

I love June, usually not yet too hot, the fun days of summer have begun and I get the month to look forward to the 4th fun around the corner!! Hello sweet June and HELLO FRIDAY!!! Love these short weeks! Mr. Nine called me yesterday and said, we're headed to Chicago again to see U2 Saturday Night at Solider Field! Just a day trip but Super excited seeing as they were majorly a part of my 1980's!! Come on Bono and Friday Favs....

1. Family Day
Yep, I was one happy Mama last Saturday when we found a time that the whole crew could do a Family day!! Pizza at an old school joint we love, The Lounger Theater to see "Baywatch" (Super Funny) and the Apple store so one boy could replace a phone that went uh, swimming, lol.
And Have you tried the Caramel M&M's? I squealed with delight when I saw the theater had them. Sooo good!
YES!!!! So, I am not one to have botox or stuff injected, so when I was at the dermatologist for my skin check a couple weeks ago, I sad "Doc, I wold like something for wrinkles." He smiled and said I was in luck because now, over the counter, right there on the shelves of Target is this amazing gel!!! Just came out a few weeks ago. It says it is for Acne but it is the latest advancement in fighting wrinkles and it is only $29.99. So far, so good, gives a little tight feeling to the skin, I have had no redness or breakouts and a small diminish in crows feet. Hope it continues to work magic!!
3. Week's Attire
Kohl's (gift from my son for Mother's day) top. Michael Kors pants.

The Loft sweater and necklace, Target top

Chelsea 28 top from Nordstrom, The Loft Pants

4. Poppy Red/Orange
I adore this color and even got a dress in this color in Toronto for a brunch wedding later this summer.
Adore this ensemble.
Top HERE // Shoes HERE
Necklace HERE

More Inspo

Loved this look yesterday from my friend  Rachel from A Blonde's Moment

5. Impromptu Trip to Chicago
Monday was mine and Mr. Nine's wedding anniversary. The past couple years we haven't done anything major and didn't look like we would this year as weather looked kind of crappy. We kept watching the forecast and Sunday morning, just said "Let's Go!" We packed a bag quick and drove to Chicago and had the best time. 
The weather ended up being picture perfect.
Our Favorite Chicago Hotel is The Loews!
More on this Last Minute get away on Monday!!

And in case you missed it, Our 2017 Family AND Couples Bucket lists HERE

Now go get going on your summer fun, bucket list or no bucket list, just enjoy this sweet June weekend!!
Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // Oh Hey, Friday  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday


  1. What a great way to celebrate your anniversary with an impromptu trip!! Love that you had a great family day with the boys as well!! Happy weekend dear! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. You won't believe this but Nolan actually has the same shirt as one of your boys, so now our boys are twinning, lol! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy U2!

  3. Have a great weekend!!

  4. What a perfect family day!! And I use to use Differin gel but it was prescribed, I did see that it's now over the counter and thought about trying it again, but now that I know it helps wrinkles, I'm totally getting it :) Can't wait to hear all about your Chicago trip!! Happy Weekend!

  5. I need to try that Differin gel. Can't wait to read about your trip to Chicago! Have a great weekend!

    Doused In Pink

  6. Ok how have I not heard of caramel M&Ms?!?! That sounds AMAZING! So excited to read all about your trip! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Rosy Outlook

  7. How fun to go to Chicago twice in a week! Happy Anniversary. I love that you were able to squeeze in a family day. I have not tried those M&M's but I am sure they would be my newest favorite candy. I love that leopard clutch. Have the best weekend at U2. Say hello to Bono for me. Happy Friday Mama!

  8. Happy Friday! I love that you are so close to Chicago!! Have the best time at the U2 concert. My brother was at Cindy's rooftop bar last Sunday and it looked picture perfect. What a fun family day you had too. Have the best weekend! xo Beautifully Candid

  9. That ruffle sleeve top is so cute! Love the color on you! Going to pick up that Differin stuff immediately. Heck yes! Family days are the best days. Glad you guys got to do a lot of fun things. Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. That poppy red top is such a fabulous color on you! Happy Friday, have an amazing time in Chicago <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. Happy Anniversary!! Have fun in Chicago! I have always wanted to go there. One day! Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. I love al the fun you have with your family- I hope that's us in 10 years

  13. What a gorgeous family Andrea! I am for SURE going to get some differin gel! And as far as your look, you nailed it. LOVE your top!
    Have a wonderful weekend beautiful!

  14. Oh my...I have so much to say. Shocking! LOL First, you guys are so cool taking a quick trip to Chicago to go to a U2 concert! Love it! Differen...I just bought it a few weeks ago for my daughters acne at Target. (we actually ended up at the doctor for it this week and are adding a topical antibiotic along with the Differen) I've used it in the past for occasional break outs and fine lines and my son had it prescribed for acne years ago. (Now, on a side note. I wouldn't be a good blogger friend if I didn't say I'd love for you to try Rodan + Fields.😉😉 I absolutely love the products!!!!) So you liked Baywatch? I told the hubs I bet it would be super funny, but super stupid. Now I'm thinking we should grab Katie and head to our lounger theater and see it. Because let's face it, once you've watched a movie in a lounger theater you just don't want to see one if a regular theater. Last but definitely not least CARAMEL M&M's!!!! As soon as I complete this clean eating bootcamp I'm doing, I'll be on the hunt for those. I am an M&M girl through and through!!! Have a weekend as gorgeous as you are my friend!!! XOXO

  15. What a great way to spend your family day last Saturday! Good to hear you liked Baywatch -- we going to see it while we were on vacation but never got around to it. Thanks for sharing my post! I'm seriously obsessed with that top. I'm going to order a few more colors I think! Have a great weekend, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  16. So excited for your family day! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. That color looks FANTASTIC on you! And a concert?! You have such a fun, exciting life!

