

Welcome to 3 Things Monday. When a bestie of yours announces she is starting a new series called “3 Things” and posting on the second Monday of each month, well, you can best bet I’ll be riding that train of goodness and fun. My dear Laura from The Horton Family has come up with the neatest prompts to really get you thinking about life, love and happiness. Won’t you join her in getting those juices flowing! I know I am excited to see what she comes up with each month! This girl is smart as a whip, funny as all get out and her creative mind is the bomb!! Here we go!

1. College Care Packages
Sending care packages to my college boys! You may remember the very special one I shared the first year they were in college called Pumpkin Spice Care Package. Well there was no way Valentine’s Day was going by without mama showing some love! Here is a tip for sending packages in cute boxes that you don’t have to buy. I know many of you my order from Bath and Body, well the boxes that Bath and Body products are shipped in are printed with the adorable blue and white signature gingham on the inside. All I have to do is add some stickers, packaging shred or tissue paper and it’s like opening a beautiful and fun box of goodness! And did you see the cute box decorating skills of the mentioned Laura on my Friday Favorites?

2. What Verse, Song or Quote inspires you in your current Situation?
I’m actually going to pick all three because it is quite often that verses, songs and quotes resonate with me and I can always find one to relate to what is going on in my life but these are my literal favorites of all time in each category.

On the day I met my Mr. Nine, my wonderful prince charming, I had been given a Bible verse that morning. I folded it up and put it in my purse but kept thinking about it all day. How were I to have known, it was THE verse associated with him coming into my life. Psalm 40:2. I truly believe he was led by the hand of God to come into my life at a time when I was at my lowest. When I didn’t think I would climb out of the murky pit, this man was there to save me. I know we cannot rely on another person to save us but it wasn’t that, it was that our Lord and Savior was doing his magic to provide the light for me to finally see a bright future! To this day, I carry that folded up Bible verse in my wallet!

 Here, in one of our favorite places where we go every year..our condo in upper Michigan

Remember a few weeks ago, I talked about my goals for the year and one of them was to take my husband’s breath away? (HERE) Well, it’s not just him that takes my breath away, it is all the small joys of life. Magical moments that happen when you least expect it. So, this quote always resonates with me to look around you because the breath taking moments are everywhere! 

“You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
Literally one of the most beautiful songs ever written and recorded. I cry every time I hear it. For me, it holds truth of what God and all the people I love, do for me. They Raise me up to be more than I can be. My husband, my boys, my mom, my friends and strangers who touch my heart and above all, our Lord and Savior. It is because of them, that I am strong and can conquer all. When I first started my job at the Hospital almost 20 years ago now, we had a college meeting, where our then CEO, said this song reminded him of all of us, that we, his colleges make him all that he can be. What a wonderful thing for an organization head to say. It was a loss when he left, but he left bits like that, that we carry into our lives long after we leave the organization. YOU all have the ability to Raise Others Up. Listen to the lyrics of this song today if you can. Go out there and soar, be strong.

3. The Quality I admire most in others is____?
Hands down the quality I admire most in people is Compassion! I feel like people who have a compassionate heart pretty much have it all together in the sense that they care about other people, they respect other people, they try to support and lift others up and care about the good of the entire world! A compassionate and giving heart is so to be admired especially in today’s age where selfishness, entitlement and mean spirits sometimes invade the good in our lives! I try to surround myself with people whose hearts offer 110% compassion!

My heart holds compassion for each one of you. 
May this day and Everyday bring you joys, big and small.



  1. What a great post idea for a series! I know I always loved when my mom sent care packages to me in college. I'm sure your boys appreciate it too! Love the Valentine's Day theme of this one. Happy Monday, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  2. What great prompts. I love that bible verse.
    The Valentine’s care package is so cute. I know your boys love them.

  3. What a sweet and wonderful post! I love how you came upon that verse the very day you met your man! How special and yes, absolutely God put him in your life that day. Gosh, what a story! Beautifully done my friend!

