

Welcome to my Glam domain! It’s my girlie spot in the house complete with desk area, craft area, seating/living area, storage and a Glam bathroom which you may remember from This Post. So, a few weeks ago I shared the first part of this Glam space which was living area but for the first time in all of my blogger history, somehow, I lost that post and it was a goody! Yep, not to be recovered, but today I have the rest of this Glam space to share. After my closet, it tends to be the favorite room in the house. When the ladies walk in, there are ooohs and ahhhs and I think I do that too when I’m in this space. Heck, even Mr. Nine thinks it’s pretty cool. I wish you could visit as the photos don’t even do it justice. 
Item Details linked at bottom of this post.

Behind the flowers, there is another walk-in closet that I use for seasonal stuff, storing scrapbook items and shelving for all my gift purchases.

This desk area below is where much of the Blog magic happens. I'm at this desk area every morning at 5:30 blogging away. 

This 9 foot long craft island has drawers and cabinets on both sides. The cabinet vendor informed me after I picked out the countertops that they were discontinued so I had to select a new one from 3 online due to time constraints and at first hated this one I had selected but after I got it all decorated, I now love them and they are one of the first things people comment on. The 3 brushed gold Quatrefoil Pendant lights are a favorite of mine.

 You'll find me here wrapping all my Christmas Presents.

I am so in love with this gold and glass Bookshelf from Amazon. A favorite thing is the pink, gold and marble storage boxes from Hobby Lobby. And of course for Fall, I added some pumpkins. 

Some Room Items BUYING Details:
Gold & Glass Bookcase HERE // Quatrefoil Pendant Lights HERE // Quatrefoil Mirrored Tray HERE // Floor Lamp HERE // Barstools HERE // Sparkle Pillow HERE // Wall Plant Holders HERE // Hello Gorgeous Pink Mug HERE




  1. Andrea, I am going ooo and aaa over here admiring your glam space! It gorgeous with the pretty decor and just all around cozy. How do you get work done?! I would totally just stare at this room and not touch anything because everything is set up so perfectly! I hope you had a great weekend and happy Monday!

    Maureen |

  2. What a beautiful space. I love the pink and golds.

  3. Can I move in?! Just to this glam space LOL! It's so beautiful, feminine and inviting -just like you :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Oh my gosh, you are one blessed lady! I would love to have a space like that! Heck, who am I kidding, I'd love to have any space for my stuff! You have done a great job in the space and I can imagine it gets lots of ooohs and aaaaahs!!
    Love you friend!

  5. Girlfriend this room is magical! It's inspiring, beautiful and fun which are three things you represent!! I'm in awe of how you decorated it.
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  6. Oh my goodness Andrea !!! I’m speechless, I don’t know if I’d ever leave that room. The desk area is gorgeous and all the little details have me just swooning over here. That Beanie is great too - give me all the pink ! Have a fabulous day !

  7. What a gorgeous space! I would spend all of my time in that room! Love all of the pretty details!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  8. What a pretty, happy, CLEAN space!!

  9. I'm oohing and aahing throught the screen!! LOL! So beautiful. Just so beautiful. I plan to show Alise this post so that she can get some more ideas for her room reno. Wayne is almost finished with her vanity and her comforter and sheets came in last week, so she's getting really excited! I think I am to! Thanks for the beautiful inspo, Friend. I hope you get some time to enjoy your little fancy-shmancy place today!

  10. This space couldn't be more gorgeous - LOVE! Dream glam space indeed <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. So pretty! I can definitely imagine you working in this space!

  12. What a lovely space! So chic and beautiful!

  13. OK...sooooo not fair that you have an extra walk-in for all of your seasonal stuff! I would kill for a glam spot like yours! Decorating perfection, and if I didn't love you so darn much, I might actually hate you - just a little bit ;) Have a great week babe!!


  14. Your glam space is beyond amazing! If these pics don't do it justice then it must be paradise in real life! And so weird that blogger ate your last post!! I've had it make random duplicates of mine lately, which is odd. But an entire post disappearing is terrible! But I enjoyed revising the space anyway!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  15. What a fabulous space!! You must love working in there, I know I would! Big poms make me happy too!! You've done such an amazing job in there! xo

  16. Gosh what an amazing room, Andrea!!
    5:30?? What the heck are you doing up so early?? I'm a morning girl, but my definition of morning starts about 7...LOL!!

  17. Absolutely beautiful and perfect! I think we all need space in our homes like this! I have always been a morning person and wake up rain or shine at 5 AM. Have a great week!

  18. I want to go to there :) haha... what a beautiful space.
    I'm just more impressed that you're up blogging at 5:30am... you are my blogging hero!

  19. Andrea, this space is YOU! I'm impressed that you are up at 5:30 a.m., blogging for us. I may be up at 5:30 but it's an old lady bathroom break... Have a splendid day! xoxo

  20. Holy glamorous! I can't even imagine having a dedicated space like this. It's an office on steroids. How incredibly fun. In a house full of testosterone you deserve a space that's all pink and girly. I love it and love you! XOXO

  21. I absolutely love your girly space and that craft island is amazing! Now I want to carve out a girly space at my house.

  22. Andrea, this space is so incredible! I love the colors, how light and bright it is, and your taste is impeccable! If we ever have a dream home, we may need you to come design it!

