

My favorite blush top of all time can be seen HERE but I feel pretty hard for the ruffles on this Loft Top too. Blush has my heart big time this Spring. I am seeing it everywhere. I would love to have this blush Ruffle Dress and this Lightweight Sweater.

Welcome to our weekly Link-Up, shall we just re-name it the LOFT LINK-UP, lol. Yep, here we are again and I may need to purchase their stock but I couldn’t help it..that’s why it’s a no buy February although I may have slipped a bit, ya know, for the sake of the weekly fashion posts, HA!

These calf hair leopard pumps are from Macy's by Calvin Klein and I have literally had them for 6 or 7 years, they are my favorite pumps of all time. I try to keep them so nice because I know I cannot get them just like this again. Trust me, I have tried to find a backup and no such luck.

BUY This Top HERE // Similar Leopard Pumps HERE // Grey Wrap Bracelet HERE //
Beaded Chandelier Earrings HERE

Now Let's Link-Up your fabulous style and head over to The Blended Blog and see what one of our beautiful ladies is styling and loving!

Your weekly fashion linkup. Please share no more than 2 links and visit a couple fellow bloggers!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I love your top. I bought a similar one from Loft last spring when I was in NYC. Mine is thicker and doesn't hang so well so I tend to put a cardigan or jacket over it. What a waste.


  2. My favourite colour, Blush pink plus my favourite style of jeans. = fabulous!
    Laurie xx

  3. You are a blushing beauty my friend! I love those leopard pumps too, such a pretty combination on an even prettier woman!

  4. Love that color! It looks amazing on you!

  5. This is just the prettiest blouse on you and love all the statement jewelry with it! Hope you are doing well Andrea!

  6. Love this pretty blush ruffle top on you, Andrea! It's so fresh and perfect for spring. I love it with the leopard pumps, too!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  7. That's a lot of cuteness going on here. Can we say we're cute at this stage in life? I'm gonna say YES! Cute can go hand in hand with pretty, just as it has right here. I can see why you're holding onto those pumps - they're fabulous. I need a good pair but spend all my money at Altar'd State sales, haha! Anyway, I love the ruffle top and how you styled. The necklace is gorgeous!! I hope you're having a wonderful week and having fun decorating that gorgeous house of yours!!

  8. What a beautiful blouse! I think blush (and red) are your colors! :) Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  9. Very pretty sleeve detail Andrea, goes so well with the casual jeans. Love your necklace too Hun. Have a super week. x Jacqui

  10. I can totally see why you had to purchase this one. Blush is a perfect color on you, friend!

  11. I really love that top. The whole outfit is a perfect date night outfit.

  12. I wish they had the loft over here in Spain! I miss shopping there. I love this look for you!


  13. That color is perfect on you! Not to mention it looks great with the stone backgrounds. I am a blush fan too and I could use some fun new tops. I'll have to work on that! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  14. We're twinning today with the ruffles! That blush color is stunning on you sweet friend <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. I love those jeans on you and of course that top! That color is so pretty!

  16. Anonymous21.2.18

    I love a pretty blush top and the ruffles add the perfect feminine touch ! Hoping you are having a fantastic week friend !

  17. Andrea... you are rocking that pretty pink shirt and side pony!! Have a great week.

  18. Such a cute top for Spring!!! Pink is so your color! Love it!

    Brittany :)

  19. Girl...this is exactly the way to bring on spring!! I've been shopping way too much too---it's a terrible disease..LOL!!

  20. That top is really cute and a great color!

  21. This is a really pretty top and the color is fabulous! I love the leopard shoes as an accent! You are just so beautiful!!

  22. I love blush because I think it can really be worn in any season! That top is so cute! I love the ruffles!

  23. My love for blush pink runs deep. And you know I love a good Loft find! This is so pretty on you! Happy Wednesday!!!

  24. In love with this top!! The color and flutter sleeves are beautiful, and I love that you styled it with boot cut jeans. Gorgeous Andrea!

    xx, Elise

  25. You look AMAZING in blush and I definitely need those leopard print heels in my life!

  26. You look beautiful in this blouse! I love the sleeves! And your hair just looks darling with it! :)

  27. Awww! So beautiful in blush!! Xoxo

  28. Love that blouse! I've always wanted to get a ruffle blouse, but then I think,how does a sweater or jacket work with the bigger sleeves, I'm pretty much always wearing a jacket. I hate when you have something you love and can't find a good replacement! It took me years to find a replacement for my leopard flats!

  29. You look so beautiful! I should join you in buying stock from Loft - they've had so many cute things lately! I tried on that blouse (or one similar) and it looked terrible on my - it didn't do any favors for my broad shoulders and huge boobs :)! Looks amazing on you though!

