

I have read a couple posts in the past about "things I am terrible at" and it really got me thinking of the things that I am horrible at. We all have things that we excel in but we all have things that we have to just laugh because we know we may never get the hang of it and that is OK!!! I threw this question out to my family and had to slow them down. Whoa, I only need about 9 here guys. Before my ego was too deflated, I then threw out," but what is mom good at" and I had a wave of positivity so its all good. Maybe you can relate to some of these and get a good chuckle with me.
 Here goes:
1. Using an Exercise Ball

  My mom is so good at this, she is probably the best in her exercise classes with this thing. Me, ugh, not so hot. Last year we were at a hotel and I went to the exercise room and was all alone in there so I thought I'd give the ole' ball a shot only to slide right off much to the amusement, I'm sure, of the camera recipients in the main office. K guys, you got your laugh for the day.

2. Packing

    So, I had this great new system, This past vacation I was so proud of myself. I did a pre-pack on Thursday and told hubbs I would do a re-pack on Friday where I take out at least a third of what I'd put in. Friday night he got home and instead of a third out, I had taken out 3 things! A white tank top, sports bra and sundress. Wow, good job, huh? The crew takes bets on if my suitcase will make weight. Guess what, right on the money honey, Baam! Oh crap, now if I shop, how am I gonna make weight? Anywho, I also took a photo of my shoes to show you what ones I took on this trip. It was only 14, good huh and seeing as 6 were flip flops and not wedges, waaaay less weight. However, something else I suck at to add to the next list is that I accidentally erased the pics off our camera card for the last two days of the trip so you will have to envision how I fit the 14 shoes in my suitcase cause I know you can.

3. Speeding
     Yeah, actual ticket above from a few weeks ago. Um,"I don't know why I was speeding officer?" While knowing it was because I really am horrible at driving the limit especially when I am belting out Luke Bryan songs like a karaoke obsessed bar star on the by-Pass. Hey at least I went 3 years before I got another ticket. Last time it was only 47 in a 35. When the officer returned and said "Ma'am, I just going to give you a citation today" I got excited and thought that meant "warning" so I said "Oh thank you Officer", to which he replied, "Ma'am a citation is a TICKET" Duh!! Crap!!

4. Frying an Egg Over Easy

     My oldest son loves eggs over easy and as hard as I try and as much as I love cooking and am told I am good at it, this woman cannot fry an egg over easy to save her life!! I'd say I get it right now about 25% of the time but the rest....we'll lets just say they turn into fried egg sandwiches. Sorry B.

 5. Drinking my Coffee while it's Hot
     I only drink one cup of coffee a day. However, it often takes me hours. Why you ask? Because I sit it down, get busy doing something either at home or work, then have to reheat it in the micro, like 4 times!!! Til I finally just chug it cold and am done with it!!   

6. Getting out Stains
     This girl simply cannot "Shout it Out!" I try, oh, I try and I throw items in a cabinet thinking Oh, I'll try later. To which a year from now I will pull out and be like oh yeah I forgot to work on that stain, knowing I probably couldn't get it out anyway. However, never fear, my mom is the stain removal QUEEN! In fact we even got her a coffee mug stating that and so I know, in her hands, that bacon grease on my pink blouse or the lead on my sons favorite American Eagle pants will magically be removed by the QUEEN!!

7. Sewing, or knitting or darning or crocheting.
     Valarie at The Maple Leopard HERE I need you!! I cannot sew a straight seam for nothing. How can I be crafty and not be able to sew? And don't even get me started on the talents if my precious mother-in-law. That dear lady has made our family the most beautiful things that would cost a fortune in a boutique. 

8.Buying More Stuff
     So you ask me why do I need another pair of jeans or black boots? Well, duh, there are so many different varieties and each pair evoke a different vibe. Blah, Blah, Blah. I know, it's an excuse, I do not really NEED another pair. Necessity can sometimes be a pleasure and other times, an annoyance. But excess can be a beautiful thing. There's certain things a lady needs in her wardrobe. There, how is that for justification. Ha!!! I really really am gonna work on this one!! And just look at all those mascaras when I really only use two of them. Looks like it's time for a beauty drawer clean out!!

9. Remembering Things

This really only applies to Short-term memory. I can remember what I wore every first day of school back to elementary or what I ate for lunch on a field trip to camp amigo but where I last put my favorite pair of scissors...No way!!! However, no matter how many drawers, bins, trash cans and crevices I look in, the only person that usually finds them is Mr. Nine and yes, I am in awe and I am grateful. Now, you think he can tell me where I put my sunglasses??? Ha, ha, ha!!

