

My sweet friend Tanya hosts a Prime Purchases series link-up the first Tuesday of each month and I have linked up several times but about a week ago I thought, “Mmm, do I have stuff to link for February?” I guess I was pondering if I had bought much this past month from Amazon and then I looked in my order history and thought who am I kidding, of course I have bought enough to warrant another post!! You just can’t go wrong with the prices, the selection and the convenience all year long. Last Month's Post HERE was so well received. So, here are the goodies that have arrived at the Nine Residence this past month!

 1. Gold Shelf
I cannot believe I forget to keep telling you that my precious gold and glass Shelf that I adore in my office area is available on Amazon! The same price that I paid for it. I cannot even tell you how much I adore the shelf especially since the top portion is curved and not straight up and down.

Here it is in my home office

2. Earrings 
You know I’ve been on a hot pink kick lately see Here and Here, so of course some hot pink statement earrings were in store and for under $10 these were a given and came packaged so nice even the tassels had a wrapping around them to keep them from fraying. So many colors too.

And these lightweight puppies are just so cool to look at! There are two other beautiful colors as well including an emerald green pair!

How cool is this fresh white Sweater with the giant gray side angle pocket! I absolutely love it, it’s super soft, I love the tapered arms and the fit is fantastic! Did I mention I LOVE IT!!!


Asian Cooking Staples
I use sesame oil for a lot of Asian inspired dishes and I heard this is one of the best tasting out there. I first tried it in my Bok choy stir-fry recipe and then my ground chicken lettuce wraps and it is superb!

Speaking of the sesame oil, often in recipes that have it, they also call for rice wine or rice vinegar. Well, a particular recipe I had called for a special kind of rice cooking wine that was red in color called Shaohsing and the only place I could find it? Amazon of course!

Another book I’ve heard great things about so this is next on my reading roster.

Decorating with wood beads is everywhere! Inspired by my dear Lisa. You saw the “love” ones on my tiered tray, I also have a pair on a lantern and I just ordered a couple more from Amazon! They are under $4 and are not prime and take a little longer but I know they’ll come to great use with my interior. Just got them...so cute. And just saw them on Etsy for 5x's the price.


7. Swimsuit
Say what? Swimsuit from Amazon? No flipping way but I am I ever happy my first swimsuit order was a success! I love how the bottoms are cute but yet come up just enough to cover your belly. The flouncy top adds some depth to a small chest. 20 colors and patterns to choose from. I am normally a size small/6 but got this in a medium. However, I cannot believe I am actually posting this, lol.


8. Headbands
You know I love cute headbands! This red white polka dots gave me a rockabilly look and I love it! I recently ordered a great White One as well that will be showcase with my outfit this Wednesday!


9. Resistance Bands
I was so honored when the Limm company reached out to me and sent me a package of their amazing Resistance Bands! Best thing, if you want to order yourself a pair, they’re only 10 bucks and they work great for toning up!

I’m also excited to mention that I am going to be featured starting today as the Cooking Superstar over at an amazing Website called Cut Out & Keep. They offer so much goodness in regards to crafting, recipes, creating clothing and jewelry, home and garden and all kinds of tutorials and tips. 
Each day this week, one of my recipes will be featured and I am so honored! Definitely go Check them out! Cat and her team are amazing and they have released their first book!




  1. Thanks for linking up once again! You always have the best finds. I love that Amazon has your gold shelf unit. I ordered several pieces of furniture online with Amazon and was skeptical. But everything arrived in perfect condition and was even better than I expected. Hope you have a fabulous week. I'm clicking over to check out your feature on the other website. :) Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  2. Love your purchases. That gold shelf is beautiful and I love love that white sweater.

