

I LOVE sharing Favorite Things, so I decided to do a gift guide of some of my favorites as gift ideas. Things I have been given or bought and just love. Christmas is the joyous time to get someone a really special gift that they will use and love for years. Can’t wait to tell you why each of these is a favorite. Truly I could share dozens of favorites with you. And seeing as The Sound of Music is my favorite movie of all time, without further ado, these are a few of my Favorite Things......can you just hear me singing it, lol.

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8

Oh, I am a HUGE fan of Hunter Boots! I have 3 pairs; black, violet and the beautiful cardinal red. While I love the colors, can I just tell you that if you’re going to invest in Hunter boots, your best bet is black! I see myself getting the most good out of the black ones and when you live in a snowy area such as we do, they are fabulous for running errands and having to walk through the slush. They definitely should be called rain AND snow boots! They literally wipe right off. 

Hands down my most favorite NSale purchase ever is this blanket. All the fabulous colors of the In The Wild collection are in stock right now and it is the coziest blanket we own. Everybody deserves and LOVES a luxurious blankie! 
We have always loved Cuisinart Coffee Makers and used to have a regular coffee maker in addition to a Keurig. Imagine my excitement when Mr. Nine found a combo of the two. Been loving this for several years now.

This is a fairly new favorite but one I was excited to find! Whenever I order make up, it often comes with samples and most of the perfumes, I do not like. I am a very picky perfume wearer and tend to wear the same thing over and over which is Chanel No5, Pure Grace from Philosophy or Jo Malone scents.  I was super excited to realize I love this set from Lancome! And with all the great reviews, many others do as well! The gift sets are a super great value and this one is especially nice because it has a spray purse sized bottle.
I have 2 pair of these slippers and cannot live without them in the winter. I love my Chestnut  ones too. Not only do I wear them around the house but the bottoms are hard soled so I can go down the drive to get the mail or out in the porch. I have even been known to walk my stepper in them. And to think I used to despise Uggs.

I LOVE statement earrings. These Nickel and Suede medium size gold cork were the first N&S pair I ever got and while I have purchased many since, they’d are for sure my most worn pair. They go with everything! I also love the spotted ones too!
7. Black Tiered Tray
I am indeed that crazy tiered tray lady. This beautiful Black One is my 3rd. I already had this distressed white one and the original distressed brown wood. I was super excited to find this black one after I saw a Pinterest Pin. What I like about this black one is the top portion is a little higher up so you can fit a little bit taller pieces underneath plus it comes with three interchangeable toppers. this is also the company that I bought my miniature letter boards from. They are awesome. You may just have to get this tiered tray for yourself if nobody you love wants one. They are addicting!

Ahhh FitBit how I love the and have for years! I know I know, many of you are asking why don’t you just get an Apple watch? Well, I have lots of cool bracelets and I really don’t want or need the features an apple watch has plus Fitbit is a fourth of the cost. I’d rather spend the money on that jewelry or clothes, LOL!. Here’s what I love most about it, the CLIP, this Inspire model can be taken out of the band and clipped on which is the way I wear it 90% of the time. They had stopped making the clip model so Mr. Nine was getting the old ones off ebay for me..since I tend to lose them, lol, but it's back and better than ever!

And make sure you check out my FAVORITE THINGS PARTY that I had a few years ago.
Are there any of your favorite things on my list?


  1. What a fun list! I do love the look of the Hunter boots, but I've never tried them. Maybe I will :)

  2. Love everything!!!!!

  3. I love my cork earrings - hands down the one pair I could literally wear everyday! You are on my list of favorite things!!

  4. Hunter boots have been on my wish list for like forever. I would love it in black and red! And yes, please to a dual coffee and espresso maker. We drink coffee here like it's going out of style and this sounds like a dream!

    Maureen |

  5. So many great things! I may need to get myself some Hunter boots and of course I love my fitbit too. Have a lovely day, my friend.

  6. Great items and i agree with so many of them. Now i want ugg slippers. I am a fitbit gal myself 😀

  7. Yes to all of this, Andrea! I already have two of the animal print Barefoot Dreams blankets and I still want another haha! And those UGG slippers are my favorite. I have them in pink and put them on as soon as I get home everyday. SO comfortable! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  8. I have those same Uggs in Chestnut. I love them in the Winter. I have been seen wearing them in the mall. Haha. I have a fitbit and an apple watch. I never wear the watch unless I go somewhere fancy which is rarely. I find it too bulky and my Fitbit Ulta has all the alerts I need. Nick gets magnetic clips off ebay and wears them on his waist band. He also uses an elastic ankle strap sometimes.
    Happy Monday

  9. What an awesome list! I have that coffee maker and it is my FAVORITE!

  10. Loving so many of these things- insert heart eyed emoji here :)

  11. This list is so good! Hunters and Ugg slippers are two of my favorite things too! Can you believe I don't have a tiered tray? I think that needs to change!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  12. I have a coffee maker like that but it doesn't have the timer for brewing the pot, that's what I need! I have Bearpaw slippers like the Ugg ones and I love them.