  4. I love this! Will have to check it out! Love your verse, quote and song! And you my dear seem to have a wonderful, kind, compassionate heart! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Love that last black outfit! What a fun link up with your bestie. I love sending care packages too. I think that's my love language. You and the Mr. and so cute together!! ❤️

  6. What great prompts and you are just as sweet as can be. They boys are going to love the care packages. It is always fun to get something special in the mail! And the story about you and Mr. Nine is so sweet. I am so glad you too found each other. Have a magnificent Monday and stay warm and cozy. xoxo

  7. All great questions to answer!! Those boys are lucky to have such a caring and loving mom Andrea! I think compassion is such a beautiful thing to find in other people. I know we haven't met in person but through all your content and connections we make, I can tell you have a compassionate heart!! Happy Monday :-)
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  8. What a great writing prompt and I loved reading your answers! I used to love getting care packages from my mom in college--yours are ADORABLE! Happy Monday friend!

    Rosy Outlook

  9. Those are the cutest boxes! Laura came up with some great prompts. I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

    Daily Style Finds

  10. You put together the best care packages for your boys! I'm sure they love those little surprises.
    Also love that verse, so sweet!

  11. I loved this! How cute is that scripture moment? God had perfect timing. I used to send care packages to my daughter in college. It was so much fun. She now lives on her own about 30 minutes away and every time she comes home to visit which is a couple times a month, I will have her bag of goodies and things waiting on her in her room. I listen for ques on things she needs when we talk or text.

  12. First of all, your black on black outfit is super chic! Second, I'm sure your boys are the envy of their friends to get such great care packages! And finally, what a sweet post prompt! Loved reading some of your motivation and inspiration!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  13. This is a great series and I love all your answers! I mostly agree about compassion being so important. Caring for others and seeing others being compassionate warms the soul and heart! Happy Monday!

  14. Loved reading your answers. I love that one of your goals is to take your husband's breath away. We are in the midst of a marriage series at church. And after the year we have had, I agree that being compassionate is so important. I am so thankful for all of those who showed it to us.

  15. Compassion is a great quality and one that I'm sure you have just by how you interact here in blog land! Love those care packages too.

  16. I'm pretty sure that your kids get the BEST care packages out of all their friends! I adore those leggings and hope there is an outfit photo coming! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  17. Those are the BEST care packages, so so nice. I love the quote, such a lovely thing to think about. Hope you have the best day!

  18. What fun quick yet meaningful prompts. And you are just the sweetest mom for sending those care packages!

  19. What a fun series! Care packages always made my day when I was away at school - a great reminder that you're loved and missed from home! Love that verse too. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  20. You are always so full of love and compassion. It shows in your blogs, your comments, and your life, Andrea!!
    I loved reading about how your Mr. Nine was meant to be....so heartwarming.

  21. That verse and meeting Mr Nine in the same day!!! Clearly a match made! I love that one of your goals is to take his breath away this year. I need to work on that too. I hope you have a wonderful week!!!

  22. Thank you for this series prompt, Andrea, and to Laura as well (of course!). It caused a lot of self-reflection on a day when it was much needed.

    And I love the pleathers . . . every woman should have at least one pair in their wardrobe in my not-so-humble opinion!

  23. I love that Josh Groban song. I wanted to dance with my Dad to it at my wedding but ended up going with a different song. Anyways! That is a sweet story about Mr. Nine and I LOVE your outfit! You look fabulous!! I hope that you have a wonderful day! xo

  24. That you send your boys valentine's packages - complete with cute stuffed animals - that just makes me smile. I can imagine all their friends seeing how loved these boys are. Keep it up momma!

  25. I love Josh Groban and that song! He is so incredibly talented!

  26. Love that all black look on you! I'm wearing all black today, too!! And my mom used to send me care packages and decorate the boxes, so I just really love that you do that, too. It means you are the greatest mom!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  27. I totally enjoyed reading your three things this month Andrea. I love the cute care packages you sent to your sons. I too made one up for my daughter for Valentine's Day and she just loved it! It's such a fun and thoughtful thing to do for them. I enjoyed reading about the rest of your prompts. I am posting mine tomorrow since I do the blog party on Mondays and thanks for sharing this there.
    I can't wait for the prompts for March. :)
    Have a great day.
    Julie xo

  28. Andrea, goodness. Your heart and happiness just resonate here! I LOVE Josh Groban's song, "You Raise Me Up," and listening to it this morning was such a beautiful reminder of all the good in my life. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face this Monday morning <3

  29. You are just a ray of sunshine sweet friend. I need to remember that I am the person that lifted me up from the pit a few years ago and I need to thank myself. I love your care packages, they are just too sweet. Loving you in the spanx leggings!

