

Why is it, May flew faster than any of the 2019 months thus far? The only thing good about that is I feel summa has finally arrived, now slooow down, lol!! Mr. Nine and I celebrated an Anniversary this week with one if the worst dinners we’ve ever had but most of the week was swell. You’ll find me in the pool today sweet friends!! Hope your weekend will be swell too!!

1. Family Day
Family days are truly the best days and I love the summer carefree ones! Ours included a winery, drinks that matched my dress, a distillery, a putting green of 18 and  a casino.

Many of you asked about this dress so here is the link!

2. Zucchini Medley Recipe
So many of you asked for the zucchini medley recipe on my Insta stories from Monday so I thought I would share it with you here on the blog today because it truly is one of our summer favorites! 

4 slices of bacon, cooked
1/3 cup sweet onion, chopped
2 zucchinis, chopped  
3 ears of corn, cooked and cut off ears
1/4-1/3 cup shredded Colby Jack Cheese
Ground Pepper

Cook the bacon and let drain. In the bacon grease on about medium heat, add your onion and zucchini and sauté until soft. To that mixture add the corn kernels and sauté for about five minutes. Sprinkle with desired amount of Colby Jack cheese, some ground pepper to your taste and the bacon, crumbled.

3. Week's Attire

4. Red and Leopard
There’s just something I truly love about wearing red with a pop of leopard! This darling off the shoulder has quickly become one of my favorites as it stays in place and is such a good price! Of course, it called for some leopard pumps but I’m also going to wear some leopard flat sandals with it as well!


More Inspo

5. MISC. Fun
Flat Sandal Buys 
Absolutely love both of these pairs of sandals from Target and I have worn each since I got them, and they are so comfortable! Such a fabulous price too and I hope to get a lot of good out of both of them this summer! 
BUY White Sandals HERE//Stripe Sandals HERE

This guy greeted me Tuesday morning on our back pool steps, just love his shell! 

Trader Joe's Trip
Mom and I went up to Trader Joe's yesterday, found some new finds and got a little ice cream on the way home. Lots more to come in a couple weeks about the TJ's finds. 

Preview..told these are the bomb, trying them today!

And this will be my FAVORITE TJ item...the guilt free Guac!

May your day included lots of your favorite things!!

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // High 5 For Friday  // Fashion Friday



  1. There's so much goodness here...sweet family days, gorgeous floral dresses and fabulous red with leopard? Too cute! Then there's your sweet outing with your momma. You got this post done in a flash - yay you!! Big hugs my friends!

  2. Looks like a fun family day. That recipe looks like a Good one for leftover corn on the cob! I have a couple of Trader Joe's finds today too. Have a Good weekend special lady!


  3. So much to love! That June quote, that red top and your dress from family day!! You guys have some fun family days I have to say. I can’t want to try the zucchini recipe. Happy Friday Andrea!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  4. I can't wait to hear how you like those TJ's items! Your dress was so pretty on your day out - you look stunning. Love the red OTS too - I need a white one!
    Happy Friday precious friend!

  5. Love the Trader Joe’s picks and your dress.

  6. Your family day looks like a blast and your dress is perfect! That zucchini medley looks amazing too. I can't wait for the fresh produce to start rolling in. Have a wonderful weekend sweet lady <3

  7. Your family day sounds like so much fun! That zucchini medley looks delicious! Loving your pretty dress and your red OTS top! Happy Friday!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  8. You are just the cutest! How do you get your OTS tops to stay put? Mine always seem to ride up!

  9. Love all of your adorable outfits! Looks like you had a FUN week..especially that trip to TJ with your mom:)

  10. Family days are the best in yours looks like so much fun! That zucchini medley sounds so good. Leopard and red is such a good combo!! My boys would have gone nuts for that turtle! Hope you have a great weekend. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  11. That zucchini meal looks delicious! Looks like you all had so much fun on your family day.

  12. Pretty dress. Love your tan! Glad you had a great week with family!

  13. That Zucchini Medley looks AWESOME. I am a huge fan of corn and bacon together so I'll have to give that a try!

  14. The dress is so fun and more fun that it matched with the drinks! I love turtles! Is the ice cream cone from TJ's too? :) Looks yummy!

  15. I will 100% be making that medley soon! I'm sorry dinner was a bust but hopefully it didn't ruin the whole day of celebration! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  16. I know I say this all the time, but I love seeing your mom join you. It's that mother/daughter thing!!!

  17. Oh no, sorry your anniversary dinner was terrible! Hopefully it makes for a memory you can look back at and laugh! Your week looked so full and fun! LOVE your cute new slip on sandals and all of your fun outfits this week!

  18. Sorry your dinner wasn't yummy, but at least you had some handsome company! I am for sure making this zucchini medley, I have everything on hand, score! I am getting that dress, great price and looks so cute! What size are you wearing, I feel like we always wear the same. Have a great weekend my dear!

  19. I have been wanting those sandals from Target for awhile now. So cute. I am going to TJ's today and getting that guac. Thanks for the recommendation!!! Have a good weekend!

  20. That first photo gives me all of the summer vibes! And I agree about the month of May. It flew by quicker than I could say the word “May”. Haha. For us is the end of the school year and non-stop activities. I’m so sorry your anniversary dinner was awful! Love all of your outfits…especially that red, white and blue top. I’m obsessed with red, white and blue lately. Have a great weekend!

  21. Well I'm just so bummed about your anniversary dinner. That's just the pits! Your TJ's haul on the other hand looked like a real winner! You got some great stuff my friend. Have the best weekend and think of me when you're lounging by the pool. Love ya'!!! XOXO

  22. I think that dinner demands a redo! At least the company was great though, right?! Other than that there is so much goodness in one post! Your recipe looks amazing-I can't wait to try it! And those sandals are all adorable!

  23. I'm sorry - but only you can look so cute & stylish playing mini golf!!!! <3
    Happy weekend friend!

  24. You had such a wonderful week! I'm still jealous about that ice cream, though!

  25. You and your sweet little momma are just too stinkin' cute! All the goodness in this post and you had me at soft serve ice cream!! I love some chocolate soft serve and we can hardly ever find it down here. Yum! Happy June friend!

  26. That zucchini recipe sounds so good, but Chris hates i guess more for me if I try it! Love your Target sandals. I had my eye on those pairs online, they look even cuter in your picture. Have a great weekend!

  27. Your family day looked like SO much fun. Love that dress so much. Hello cute little turtle! Hope you have a fabulous weekend beautiful. Xoxo

  28. Everything with bacon is better ;) I love your red off the shoulder top! I think red is your color girl. Looks like you had a fun family day!

  29. You have great looking parents (your 2 sons are nice looking and well groomed). Love all the outfits you are wearing in Number 3.

  30. A little ice cream?? Haha! Looks delicious though! Have a good Sunday!

  31. Where to start :-) Love seeing your mom in pictures with you. Pretty lady as well! Those slides are great! I bought several pair too and have been wearing them non stop! I love that the drink matched your dress, and looked yummy too! The red top is sexy and fun with leopard! Enjoy the pool sweetie!
    jess xx

  32. Looks like a fun family day :)

  33. Such cute outfits - love the red over jeans with leopard print! Very stylish. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  34. So much fun and fashion in this post! The tropical maxi dress looks fab on you and love that you made it work to play golf with the guys. How cute is that turtle? Where was he hiding during the cold months? Have a fabulous week my love!


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