  17. YAY for a spontaneous trip!! Happy Anniversary you beautiful couple!! Love your Orange Nordy's top!! Have a great weekend Andrea!!

  18. Yay for having a family day with all your boys!!! Love that ruffle sleeve top - it's the best! And an impromptu trip to Chicago - how fun!

  19. I can't wait to hear about your anniversary trip! Love the turquoise/coral/red combo on you- super cute! Baywatch may be a fun date night for me and Robert. We always tease Ari that her boyfriend is John Cena, but she said she loves the Rock now, so she may be jealous if we go! Going to have to try those M&Ms! Have fun at the concert- they were just in Houston and made the news for stopping at Whataburger (a Texas burger chain) on their way to the airport.

  20. I love your poppy red look with the jeans and necklace! I so want to re-create it. Have fun in Chicago.

    Daily Style Finds

  21. A lovely 'copy' Andrea, also super looks of the week. Nice to link up again. x Jacqui

  22. Handsome sons, great red/orange top and a good time in Chicago with your main squeeze. What more could you ask for? :o)) Happy weekend!

  23. Umm? U2 and not one but TWO trips to Chicago? Mr. Nine is on a roll!! U2 was actually in Dallas last weekend - or maybe the weekend before? - and some friends of ours went. Wayne said if he had known, we probably would have gone too. NOW he tells me! Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Chicago AND U2?? How awesome! I haven't been to Chicago yet but it is on my short list! It's a quick flight and I think it would be a perfect girl's weekend trip!

  25. Glad you had a fun family day!! Chicago sounds amazing!

  26. So funny - I was going to text you and ask what that gel was - and here it is! George and Thomas saw U2 a few weeks ago in Seattle and it was amazing - have so much fun!

  27. Glad you got some much needed time with the offspring! I remember Differin gel but I swear it was Rx back in the day? Right? You looked gorgeous in your reds and oranges. I hope you and Mr. Nine have a fabulous U2 weekend and you find what you're looking for (get what I did there??? Yes, I'm a dork!) XOXOXOX

  28. Happy Friday!!! You have such a fabulous life - love the Family Day...sounds like it was a blast. I think I need to try that Differin gel asap!!! You look amazing in all of this week's outfits and I love that red top paired with leopard print and a pop of turquoise - you look perfect in that outfit! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! xo

    Trendy & Tidy

  29. Sounds like the perfect family day!! I have seen those M&Ms and I really wanted to try them! Now that I know they're actually good I'll have to pick some up!

  30. You had the perfect family day! Enjoy them before the boys all grow up and move who-knows-where. Love your outfits, especially the red top with the turquoise necklace. Enjoy your weekend! xoxo

  31. Your family day sounds perfect!! I almost grabbed those caramel m&ms at the theater last weekend and now I'm thinking I need to find them!! Love your polka dot top and that bright coral top!! So cute!

  32. I tried the caramel m&m's - so good! Love your coral top with the turquoise! I might have to look into that wrinkle product. Sounds like a fun weekend with family too!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  33. An impromptu trip to Chicago to see US?! How fun!! Happy wedding anniversary to you and the Mr. So happy to hear you got the whole family together on Memorial weekend and got to enjoy a day together. I just tried the caramel M&M's this because and OMG yummy! I was immediately sold because I love caramel.

  34. Awe! Your boys are super cute! I am glad you were able to spend some time with them. And I am obsessed with that red/orange top! I love your OOTD photos. I need to do that but I it's really hard. It might be easier now that it's light longer but I work 7:30am to 6pm so finding good light is hard! I hate taking phone photos but I just might have to! xoxo -Bri
    Bri | Lifestyle + Travel

  35. Glad you got to have a day with your boys!! I love caramel, so I know I would love those M&Ms, need to try them!!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  36. Happy anniversary to you two! :)

  37. Hooray for family day! I can't wait to hear all about the Chicago trip. We need to get up there for a weekend again before my in-laws move to Pittsburgh. Though our weekend is sure to look more like parks, aquariums and zoos that I'm sure yours did ;-)

  38. Caramel m&ms? I need to find those asap!

  39. We saw Baywatch last weekend too; I thought it was so funny.

  40. Hope U2 did you lovebirds proud!

  41. Oh I can't wait to see Baywatch - it looks SO good!!! And glad you've gotten to spend some quality family time together - there is NOTHING better than that:)

  42. Well, you're saying hello to June in skin fun and colourful way, Mrs N ! Lovely family times and I'd never think to put blue accessories to red, but in summer it works! Looking good.

  43. That bell sleeve top of yours is perfect! Love that color on you, yay for impromptu trips!

  44. Hooray for family time!! And happy (belated) anniversary to you guys!!


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