  23. I love it! It's such a cute space!

  24. What a beautiful "she space." With all those men around you definitely deserve this girly place. What a wonderful space in your home.

  25. So stinkin' jealous of this space! I would just kill to have my own dedicated space. And if we lived closer I can see us getting a ton of scrapbooking done together!

  26. I would never get any work done because I would just be staring at all the pretty around me! How beautiful and what a fun area to work in! I LOVE it! I would be oohing and aahing all day long! Thank you so much for sharing this space with us!

  27. Truly a pretty place. Good for you to make that area for you.

  28. Oh this is funny and annoying simultaneously - I've just written you a lonnnng comment and it's been swallowed up, probably along with your missing post!
    Summary of MIA comment, so clever to foresee need for a BIG pink piece of serenity with storage at planning stage; your craft table is as wide as my guest bedroom; and if I visited I would ask to sleep on the pretty sofa because I would NEVER leave your fluffy pink Cloud Nine!
    Big hugs, x.

  29. WOW! I love your big craft island, and your desk area is so cozy and inviting. I'd be sitting there way too many hours each day! Your pom pom hat - so cute!

  30. You smart girl! I definitely should have done a room like that instead of having three extra bedrooms. Smart and gorgeous!

  31. Having had to give up my crafting space this past year I am sooo jealous of that beautiful long cabinet space!! It all looks so lovely... and girly!!

  32. Oh how I wish I could have a room like this, it is so perfect! I love all the pink and gold touches and it is just laid out so perfectly!

  33. What a pretty space! I need a room like this in my life!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  34. I love that you have a girly space! That is a dream of mine! This room is so cute and love every bit of it!

  35. Andrea, that space is a DREAM!!! I love it. I would love waking up act morning knowing I could sit in there, sipping on my hot coffee and blogging!!!

  36. This is the most beautiful space I’ve ever seen. Wow I’m just amazed at your decorating talents and the perfect amount of glam and sparkle. It’s seriously so gorgeous and dreamy. Wonderful job girlfriend💕😍

  37. This room is absolutely beautiful...just like you! I would love to have a space just like yours. You are blessed!

  38. I am ooh'ing and ahh'ing over this space! I would love to have something like this!! Is this an extra bedroom in your home that you turned into your 'glam space' or is it just an extra nook and cranny in your home? In any case, I just LOOOOOVE it! I really like the blogging desk area with the LONG desk top and that crafting area with all the storage in it. I would love to do something like this eventually. The decor is so perfect and you in this space, too!


  39. I envy your glam space! My house is drab with lots of paneling. Husband doesnt want to do anything to it as we do not plan to stay much longer. My next house will have some glam!
    Love the pom pom hat. I have a gray one but your pink is so darn cute and then there is that mug!!

  40. What an AMAZING space!! Love it!

  41. So pretty! I love my craft room - now I need to do some actual crafting in there!

  42. It's so cool to see where you do your blogging and now I can imagine you sitting there surrounding by glam - fabulous! xx Maria

  43. It looks so you! Very glamourous!

  44. How wonderful to have your own little space in your home! I love the blush tones of the countertops and think they look perfect in that space! You did a great job decorating!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  45. I LOVE This so much!! It's all so perfect. Your desk area is amazing and so is all of the decor. I was just saying to Eric that I need some sort of space in the house to have a girlie spot. I'm a little disappointed about my new closet (that's a sore subject lol). I was thinking maybe in my dining room but I'm not sure that's the space to do it. A designated glam space?! I love this idea! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  46. Aaaah it's so pretty, Andrea!! Your built-in desk area is DREAMY!!!! I would love to have something like that!

  47. It's absolutely beautiful!! I wish I had space to do something like that and I would totally hire you to decorate for me. What a space!!! It's perfect just like you.

  48. Anonymous13.11.18

    What a wonderful idea! The space is so feminine and so YOURS - I would love to reclaim a part of the house like that (might not be an option though - our houses are so much smaller than American ones). The craft space is a wonderful idea, and the gift shelf. I am so nosy about people's routines - do you literally jump to your blogging desk at 05:30 or are you up, breakfasted, showered and dressed and ready to go at 5:30? If so I need your tips, I am a horrendous morning person but would love to change that! Joanne xx

  49. This room is just so darn pretty! I love everything about it!

  50. Cute and pretty, love how you've styled this little niche. Thanks for sharing. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  51. Every little detail and the color coordination is just simply breathtakingly gorgeous. I spy my birthday card to you which fits right in with the decor. I love that you have your Glam space being outnumbered in the gender department in your household. I'm sure the guys have their man cave of sorts xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Oh my gosh this is the most perfect room ever! I love all the blogging and crafting space! It's all decorated perfectly! You have amazing taste!

  54. What a beautiful space! Goals! You've decorated it and set it up so beautifully!

    Virginia | More to Mrs. E

  55. Hi Andrea, oh it’s so wonderful that you have that HUGE and gorgeous space all for yourself. I love you desk and craft island. Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J&J. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  56. This is amazing Andrea and I love, love, love the color palette. I'm slowly putting together my office and this is what I envision. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing at Celebrate Your Story.

  57. This space is absolutely gorgeous and I love everything little touch in it! Can I get you to come decorate my house?! :)

  58. Hi gorgeous! Where did you buy your glam space swivel office chair from? I'm setting up a mini home office and need some tips.


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