

Happy Monday angels. It's so easy to see what we are not good at, what we do not like about ourselves and where we lack. So much so, we don't truly appreciate what we are crazy talented in and what we do have that is uniquely special to us.

You know what you tell yourself, I'm no good at that, I have small boobs, She is better at that then me, I'm terrible at ironing, and on and on. (yep..exact things I tell myself!)

That little critic inside you can be very loud. By showing appreciation for your strengths and showing yourself compassion for who you are is the key to stopping that crushing critic.
Self-compassion means being gentle, kind, and understanding with yourself. Look at what you do have, what you are good at! 

Here is my list of some weaknesses, things I'm not good at and things I don't like about myself but replaced with the strengths in it's place. 9 of them of course, lol

1. I cannot cook an over easy egg but I make a mean fried egg sandwich. 
Yeah look a that sad tried to cook over easy egg

2. I have cellulite but I got a great clavicle...why do you think I love Off the Shoulder tops so much! 

3. I'm a horrible bowler, but a Great pool player. 8 Ball left corner pocket!!

4. I can't draw but I can scrapbook and do calligraphy (in fact, I used to address wedding invitations for friends.)

5. Sometimes, I eat too many sweets but I exercise like mad and eat healthy otherwise.

Keeping Fit so I can eat cookies, lol

6. I lose everything but I'm grateful to have a husband who can always seem to find what I lost. He is my greatest Strength.
#1 Item I loose weekly; my favorite scissors...look how excited I was to find them!

7.  I'm so emotional but I guess that shows I have a Sensitive & Compassionate heart.

8. I speed, oh I speed but at least I get everywhere on time.
Knock on wood...last ticket was 2 yeas ago

9. I cannot sing and oh how I wish I could but I can dance and I can act. (I wanted to prove this to you so I taped myself Friday in the car, singing to the radio, but when watched it back, wincing the whole time, I thought Nah....lol)

We all need a friend like Amy Poehler to tell us we have ALL the strengths!

Come on, see, this girl has strengths too!

Tell yourself this today....and everyday!!

What does your list look like? What are your strengths? Embrace them girls!! And HAPPY week ahead while you're at it!!



  1. I love this post, Andrea! I totally agree -- it's so important to embrace your strengths, it's so easy to focus on the things we can't do. I can't make over easy eggs either, why is it so hard?! And I love the one about speeding haha!!! Have a great Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  2. What a great post! I fall in the "I'm not good enough" category all the time! We are our own worse critics!
    Thank you for reminding us to to find our strengths!

  3. Love this! I had one of those weekends where I was really hard on myself so I love the idea of changing your mindset and focusing one something that you are good at! Thank you for the encouragement!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. I absolutely love this post!! We really are our own worst critics!! I giggled at the speeding because when I drive I'm the same way!! Also totally relate to the eggs...can't poach an egg, but I make a mean scrambled egg LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. You my dear have so many great strengths but I am chuckling over your weaknesses! I can so relate to many but the one that sticks out the most is the eating too many sweets sometimes. That is me! I work out like crazy, eat clean all week and then on the weekends I'm like, "hmmmmm what can I bake that's yummy?!" I love it and you too! Happy Monday sweet friend!

  6. Oh way to put a positive spin on things!! Love this idea for a post!!

    1. Oh and I'm the same way with an over-easy egg a lot too!

  7. I absolutely love this post Andrea!! I also eat too many sweets but I also love working out!


  8. I love this post! We should all focus more on our strengths! I eat too many sweets and love working out too!

    Doused In Pink

  9. HA! I could not love this more...what a great way to start my Monday morning! And I speed everywhere too - so bad! And what's the deal with eggs? I mean..this is why I don't cook. Candy for breakfast all the way :) Have a great week, doll!



  10. love this post! We all should focus on our strengths more :) Happy Monday!

    Midwest Darling

  11. Such a FUN post! What a great way to start the week. I loved this post and shook my head to so many of these...the singing...same here! Have a great week!

  12. This was such a sweet post and definitely a good message! Your speeding ticket made me LOL because I do too!! At least we care about being prompt haha! Happy Monday girlfriend!

    Rosy Outlook

  13. Lol...I have a great clavicle too! Next time I'm stressed about the cellulite I'm going to remember this! Thanks for sharing your positive thoughts with us Andrea!

  14. LOL I love this! There is always a positive and we all have strengths! You always start my Monday off well.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  15. I LOVE this list! It's so easy to focus on our weaknesses, but we really should focus on our strengths much more!

    Have a great week!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  16. What a great post. I love your positive attitude!! I'm not sure I have alot of strengths but I totally have a million weaknesses. haha

  17. Love it! I may be exhausted all of the time, but I'm doing the things I love in life! Happy Monday, Andrea!

  18. This is a great post idea! I also eat too many sweets sometimes, and carbs. And I worry too much and think about "what if"'s too much. My husband is better at relaxing and not worrying about tomorrow.

  19. Love this! Thanks for the Monday morning pick me up!

  20. Awwww love Michael Scott! Such a fun and inspiring post, love love love this! Girl I speed too (whoops), and so cannot sing! Cheers to a fabulous week <3
    Green Fashionista

  21. I love this! I focus on a lot of the things I cant do either. I love your sweet heart and you do have a fabulous clavicle! I am not the craftiest person, but I can cook. I might have a hard time making decisions (especially when it comes to where to go to eat!!!) but I am able to see things from every angle in an argument or discussion.

