

Yep, I’m gonna say it again: Dollar HOLLAR Tree because I found more goodies!!  You guys seem to like these posts. And who wouldn’t love getting good stuff for a buck? I brought you this series At The Holiday's and Last Summer. So here is the Spring version. 

Now, not everything is good, some stuff is downright junk. However, the stuff I really like, I find myself going back for more. With the boys coming home last week and starting work, where they both take their lunches, I found a lot of great snacks to throw in their lunch boxes. And of course, I’ve mentioned the Cheddar Whale crackers before as they like them better that Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. Once, my DT even had them in white cheddar. But enough about Whales, let’s get to my recent Dollar Tree haul. 

1. Fairy Garden Stuff
I am not a fairy gardener, but this stuff was cute and this one package had the most precious lil owl so I can throw him in a flower pot.  

2. Flavored Lip Balms
When I was little I loved flavored lip glosses and balms. Still do! My favorite was a Dr. Pepper one. Not only did it smell and taste like Dr. Pepper, but the lip balm container was in the shape of a glass soda pop Dr. Pepper bottle. Who else remembers longneck soda pop bottles? 

3. Plastic Champagne Glasses
6 for $1 and they make the cutest cupcake holder/favors for parties. Aren’t these just adorable?! I’m gonna see what else I can whip up with them besides this and drinking Champs of course, lol. 

4. Pretty Boxes
As you all know, I love pretty packaging so I probably squealed when I saw these butterfly boxes. Super cute, some glitter and you have a darling box for your gift or to store stuff in. I gave one of those to my mom yesterday for Mother's Day with some gifts inside. 

5. Fancy Cookies
Having a friend over for coffee or tea and no time to bake. How bout some fancy smancy shortbread cookies a fourth of the price as the grocery and super yummy. 

6. Candles
Look how cute these candles are. I love the ones that are taller and the ones that say Birthday Girl or Birthday Boy. Very big selection at my DT.

7. Freeze Dried Fruit
If you’re a fan of the strawberry açaí refresher (pink drink) at Starbucks then listen up! It is made with freeze dried strawberries! I had no idea so in wanting to duplicate this drink this summer, but wondering where I could get freeze dried strawberries? Well wonder no longer because DT carries freeze dried fruit and it’s a fraction of the cost of specialty stores. 

8. Garage Sale Supplies
I literally am coming off garage sale weekend and is why I wasn’t here for Friday Favorites as my big sale was going on. Signs and stickers can get expensive so super excited to grab some supplies at the Dollar Tree.

9. Vanilla Tootsie Rolls
I’m not a huge fan of regular tootsie rolls. Probably because once, in college, a friend and I ate a whole jar of them! However, gimmie a fresh, soft Vanilla tootsie roll and hold me back from eating them all again! First time I had these was a few years back as Target has just the vanilla but only at the Holidays. When my mom, who loves them too, was wishing for some, I was sooo excited to find them at the Dollar Store that I bought 5 bags. 

I like to match my Tootsie's ya know, lol!

Dollar Tree Finds..1st in Series HERE 
Dollar Tree Finds..Summer Edition HERE

It’s sad, I have noticed the Late Spring/Summer Blog Slump is already happening, but who can blame anyone for wanting to take time away from devices and enjoy glorious weather! We’ve been cooped up too long and everyone needs some down time!! Blogging will always be here and I will still be posting 3-4 times a week but in case my comments, which I pride myself on and try to be good at, dwindle, it’s because I’m enjoying some sweet Summertime! And I know you will be too so just remember, everyone will be back in full blogging force come Fall. And I love ya all!


  1. What a great deal for those plastic champagne glasses! Perfect for this summer and I love the idea of using them for a cupcake presentation! Happy Monday, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  2. Love these posts and your Dollar Tree looks even better than mine!

    Coffee and cocktails at the casa

  3. This makes me wish we had a dollar tree in the city!! So many great finds! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. There is a Dollar Tree over in Allston next to the Stop & Shop!