  13. Always fun to see favorite things! I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

    Daily Style Finds

  14. Love this fun list of favorites! I have been thinking about getting a Barefoot Dreams blanket since I do love my cardigan so much!!

  15. Those slippers and that blanket are 100% on my wish list :) xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  16. So many great things!!! I LOVE those Nickel & Suede cork earrings. I haven't seen those yet. I have followed her on IG and love the earrings they make but haven't bought any yet. I need to!

  17. These are all such great gift ideas! That Barefoot Dreams blanket has been on my wish list for years!!

    Rosy Outlook

  18. These are all great items!! That black tiered tray is so cute! My hubby has UGG slippers and loves them. They last forever too!

  19. I still love a good pot of coffee especially on leisurely weekend or holiday mornings, and that blanket looks SO cozy <3

    Green Fashionista

  20. When I saw this post in Bloglovin email, I couldn't click on it fast enough. You are the ultimate gifter, so I knew it would be grand. You know I love my Hunters too...even though I probably only get to wear them a handful of times a year. I just got my first BFD blanket and holy cozy. I ordered one Saturday and had it sent to my mom. How cute are the interchangeable finials on that tray? Love it. I won a pair of BearPaw slippers last year that are so similar to the Uggs and I love them!!! Happy Monday sweet friend! XOXO

  21. Nice roundup. I'm picky about fragrances, too, so will check out the Lancome one. I may just break down and get a FitBit as I seem to be doing more walking than ever.

  22. I love my Hunter Boots too! And I've been getting lots of use out of them this month with all this rain we've been having. And now I'm starting to wonder if I should just get a Fitbit instead of an Apple watch!!

  23. Those slippers are definitely one of my favorite things, too! And so are my Hunter boots!

  24. I love my hunter boots! I'm so happy I ended up getting a pair. You just reminded me, I need to put slippers on my list because I could definitely use a new pair. I'm sure those ugg ones are super cozy!

  25. That is an awesome gift list Andrea. I love the boots and the slippers. I will have to smell the perfume!
    Thanks for the visit to my blog today! Hope you have a great day.

  26. What an awesome gift list! I've yet to find a pair of Hunter boots that comfortably fits my gigundo calves though, unfortunately! What am I doing wrong?!

  27. I'm on the hunt for a new coffee pot so I'm checking them all out! We've had ours for like 5 years now & I think its on its final legs. Believe me, it's gotten its use!

  28. I am with you on the fitbit. I just don't need my phone on my wrist since it is usually close by anyway. We get a fitbit through Michael's company so they can track our steps so I just use that. I also love wearing it on a clip. Thanks for sharing your faves. I am drawing a blank on my Christmas shopping this year!

  29. Those Ugg slippers look very cozy. I am on the hunt for some new ones since my old ones are so big on my feet now.

  30. Oh there are some great things on your favorite things list. I could use a fitbit.

    Allie of

  31. Great items and I'm with you on the Cuinsart coffee maker. They are the best! Going to check out a few of these, thanks for the "heads up."

  32. Wow Andrea. It's almost like you are Oprah!!!

  33. Your favorites = My favorites! And of course, YOU are especially my favorite! Happy Monday, Love!

  34. I want those black Hunter's so badly! Just wish I could make a case on why I REALLY need them here in CA :) Maybe a snow day in the mountains?? Done! Sold!! (see how easy it was?) :) Happy Monday gorgeous, have the best week!


  35. I have never seen that cuisanart pot...we have used a cuisanart for years!

  36. A Fitbit is on my wishlist too and why don t I have Hunters yet???

  37. Those cork earrings are adorable and I think I've been dreaming of hunter boots for year. I just don't pull the trigger. That's why they'd be a great gift, right??

  38. Ooooh so many great goodies and gift ideas! I didn't know about that coffee maker!

  39. Your must-haves are perfect! I loooove Nickel and Suede- their earrings are SO light!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  40. Love that coffeemaker/keurig combo! These are some great gift ideas! I am not in the Christmas spirit yet, but this is getting me there!

  41. I'm wondering if I should buy a Keurig for my husband for Christmas. I don't drink coffee so he only makes it for himself. My daughter gave me some earrings similar to those this weekend for my birthday! I should have known she was being stylish for me. :) Thanks for these suggestions.

  42. Can't go wrong with those trusted and classic hunter boots this season!

    Jessica |

  43. Great list! That Keurig coffee maker combo is genius! Thanks for linking up to Best of the Weekend. You were one of my features! I will also be pinning and sharing on IG stories this weekend. Thanks again for joining us and have a great weekend!


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