  3. So many great Amazon finds! I love that gold shelf! I am still looking for a few pieces for our house, so I need to check that out. haha! I love the swimsuit! I have heard great things about the swimsuit selection at Amazon. Glad to hear you had a good experience. You look fab, Andrea! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  4. LOVE the earrings and the sweater- you found the cutest things- I have an Amazon problem here too :)

  5. Wow you scored some great deals! Seriously you look AMAZING in that bikini! Those resistance bands are terrific, I love using things like that to work out with out at home and they take up no space! And you are the cooking superstar always but I am so thrilled to see Cut Out & Keep has made it official! I'll head over and check it out! Congratulations my friend!

  6. The earrings are so darn cute. I'll have to check them out. Have a great week, Andrea.

  7. That gold shelf looks exactly like the one from Ballard Design but way cheaper! Love it! And you are rocking that bikini! Go girl!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  8. That shelf is amazing! I don't think I'd be brave enough to order swimsuit, but you really hit that one on the head! I love your Cooking Superstar feature, you are really going big time my friend! <3 xoxox

  9. Well OF COURSE you have enough things to share with us from Amazon Prime, Babe! And featured, too?! That's AWESOME! Just like you! That shelf has been popping up in my social media feeds and if I had a place to put it, I would most definitely snatch it up! And I have to say that Amazon's earring game is strong these days! I've bought several pair! Happy Monday, Love!

  10. No Exit is also on my "To-Read" list on Amazon!! Ok I also NEED that gold shelf. It goes absolutely perfect with your other office decor!

    Rosy Outlook

  11. Congrats on being featured! So awesome! I am now needing farmhouse beads and earrings lol

  12. So many great Amazon deals! That swimsuit looks amazing on you! Congrats on your recipe feature!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  13. Amazon is the BEST!! Loving that shelf and will definitely be purchasing it once I have my own office space. So glam and perfect!
    Loving your white sweater, so cute.

  14. Congrats on your feature! Woo hoo!! I love when you do these Amazon round ups. I always add a few things to my list. I have that swimsuit (or one like it) on my wishlist. It looks so cute on you! That shelf is amazing for the price! I hope your Monday is off to a great start!

  15. Congrats on your feature! Enjoy your Monday.

    Daily Style Finds

  16. That shelf and sweater are my favorites in this post! Great finds and how fun it shopping with Amazon! Happy Monday!

  17. Love seeing your Amazon picks! Your new swimsuit is adorable and looks amazing on you! If you are using self tanner I'm going to need the name of that ASAP!
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  18. You ROCK that bikini!!

  19. Loving that bathing suit and gold shelf!! What amazing buys :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  20. Great finds! The shelf is great and love the bikini on you!

  21. I never think to buy "groceries" there!! And I just bought a headband at Francesca...they are fun!

  22. That swimsuit is too cute! And you look great in it!

  23. Oh that bookcase is stunning! I would have never guessed it was from Amazon!! I love it!! Thanks for sharing, you always find the best stuff.

  24. How fun, I am going to go check out that blog. That swimsuit is SO cute and you look SO good in it. I love that book case and that headband. I am a fan of resistance bands. I hope you have a great week ahead!

  25. Seeing people's Amazon list are the best! They have SO MUCH good stuff!!! The bookcase is fabulous! Happy Monday!

  26. That's lots of great finds!

  27. That gold shelf is STUNNING, looks amazing in your office! I LOVE the swimsuit- you look amazing! Amazon purchases are the best, thanks for sharing all this goodness. Have the best week, xo!

  28. Anonymous4.2.19

    oh wow! I had no idea that shelf was available on amazon. That's a great find; thanks for the update.

  29. Oh how I love Amazon posts. I'm wanting to rework Katie's room a bit and that shelf is tempting me...of course I'll need to get approval. LOL Aren't the beads cute?! They were smaller than I expected, but still perfect. You found some great things as always!!! XOXOX

  30. Great finds. I really love the gold accent shelf!

  31. Andrea you are an Amazon pro! You find such great stuff, like the shelf, that bathing suit and those earrings!!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  32. So many great things! I've seen that shelf all over and I had no clue you could get it on Amazon! It's gorgeous!

