

I'm doing a happy dance, Fall is here, temps wise, it's really here! This week we had temps in the 60's, sunshine and a cool breeze. LOVE it, plus I ate a honey crisp apple everyday!! The other baby comes home form college today so I am one happy mama!! Bring on the football!! 
Soak up the weekend peeps and Be Happy!!!

1. Outside Decor
Last week I showed you our inside Fall Decorations Here. Here are a few snippets of the outside decor. I am a symmetrical girl, I like even things on each side like two mums in urns but I'm living on the edge and mixing it up, plus I got a new scarecrow and he won't get as wet on the porch. 
 Even the back deck gets a lil decor

2. Krispy Kreme Pumpkin Spice Cake Doughnuts
You know I'm a pumpkin connoisseur and not just any ole pumpkin treat will do but I was blown away by these puppies and they compliment said lattes just perfectly. Moderation however as these pumpkin treats are sabotaging my waistline. Pumpkin Palooza has taken my hostage. Help! lol

3. Work Attire
Macy's top

Glicks skirt, Loft Sweater, Target tanks

Kohl's top and necklace

4. Plaid
Love Plaid to pieces!!
Plaid Shirt HERE (LOVE IT) Sole Society Booties HERE (LOVE THEM)
Photo bomber scarecrow

Plaid Shirt Inspo

5. Casual Day with My Mr.
Saturday, Mr. Nine and I had the BEST afternoon. After a morning of football for the baby boy, just he and I headed North and hour to our favorite Brewery and then to a cool lil town with a Distillery for a cocktail. Then we came home and sat out on our back deck, finished getting ND highlights, then watched a movie. So fun being Cas with my man.
BONUS: THE Pumpkin Mug & Another Cutie
Remember last week I showed you this mug from the talented Cami Monet Miller? Well it arrived last Saturday. Here I am Sunday Morn with it all cozy. You gotta get one, even better in person. Use the code LIVINGONCLOUD9 HERE and get 10% off

And look at this one: 
I just pre-ordered it, It's on back-order...but I'll wait patiently!!
Order one HERE

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday //


  1. Your porch looks great! I'm not sure how to decorate mine this year since my mums last year died from not receiving total sunlight. Love the plaid on you--I'm adding more plaid to my wardrobe this fall!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. Love your casual date day with your Mr! It sounds seriously perfect! And while I don't really like plaid on myself, your recreated look is so great girl! Have a fun weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Oh so much goodness! Your outside decor is beautiful, that scarecrow is so cute! And girl, that plaid top with the distressed jeans and booties is right up my,love,love!

  4. Your outside decorations look great, Andrea! I have our fall wreath up, but that's it. We have had SO much rain this week, I was waiting on the mums. Hopefully next week! Enjoy your weekend with your son home from college! And love that plaid on you!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  5. Your outdoor decor looks great! Love your plaid outfit and all of the plaid inspiration! I'm waiting for my Cami Monet mug to arrive and the other one your found is so cute! Have the best weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  6. Your front door looks AH-mazing and I just love your scarecrow! He looks like he's doing a happy dance, too! I think you and Mr. Nine are handling the empty nest syndrome beautifully! Cheers to a wonderful weekend, friend!

  7. Can I have you come decorate my house please?! You did SUCH a good job with the outside! I have been pinning away trying to come up with inspo for our front porch! Have such a wonderful weekend love!

  8. Anonymous30.9.16

    Happy Friday ! I love love love plaid :) love a great looking plaid scarf or top ! I also love your outside fall decor, I have a fern on our patio and I must say yours looks gorgeous :) Enjoy your weekend !

  9. I'm so jealous that you have a Krispy Kreme donuts! They all closed near me and I have been missing them ever since. So feel free to send me them. haha Love your front door decorations! So pretty. Love anything plaid. I was thinking of you last night as I watched This is Us. Such a great show, but it is always making me cry. Hope you have a wonderful weekend Pretty Lady!

  10. Okay, I need one of those donuts ASAP. Love your plaid outfit and those cute booties!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. Your porch looks great! And I am going to be thinking about those donuts ALL day!!!!

  12. Your porch is darling!! And if you have to be held hostage by something, pumpkin palooza doesn't sound like the worst thing ;-) Have a great weekend!

  13. Your porch is gorgeous, Andrea! I love it so much! And that fern is beautiful, too! Mine both died by the end of the summer because it was just SO HOT HERE!

    And girrrrl, those pumpkin spice donuts from KK are my favorite! Oh my word, they're good!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. I love your cute! A few years ago I purchased a little family of scarecrows, the dad, mom, son and daughther at Hobby Lobby, they were so cute! But I bought them before it was officially I stored them in my laundry room where our 2 big dogs slept. BAD IDEA! They got a hold of them and destroyed laundry room was a mess! I was so mad then, but looking back now, it's such a funny memory, especially since those 2 fur babies are now in doggie heaven.