  4. Such great finds, I do love to peruse the aisles of the DT - we have 4 nearby and they're my favorite party decor destination. Especially now with all the graduation celebrations we have I am buying all my cards there.
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day my sweet friend!

  5. You always find the best stuff! Those flavored lip balms look amazing--although I'm pretty sure I would just want to eat them haha! Hope you had such a wonderful Mother's Day!!

    Rosy Outlook

  6. I need those champagne glasses for my sisters shower! Thanks for sharing your finds Andrea!
    and Happy belated Mother's Day!!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  7. You never know what you'll find! Now I wish I would have looked for the freeze dried fruit at ours when I stopped in for balloons yesterday!

  8. Oh my goodness, my girls would flip over the fairy garden stuff and the bag of vanilla tootsie rolls is awesome! My friend just bought us the freeze dried fruit from there since my son is gluten free and we're always looking for snacks. I love the peaches!

  9. This is one of my mom's favorite places to shop!!

  10. Looks like some great finds. The fairy garden stuff is cute!

  11. I think we have gotten most of our fairy garden stuff there :) Mini Fox is obsessed with her fairy garden in our yard...I should take pictures of them...they are everywhere!

  12. I was going to make a fairy garden with my daughter this summer. This post is wonderful timing! Now I know where I can go to get the supplies! Thanks!!

    1. Anonymous15.5.18

      Big Lots has fairy garden things now and Joann's Fabric has a lot at a huge discount lately. Michael's has several sections with mini's so look around other than the popular mini's. Here it's on the wall too.

  13. oh vanilla tootsie's roll. I love them. Oh man I love the dollar store. They have the best stuff.

  14. I always love seeing what everyone finds at Dollar Stores.
    I need to get some garage sale stickers myself.
    & who can never have enough birthday candles? They are never there when you need them

  15. "Downright junk" sounded just like a Southern Diva and totally cracked me up!! I haven't been in our DT in a while. We have a Family Dollar close to our house, so I pop in there from time to time. Of course, everything isn't a dollar, either. Girl, I'm sending sunny, summertime weather your way!! Enjoy the season, your new pool, and your men! Blogging will be here for a while, I'm sure! Xoxo

  16. I didn't know that they had garage sale stuff and freeze dried fruits!!! I always go there for birthday candles and check out their gift bags and paper plate section to keep it stocked while I am there!

  17. I don't let myself go into Dollar Tree because I spend too much lol! I LOVE that idea with the champagne glasses and cupcakes...SO smart!!!

    Black Coffee Beautiful

  18. I always forget about Dollar tree until Christmas time. I need to check mine out. Those cupcakes in the champagne glasses is such a cute idea! Noticing the slump too and I am back on the saddle as my crazy spring has come to a close. Hope you have a great day!

  19. That reminds me- I need a couple signs, I should check out our dollarama....and I hope we have fairy gardne things too!

  20. These posts are always SO good! I need to go get some of those lip balms for our kiddos... they would go CRAZY for that stuff!

  21. You really are the absolute best about commenting, and I know it must take a lot of time. So take a break and enjoy your summer! Great tips on Dollar Tree finds! :)

  22. Those chapsticks used to be my jam! Dr. Pepper was definitely my favorite. I can still taste it just thinking about it. I'm not a huge fan of the fruit & vanilla flavored tootsie rolls but I LOVE Frooties! Especially the blue raspberry.

  23. Those chapsticks are bringing me back! Lip Smackers! I loved them so much!

  24. What fun finds! I love their storage containers!

  25. We went their before our last flight and bought several new toys for Ivy Jean so they would be new and exciting and we didn't have to spend a ton. It worked really well! They really do have some good things. Candles are a great idea.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  26. Thanks! I need to get to my Dollar tree.

  27. I love the dollar tree! I just purchased the cutest place mats from there this past weekend. Oh and I never thought of doing cupcakes like that! You just gave me a 4th of July Idea! Thanks!