  30. What a great post!!

  31. I love this!!! I absolutely love the song You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban. Funny enough, it was my late friends's favorite song and it came on the radio this morning!! You are a breathe of fresh air and always put a smile on my face.

  32. Love your monochrome outfit! That song is so good too. I think it's sweet you still have the bible verse and carry it around! Such a romantic thing to do.

    The care package is adorable as well, what a nice gift :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely start to your week :) I just posted my weekday wear linkup, I'd love you to join! :)

    Away From The Blue

  33. I love that story of the verse! So sweet. Also, I think college care packages are the best!

  34. OH I love that song, could listen to that on repeat. You are so sweet with all of your gift packages to your kids!

  35. Andrea, your answers brought tears to my eyes. I've heard that story about you and Jay before, but I still love it so much and that verse will always be so special to y'alls love. Such a blessing! Ok, we just need to take stock of those BBW boxes, don't we? I know those boys just love getting those awesome packages in the mail! I know their friends are so jealous!! I love you, Girlie, and thank you so much for your answers and the shoutout today. I'm recovering from the stomach bug, so I will talk to you soon!

  36. I'm with Laura...I was holding back the flood gates sweet friend! I mean, I could go into detail on all the things you said, but that would be a post in itself. You are the true definition of compassion, I love that verse and that song is so very beautiful. Oh yeah, and now I feel like I need to order all my stuff from BBW instead of shopping in store. I think I actually threw out one of those boxes...what was I thinking🤦🏼‍♀️ XOXO

  37. I love that you had a verse, a quote, AND a song! I also tear up anytime I hear that song. That is an amazing story about the bible verse and so special that you still carry it. I'm going to order some BBW so I can get a cute box. ha, ha!

  38. Andrea, thank you so much for joining our link party...and it is even more special because of the Bible verse that you still carry., and the care package reminds me of the care packages I used to send my twin boys when they were in the Navy. Kari @ Me and My Captain

  39. I loved when my Mom would send me care packages in college. In fact, I still have all the little notes she would include in the boxes too. It's such a great memory for me, and I know your boys appreciate it too! It's the little things that go such a long way. What a neat series this is, thanks for sharing your answers with us! Lots of love, pretty girl! XO



  40. What great and inspiring things! Thank you so much for sharing at Celebrate Your Story!

  41. I love your answer. Sounds like your meeting with your hubs was just meant to be. I also just adore the college packages! I have sent them to people I know that were off in the army at times. Compassion is my name meaning and my mom used to talk to me about compassion growing up.


  42. This is such a beautiful post! I love reading about the verse, song, and quote!! By the way, I love that top on you! It's so pretty!

  43. This is just beautiful Andrea! Loved reading so much and you look just cute as can be in this outfit.

  44. I do really admire compassion in others too. And those care packages are so cute. Good to know about the boxes!!


  45. I was just talking to someone about getting together a group of moms in the fall to have a care package packing night! Using the Bath & Body Works boxes is such a great idea! The quote is so perfect and I love the story behind the verse!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  46. I loved getting college care packages when I was in college. That is a great idea for everyone!

  47. This is such a great series! Ok, that story of the bible verse and you and Mr. Nine seriously gave me chills. So amazing how God works all things for us. I also love that quote. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  48. Making care packages is so much fun!

  49. You are truly a gem to your family and friends. Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mom and get special packages in the mail. Good to know about the new linkup. I will have to remember to join next month.

  50. I love these prompts! I also love your answer to #3 - it's one of my favorite traits as well.

  51. You are just amazing! So fun to see your answers to these prompts. I think we are kindred spirits. . .want to come to North Carolina and hang out? :)


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