  22. This is such a great post for a Monday!! Loved reading all of these fun facts... I too love some tacos but also running em off!! Oh yes and all the cervazas!! :)

    Brittany :)

  23. I want to see your calligraphy now!!!!

  24. Oh you precious woman!!! Thanks for this reminder. I was just complaining about some physical aspect of myself to my husband this weekend and said "why do women have to compare themselves?" I know I do it to myself, but it's just so dang hard not to. YAY for great clavicles and BOOOO for cellulite (which by the way, I have enough to share😜). Have a wonderful week!!!

  25. #8 LOLOLOLOL. Dying! And girl, your clavicle - YESSSS! It is SO funny that you mentioned that because I am constantly thinking that you have a beautiful neck and shoulders. You just look so dang elegant all the time! It makes you look like a teenager!

    This post was really great, Andrea. One of my favorites that I've read in a long time!

  26. Oh this totally made me giggle!! Happy Monday!!

  27. Awww! This is awesome! I can't wait to spend time with you and your clavicle in ONE MONTH!

  28. Thank you for the reminder, Andrea! I tend to think about the things I don't do well and forget completely about the ones I excel at. I really need to work on that.


  29. Calligraphy is such a fun talent to have! Such a cute post!

  30. This is best post I've seen on a Monday! You are right, we all need to look at our strengths a little more. You have so many great ones <3
    Beautifully Candid

  31. I definitely get on the jealousy train a lot too, but I love that you took some of your perceived weaknesses and turned them into strengths! We're always on time too, even if that means that I had to speed to get there!

  32. Dear Andrea: Finally get a chance to catch up with you and your blog! Such an inspirational post! Love the fact that your husband is your STRENGTH! I feel the same way about my husband. And before I forget: Thank you again for the sweetest gift! Baby Jaxson is so blessed! We love you!

    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  33. I love that you came up with similar positives on each one! And I can definitely relate to #5 and #9! I think focusing on our strengths makes us such a more positive person in general and I love that you are inspiring us to do exactly that!

  34. This is why you are one of the best bloggers! You are honest, funny, and stylish. You are just fantastic without putting on airs. Love this post!

  35. Your strengths WAY out way your weaknesses so it's good to recogmize the things you're good at and not dwell on the negatives even though you can try to be better in those areas. Bowling, drawing and singing will never be a strength of mine and I'm okay with that. In my house it's the opposite where my husband loses everything and expects me know where his stuff is...I'm like well you put it there, how the heck am I supposed to know where it is? LOL Oh I speed too so I'm honestly surprised it took me this long to get my first speeding ticket. Knock on wood! On my commute I just "have" to speed to get there on time. It was a small little back road where I got pulled over going beyond the 20 mph limit.

  36. What an interesting post! Thinking your strengths and weaknesses balance each other out quite well.

  37. I love this post Andrea! You're so right, with every "weakness" we have our strengths and it's important to focus on those rather than dwell on the others. xo!!

  38. What a great post! It is waaaaaaay to easy to dwell on the crap. And gosh darn it if you don't have a great clavicle! (You really do!) If only we spent a little more time reminding ourselves of the good stuff!

  39. This is awesome. And yes, you totally have the sexiest clavicle I have ever seen.

  40. This is so relevant Andrea!!
    Of course we all have strengths & weaknesses---otherwise we'd all be the same, and how boring would that be??

  41. This is hilarious. But what if I can't bowl or play pool?!

  42. This makes me smile SO BIG. And the boob one--LOL--valid. I am totally going to copy-cat this post, and give you a shout-out of course. Now I just gotta keep this window open so I don't forget!

  43. I love this. Love showing something you don't like with something you do life. And girl, I have cellulite too. Ugh. And I work out so I can eat my sweets too.

  44. OH Andrea I love this so much! I love you and how awesome you are. I still want to see that video...how about just the audio? Hehe. I am a horrible person to find things that are lost, but am good at finding my kids stuff, so that's good.

  45. This is such a wonderful post. I'm terrible at picking apart my flaws, but I love how you turned this around. I need to focus more on my strengths!

  46. This is the best post EVER! You really made me chuckle, Andrea. I do love that about you. You're so honest and fun. I SO want to meet you and hang out with you. Hopefully one day it will happen!
    I, also, cannot cook a decent soft boiled egg but I can do a great fried egg on toast lol! I can't sing either but I don't care - I'm always singing at the top of my lungs in the car! BUT, I can dance. Well, I used to be able to. When I was a kid, I used to win dance competitions :D
    Suzy xxx

  47. This is a great way to approach life!! I love this!! Embrace those strengths!

  48. This is so great Andrea! I may have to do something similar on my blog (of course giving you credit for the awesome idea!) We all have weaknesses but learning to focus on the strengths and to build upon those is what's most important. Also, to be super organized I lose things a lot too lol.

  49. I love this idea so much! I'm the same with an egg. Whenever I'm back home I always just have daddy do it ha. No one would want to see/hear me sing either. Well maybe see...I put on a great woman show in the car it's just better seen on mute. You have so many strengths to embrace! Hope you have an amazing day!!

  50. This is definitely one of my favorite posts! (After all the baking and cooking ones...ha!) Most of us are our own worst critics. Time to change all that! xoxo

  51. This is such an awesome post! You have a wonderful outlook to take "weaknesses" and turn them around. We should all be a little kinder to ourselves. Thanks for linking up to #fridayfrivolity! Xx


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