  28. I love finding random treasures at the Dollar Tree :) Those vanilla Tootside rolls are awesome!
    -Jenna <3
    Follow me back? The Chic Cupcake

  29. Such fun goodies and I hope you had the loveliest Mother's Day, sweet Andrea!

    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  30. I LOVE the Dollar Store. I have dozens of readers sitting in drawers thanks to the Dollar Store!! I can't pass a Dollar Store without dropping in. And I can't walk out without carrying a bag!

  31. I love Love love the dollar tree-such good buys. Ethan loves buying me those flavored chapsticks ;) the garage sale supplies and candles- genius! It’s a great place to find so much! Thanks for sharing. Hope you’re having a great start to the week and that your Mother’s Day was fabulous! Xo!

  32. My boys love the vanilla tootsie rolls; now I'm going to have to see if our Dollar Store has those!

  33. First of all, YAY for the Dollar Tree. I have to stop myself from going in because for me it's more like the $25 Tree. LOL. That's how they getcha'! I hate buying candles anywhere other than there (although WM has some pretty cheap too) I always go in for gift bags and tissue, shipping supplies, aluminum containers and of course balloons. Enjoy summer friend! WITH NO GUILT. I was just thinking over the weekend how I feel like I don't have a lot of "life" pictures to share frequently, but I also think that's a sign of living "in the moment". You're the best!!! XOXO

  34. Dollar Tree is great!! :-) I love those champagne glasses and those flavored lip balms!! Those lip balms remind me of Lip Smacker from Bonne Bell too. :-) Happy belated Mother's Day to you too, I hope that you had a glorious day! :-)

  35. My youngest daughter would love the flavored lip balms, and I like those decorative boxes! I need to get in to our Dollar Store again. :)

  36. Dollar Tree has some great things especially in the party supplies section! I always go there first to find festive napkins/balloons/gift bags etc. before heading to Target or Party City to get the remainder of things. Those flavored lip balms are so fun! Big Lucky Charms fan over here! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  37. Girl...our DT has the same stuff!!! You know I have seen posts where people find some crazy stuff and I'm like - dang it my DT sucks! But this post makes me feel better. Those fairy garden things are too cute and I think the kiddos will be buying those up for a project. I used those plastic wine glasses last year for my mom's retirement party! Best! XO Sweetie!

  38. I think it would be so fun to make a fairy garden. I'm tempted to go get some supplies for future grandchildren. Hope your garage sale went well!

  39. All sorts of goodies you've found! Love the glasses, great for days out on the train, or by the beach. x Jacqui Mummabstylish

  40. I love seeing what other people pick up at the DT!! I love the fairy garden stuff too and always think I should make one. The champagne glass/cupcake idea is genius! I was wondering how your garage sale went?! My kids would have loved playing "garage sale" with those DT supplies! I noticed those butterfly boxes too, I got some of the decorated boxes at Christmas and they were gorgeous! Vanilla Tootsies, who knew? I'll be around this summer! Have a wonderful day!

  41. I love the dollar tree! These are great finds.

  42. Such a great roundup! I love that they have the flavored chapsticks- those would be so perfect for favors at a little girl's birthday party. And vanilla tootsie rolls- must try those! :)

  43. Heading out to get the fairy stuff!!! Who knew? #thehappynowblog

  44. I have a fairy garden in a bird bath in my backyard and I was thinking that some of the pieces are getting a little worn. I didn't know Dollar Tree had some fairy garden stuff. I need to check that out! I also need some of those plastic champagne glasses. I would have never thought to put cupcakes in them, but such a great idea! I just love this post! And gosh golly, I have been struggling with blogging lately. It's been so busy as my kids wrap up school. I've def. be doing a lot less posts. I hope to do more again once things calm down a bit (ha!).


  45. I'm in the midst of planning a baby shower for my daughter and this is perfect timing. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story and we hope you will join us again next week.

  46. LOVE the cupcake holder idea! So pretty and festive. I pinned it for future reference!

  47. Thanks for sharing at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop, so nice to see you back!

  48. Dollar Tree is the best spot for so many things. And you never know what your will find.

  49. Great finds. My favorite is still their greeting cards.

  50. The Dollar Tree is such fun and it never ceases to surprise me what you can find there. #HomeMattersParty


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