tee shirt! LOVE! I also love you and hope your weekend is spectacular!

  30. Yay for birthday fun and family time! Love that red dress on you.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  31. Your boys are so handsome! Glad you got to celebrate all of their birthdays in one, I know you loved having them all home. I love the red dress on you too! Have fun grabbing your bar cart!

    pumps and push-ups

  32. I love World Market. I bought a bread box there a few weeks ago that I just love!

  33. First, I can't believe you have 3 boys and two are already in collage! You look so great and I just adore your style! Second, the cute planter is just what I am looking for, thank you so much for sharing!

    Please stop by at www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!

    Grace Liang


  34. Love your opening shot. Love all your pics, in fact. Love your casual outfit. Love all your outfits, in fact. Most of all, I Love YOU!

  35. Happy Birthday to your baby! Love that picture of the three of them, so sweet. That pineapple wrapping paper is super fun! Love the big bow on it too. I have three pairs of MK flats (sort of similar to your first picture) and love love love them! MK and Cole Haan are really the only flats I will wear. I hope you have a fabulous weekend, cant wait to see the bar cart!

  36. The weather has been crazy this week! That Pardon My French tee is so cute :)

  37. Such a fun birthday celebration with everyone!

  38. Happy birthday to your boys! It looked like such a fun celebration! Those macaroons look delicious and I am looking forward to seeing your bar cart. That's terrible that the one sent to you was nicked.

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com

  39. Your guys are all so handsome. I think there are about 3 Sam's clubs in our area that are closing. I heard a rumor that they are making the closed stores into warehouse distribution centers for walmart.com. Have a wonderful weekend!

  40. Your boys are SO handsome! I wish I had bought that tshirt during the sale - so adorable. Have a great weekend friend!

  41. Your boys are so good looking-I can see how two resemble you, and the birthday boy seems to take after dad, who is also easy on the eyes! I'm glad you had so much fun before the college boys left.

    I love macarons, too, and yes, I've looked at recipes and they are insane to make. I was never much of a fan of Sam's Club--more so Costco. Cool stuff. We do have a Sam's Club a few blocks away--I wonder what they will do with that huge building.

    I so love your outfits, makes me more eager to lose some weight to go shopping again!

    Chicago is frigid, and I'm at the lake in Michigan for a long stretch. 16 degrees here and sledding is on the agenda tomorrow!

    Stay warm, my friend!

    Jane x

  42. I feel your love for your boys coming right through your post - thanks for sharing your gifts too. Your outfits are lovely, but you always look fab Andrea. x Jacqui

  43. Your boys are all so handsome...I stared at that picture of your entryway for awhile...I am loving your siding and colour scheme!

  44. Your boys are so handsome. It's so crazy how different they all look though. I don't think I'd ever pick them out as brothers. Love your Pardon my French shirt and cardi. I've been known to let a "french" word or two slip from time to time too😉. Of course your mom found that darling pineapple paper for your gifts. She's so good. Ugh about the bar cart, but yay that they have some in stock and you can swap it...it's fun to go to World Mkt anyway. Kent just told me this week he read Sams closed a bunch of stores with no warning. YIKES. We don't have one near us, but I'd sure be a sad camper if they closed my Costco. Have the best weekend my beautiful blonde friend! XO

  45. Happy Birthday to your first born! Love to see them all together and I'm sure you are super happy when they are home. Love the tee shirt...I immediately had to check out what Amazon had. Still looking for an ooh-la-la shirt. Cute planters! The Urban Farmer keeps up on all that is going on in the world and he said that Sam's is closing a ton of stores. The Costco we use is a new one in Greenwood. Doesn't look like they will be closing any stores. Cute work outfits! A scarf is a wonderful thing... Stay warm...brrr...sick of this weather already. xoxo

  46. Could you be any prettier?!? I think not! I love your holiday dress! And what a fun birthday celebration with your whole family. Those boys are lucky to have you as their mama!

  47. LOVE your softer hairstyle!! And your darling boys!

  48. Those boys are so handsome!! I am also loving that t-shirt and think I might need to snag one. Hope your weekend was great (and you got that bar cart). Here's to a great week!

  49. Oh, those precious times with our kids! LOVE the French shirt and how you styled it. LauriePOP Ideas That POP


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