Just think, when we put or weaknesses in plain language and clear view, we can see where we need to be more conscious, and how are "shortcomings" point to out true strengths. We are not perfect but we are all beautiful in so many ways!!
Happy Wednesday!

"If you can dream it, you can do it!"
~Walt Disney


  1. Such a fun post!!! I am with you on being bad at always shopping and getting out stains, yep that just never happens...I'd buy something new LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Your comment cracked me up Biana!! You're so fabulous!! Have a wonderful and wacky Wednesday beautiful!! :-)

  2. This is awesome. I have a post similar to this in my drafts. We are bad at a few of the same things…over easy eggs and sewing!

    1. Girl, you get that posted. Would love to read!! :) plus I bet you rock at the other 99.9% of things you do awesome lady!!

  3. What a fun post!!! We all have things that we are not so great at. Definitely stealing this idea for a post too. I can't sew but I would really like to learn. I watched a segment about how to cook different types of eggs on a local talk show, and I was like hmm I should be taking notes lol. I usually just make a hard boiled egg instead. :-) I hope that you are having a great day far too! :-)

    1. You're so funny. I would love it if you'd do a post like this but I bet you're awesome at all the other 99.9% of things. It's fun to laugh at ourselves now and then. Happy Wonderful Wednesday to you! :)

  4. I can totally relate to so many of these! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Gotta just smile and laugh at ourselves. Thanks for the comment beautiful!!! xo

  5. It's so darn fun tho, right!!! Love ya!

  6. Haha I love this! I couldn't agree more... I am terrible at packing and I take forever to drink my coffee. cute post!

    Sara Kate Styling

    1. Thanks so much sweet Sarah Kate! I always look forward to your posts and I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday

  7. Ha ha..you are so awesome!! And funny too! I wish you would share this on my blog!! Maybe we can swap....I do sew good...put in your order ;) Hugs to you lovely lady!

    1. You're so adorable. A swap would be fun! Wonder powers activate. Lol. Have a wonderful Wednesday sweet Valerie!! Xo

  8. I loved this, so funny! You are right, we all are horrible at somethings, it's good to remind ourselves we aren't always perfect ;) I love that you are so humble, you are the best! XO - Kim

    1. Once again, you have made my day. You're such a sweetheart. XO back at ya beautiful!!

  9. I'm totally terrible about packing too!

  10. I'm with you on the Buying More Stuff thing! I always say to myself "I will need this one day" haha <3


  11. This is too cute! Such a fun, refreshing post! I am so horrible at almost an equal 95% of the things you listed! XO


    1. Isn't it fun to just laugh at ourselves sometimes. You have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday beautiful Anna!! :-)

  12. Aww, I LOVED this post! You are just too cute! Guess what?! I am quite the speedy person on the streets too! LOL No shame here! :-)
    xoxo, Vanessa

    1. That's right V, we can be speedsters together!!! :-) you are the best, my love. Can wait to get over to your site for your post today. It's one of my favorite fixes of fashion sweet lady!!!!

  13. What a hilarious post!! Did I read that right, you packed 14 pairs of shoes including SIX pairs of flip flops for vacation?? How long were you gone for?? I laughed out loud at the speeding ticket commentary. I would have thought with the way he said it, citation meant warning too. Unless you were going 20 over which would be a felony and he was giving you just the citation. Either way, you made me laugh :)

    1. Oh Lauren your comment even made me chuckle. Yep you read right 14 pair but I did wear 11 of them. Lol. Oh gee a felony might make me slow down but til then....lol. Hope you have a marvelous evening gorgeous lady!!! xo

  14. This is so funny LOL I pull my hair whenever I don't get the egg in its perfect shape, sometimes it just gets scrambled. Still edible but really frustrating :D

    Miss Eleigh Neux

    1. You know it girl!!! We can't help it that we want a perfect egg, it's in our DNA!!! Happy rest of your Wednesday sweets!! xo

  15. OMG...I love this post! We are SO alike...I am terrible at packing to the point that my husband has taken over that task! I try to remember to apply stain stick to newly found stains, but something always gets in the way. I can't sew for my life (you should see my son's baseball pants and the hole in the knee) - they looked better with the hole than what I did with needle and thread to that pair of pants.

    1. Too funny. Love it that you can relate. Cracks me up about the baseball pants. Thanks for taking the time to read my craziness. I love your Blog!! xo

  16. I can definitely identify with numbers 2 and 8. I am awful at packing! I usually end up packing twice what I actually need! Good thing they make giant suitcases! I am guilty of wanting this top or that sweater, also. I find it hard to avoid shopping. I think that's something that I need to work on! I loved this post! Really neat idea! Have a great day, lovely lady! :)



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