    You look amazing in plaid...heck, you look amazing in anything and everything!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of football and fun with your boys!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  15. I'm hoping to plan a date day with my man in October. The front of your house is very pretty, love that fall wreath and the variety of pumpkins!


  16. Happy Friday Friend :) So fun to go on a fun day date with the Mr. Although that ND game was a little rough last week, yikes! Your porch came out so stinkin cute! Love it. I want all things plaid! Give them to me...hehe.

  17. OHHHH snap - I'm keeping my eye out for those donuts!! Perfect for Saturday morning with coffee treat!

  18. I love your fall decorations, and the back porch love too! Youa nd the Mr. are so cute, that sounds like a perfect Saturday. Enjoy your weekend of family and football! Fall is the best!

  19. Happy Friday! Your outdoor decorations look great. I still need to get some mums. Such a fun day out with Mr. Nine! I miss cheese curds, we just don't have them around here. Have the best weekend enjoying football and your boys <3 Beautifully Candid

  20. those mugs are too cute! And I love the plaid - I need more plaid shirts.

  21. Good afternoon, beautiful friend! This post just made me totally smile. Yay for another baby being home this weekend, I know you will savor this weekend with him. My hubby will be home this weekend so I am excited too! Look at you and Mr all cute on your little date. LOVE your flannel look...I want to pull out mine and my booties for the Apple Festival tomorrow but that lingering humidity is telling me to step away from the sleeves and boots. Eeeek! Enjoy your weekend love! xoxoxox

  22. Loving all the plaid, and those pumpkin mugs! So fun! Your day date sounds perfect!

  23. Your outside decor and plants are so pretty!!!! I keep meaning to get mums but then I never do. Our front stoop is so bare and sad. I love your plain outfit and inspo pictures!!! And cheese curds!!! YUMM!!!!! Have a great weekend!

  24. Such a happy post!! Our baby girl is home for the weekend celebrating her birthday. Always a good weekend when the kids are back in the nest.

  25. My outfit today is similar to your plaid shirt outfit (though I don't have an adorable tassel necklace on)...and actually, the shirt I'm wearing is the red plaid one in your first inspo pic! Uhhh I need those pumpkin spice Krispy Kremes NOW!!!

  26. Krispy Kreme is irresistible!

  27. I am sort of craving Krispy Kreme now.

  28. What a lovely decorations! I like stuff like that bybthe front door! It always feels so inviting and cozy. Have a great weekend!

  29. Your outdoor decorations look beautiful! I can't believe how "opened up" your mums are. Ours are still closed up buds in all the stores. Must be the climate difference! You look great in plaid...looks like such a fun date day! Enjoy the weekend!

  30. Your outdoor Fall decor is gorgeous and I love all the pretty flowers. Your plaid outfit is fabulous and perfect for the cooler weather...I'm looking forward to when the Fall temps want to grace us with it's presence. I hope hope you're soaking it all in this weekend!

  31. Your outside decor is on point! Loving all the plaid. I need more in my life...well want ha I have a lot as it is. I also really like that last mug, it's super cute. Cheese curds are the best! I haven't had any in far too long. Sounds like a really fun date with your Mr.

  32. LOVE your fall decor, it is beautiful!!! I also love your outfit with the plaid shirt!!! You look so cute!! I also think that you look great and a little pumpkin treat once in a while is OK! ;-) Hope that you are having a fab weekend so far!!!

  33. Love your red plaid!! I think I need to add some to my closet to wear with my red Hunters! Hope you're having a FANTASTIC weekend!!

  34. It looks like you guys had such a great week! I love you fall decor--I really need to pic up some mums. And perfect work outfits!


  35. I shouldn't be allowed to know those donuts exist! And I just have to say that I always really enjoy your Friday posts :)

  36. These pictures are making me feel very Autumnal! I am so happy I came across you blog it is lovely, don't stop doing what you do! x

  37. I love the colors of fall, and you captured them all in this post! But did you really have to introduce me to Krispy Kreme pumpkin spice donuts???

  38. Sounds like you two had a wonderful casual day together! What fun! And I love that plaid top on you!

  39. Loving the outside fall decor - looks good! Can I tell you that I don't even like KK doughnuts but I picked up those pumpkin spice ones and they were so good! I can't even buy them - too much temptation. Love your casual day out with your man!!!

  40. Love how you decorated the outside of your house! So festive. Your casual look is just perfect. Looks like you had a great day together!

    xx, Elise


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