  33. You just find the cutest stuff!
    That bathing suit is ADORABLE! I love the ruffled top!!!!
    & I think I need to go find some headbands now!!!

  34. Oh yes, you found some cute stuff on Amazon this month!! Love that gold shelf in your house. That sweater is super adorable too. I bought my swimsuit from last summer on Amazon too and love it. The one you found looks great on you!!

  35. I think that bathing suit is perfect. I was wondering what the "flouncy" tops would look like and, well, I love how it looks on you. I also love the bottoms. I am in between bikini and high rise but the high rise look funny on me. These look like they would be perfect. not to high or low.
    Then that sweater! I love the big off set pocket. Just darling!

  36. I have to refrain from adding all of these items to my Amazon cart! Love that shelf in your office! And that swimsuit looks amazing on you! And congratulations on being featured! 😘

  37. That gold shelve is awesome, wish I had some place to use it. I need to link up with this one month as I get an Amazon pkg daily. It's insane!

  38. I cannot believe you got that shelf from Amazon! Great find. I really like that 2nd pair of earrings too.

  39. Too funny; I sat to write my Amazon buys posts and wondered the same thing.. then clicked over to my cart and realized I had bought WAAAY more than I had thought in February!

  40. Hot lady in that swimsuit! I wish I had your genes...and even more so loving personality. I wish I had thought to start an Amazon Purchases linkup since I've been posting my purchases for a couple years now. Anywho it's great to find about new bloggers with similar interests.

  41. So many goodies! I just love those pink earrings. They have me in such a MAJOR Spring mood! Anything hot pink with tassels - I'm so in! We haven't seen the sun here in 6 days...so I'm craving all things bright & cheery! I need some vitamin D - STAT!



  42. Umm..hot bod lady! Great find, especially that sweater, so dang cute!

  43. Well you are ready for some sun! Looking good!

  44. That bathing suit is soooo cute! And I have similar earrings from Amazon, came in a pretty box and well packaged. That's always a plus.

  45. Oooh I love the gold shelves, they'd look amazing on my office. Shame I haven't got enough space lol! You look freaking AMAZING in that swimsuit, Andrea! It really is gorgeous!
    Suzy xxx

  46. So much good stuff in this post Andrea. I am on my way to check out the wood beads. They would be such a cute touch! I love that swimsuit. I also love that gold book shelf.

  47. That gold shelf is amazing, and I love that sesame oil! It's such a good brand for it.

  48. That is the cutest bathing suit. I love it. I also love those pink earrings. I would definitely rock those!

  49. Wow! What a great deal on those beads! I know I didn't pay that much for some that I have! Thanks for sharing! Also, you're rocking that swimsuit, girlfriend!

  50. Seriously great amazon finds! I love those earrings and your sweater! That gold shelf is GORGEOUS!! Love how you styled yours too!

  51. Oh my goodness congrats on the feature! That is so exciting. I do use that same sesame oil and love it. Great finds friend.

  52. I want allllll the earrings!!!!

  53. You always find the cutest items on Amazon! I love those headbands and you look great in that swimsuit. I recently ordered my first swimsuit from Amazon and I was so impressed with it. Can't wait to share it!

  54. Lots of great picks here! I love the earrings in particular and you aren't the first to show a swimsuit from Amazon. It's making me think I may need to try some this year!

    Virginia | More to Mrs. E

  55. I love Amazon, too! The convenience and the prices are great!

  56. Our garage looks like an amazon warehouse with all of the boxes! Love your buys the shelf looks wonderful with all of those cute knick knacks and I love the design too. Beautiful white sweater and you look fantastic in your bikini! I am ready for that tropical island trip about now.
    jess xx

  57. I am in love with that swimsuit & the headband!

  58. That's a good price for those resistance bands. I'm needing a new set. That swimsuit looks great on you.

  59. Such a lot of good stuff in this post Andrea. I'm headed to look at the wood dabs. They would be a particularly charming touch! I love that bathing suit. I additionally love that gold shelf. search engine optimization specialists


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