  30. So chic & stylish... Perfectly you.

  31. LOVE that top!!! It looks fantastic on you too!! :-) I also love your leopard heels. Hope that you have a lovely too friend! <3

  32. oooo! You look so pretty in blush and the ruffles, love! I just bought some tops from LOFT on-line, you must have have sub consciously influenced me! hehe! I love the whole look! ... now im going to have to look for that top!
    jess xx

  33. That is a great blush top. The color is perfect and the ruffles add such a sweet feminine touch!

  34. I love that top so much! The color is perfect for spring and I love the ruffle sleeves! It sucks when you find the perfect pair of shoes and then nothing ever lives up to their standards!

  35. Love you in this color and love the flare jeans! So flattering!

  36. I'm right there with you on the blush. It's so pretty and feminine and I can't stop buying it! Love the sweet ruffles on this top!

    pumps and push-ups

  37. LOVE LOVE LOVE the top, Andrea! So chic! Blush is definitely your color!

    xoxo, Vanessa

  38. You know I LOVE blush pink so this top is just speaking to me! It looks absolutely gorgeous on you and I LOVE the denim you paired with it!

    Rosy Outlook

  39. This blush top is so pretty on you! I love sleeves and the ruffle detail. I need to get some new tops for spring. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  40. Sharing in the Loft love today!!! I got a pair of Sam Edelman leopard heels for Christmas, and they definitely rival my Calvin Klein shoes I wear to work all the time. Just in case, heaven forbid, something happens to your shoes!

  41. Such a pretty top! You look fabulous! And I love your pumps! I can see why they are your favorites!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  42. super distracted by the rock on your fireplace. Love the muted tones!

  43. That color looks amazing on your and I love the ruffles! Your hair is the cutest with it, too!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  44. Ruffles and the color blush, I love them both and that top is just too cute! I just got a blush outfit a couple of weeks ago but haven't worn it yet. Happy mid-week Andrea!

  45. You look absolutely stunning, Andrea! That colour really is divine on you. I wish I could wear it but it just washes me out – I need a stronger colour really, hence the bright pink in my link (above)!
    Hope you're having an amazing week, my friend!
    Suzy xx

  46. Gorgeous and glam outfit! Love the color of the top with the cute ruffles! Blush looks fabulous on you! xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  47. That top is so gorgeous!! Just love the color and tiered style sleeves!


  48. You know how I feel about blush- it's one of my faves! You look lovely in this color, and I dig the killer leopard pumps with it!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  49. The LOFT Linkup - HA!! That made me laugh. Hey, there's nothing wrong with finding a store you love that never lets you down! And you, my friend always find the best pieces from there! This top is just so springy and gorgeous on you...I have a major blush crush on it! Hope you have a stylish weekend my friend! Come to CA! :)



  50. The pretty blush top gives us hope that Spring can't be too far away! Very pretty and feminine... Love the pumps...too bad we can't always find replacements for favorites. xoxo

  51. What a pretty top! I love those ruffled sleeves!

  52. So funny...the Loft link up!! Love it!! You know I love me some blush too!! Totally a color to wear year round!!

  53. It's the weirdest thing...leopard print pumps are such a coveted item but I hardly see the simple pointed to shape for sale! I once called them the 'unicorn' of footwear since they're so hard to find. I don't blame you for keeping yours in good condition!

  54. I am loving the ruffle top. Especially in blush. So cute.

  55. I'm in love with the top, the cut and color. Need I say you look fantastic?! I also like the wider hem on the jeans. I feel I look stumpy in anything but straight legged pants. Are you tall?

    Thanks for your sharing your pretty outfits!

    Jane x

  56. Absolutely love everything about this sweet outfit. The blush and ruffles are beautiful. I've yet to get a pair of leopard pumps and I swear I think I look at different pairs every single day. I ordered a pair and the print was messed up right on top of the toe so I sent them back. I do so love them though. Also totally love that outdoor fireplace. You'er going to enjoy that so much sweet friend! XO

  57. Like you I love ruffles and I love Loft. I just made a purchase online right now with some new adorable ruffled pieces. Your blouse and pumps are so gorgeous and I love your fireplace Andrea. =)

    Thank you for joining Thursday Moda this week. Also, starting next Sunday, I will be having a monthly linkup the first Sunday of each month so welcome by and join it. It will be awesome! Have a Happy Sunday! Ada. =)

  58. Beautiful in blush, Andrea! I love Loft tops too, and they have a great selection. Thanks for linking up, xo


  59. Out of all of the looks you've shared, this might just be my favorite. I love how girly and simple it is. The shoes were the perfect addition too. Looking beautiful friend.


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