

Monday was the TBB ASKS Q&A and one of the questions was do you like to dance? Of course, it’s a great big "yeah," but then I got to thinking about how it’s been so long since I’ve been dancing unless you count dancing around the the house? This year was not the year of weddings and the one we were invited to, we didn’t attend. 

I have lived to dance ever since I was a little girl. I get it from my momma who is a great dancer. In high school and college, the big thing was Dance Clubs. You remember, the under 21 clubs were we cold meet boys and strut our stuff! We had some local ones that were a blast.  Remember, there was even one Mr. Nine and I both frequented back in the day but never crossed paths. 

Every time I hear Whitney Huston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody,” I crank it up. This poppy colored high low hem dress from Eliza J, is the perfect dancing dress! It has an ultimate twirl factor. I am a sucker for a halter neck too. These Eliza J dresses are so well made. I have a couple and I love them all. Great fit and quality. LOVE this color!

DRESS HERE // Similar SHOES HERE // EARRINGS HERE // Similar Gold Bracelet HERE
Do you still dance? I know from some of your Monday posts, so of you love to. If so, where? And do you have a favorite dance song or genre? I still love 80’s music to dance to. 


Join the ladies of The Blended Blog as we link up any fashion post.  It's summer so let's freestyle Summer Style together!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. What a cute dress! It really does look like the perfect dancing dress with an amazing twirl factor! Eliza J has the cutest dresses and you are so right about the quality. Love this red on you, Andrea! Happy Wednesday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  2. You look stunning in this dress my friend! That Whitney Houston song is the perfect song to dance to. I remember that song so well when it first came out and I was in college, I just loved it! Hope you have a super sweet Wednesday beautiful!

  3. That dress is perfect! Great for dancing the night away!

  4. I love the swing in that dress! And now you have me singing that song, it's going to be stuck in my head all day <3

  5. Eliza J dresses are some of my favorites because of the patterns and how well made they are! This one looks gorgeous on you girl! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  6. I love that dress! It is so cute & fun! Looks perfect for dancing & twirling!

  7. This dress is GORGEOUS on you friend! I love the pretty floral print and the color is just so fun!!

    Rosy Outlook

  8. You look absolutely, Beautiful, friend! And I agree that halter style dresses and blouses look so good on you! You look sun-kissed! Must be all that pool partyin' you're doing these days!! You know I love me some Whitney and especially that song! It just screams 80s to me. I remember the first time I saw that video on MTV! Memories! Have a memorable day, Babe! I gotta go bash with some friends and teachers for Back To School this morning!

  9. How fun is this dress, perfect for dancing! And I now I'll be singing Whitney Houston all day <3
    Green Fashionista

  10. Loving the cut of this dress and the pattern is so fun for summer. I'd totally pair it with a military jacket and some booties to take it right into fall!

  11. I'm with you - one of the best things about weddings is the dance party afterwards! Love them!

    That dress is perfection. Eliza J dresses are gorgeous and I love that halter neck. Beautiful!

  12. Such a classic design - I had many dresses with that same cut from 1996-2002. I should have kept them! xo

  13. I love to dance, but don't have anyplace to do so except in my kitchen. Sometimes, I have a party of one, crank up the music and boogie all by myself!! You look gorgeous in that beautiful dress, Andrea!!

  14. That's such a beautiful dress to dance in Andrea!! My hubby and I dance around the house occasionally, but you're right---wedding are about the only place otherwise!

  15. Love that dress. Looks fantastic on you. Yup, only dancing happening these days is at the rare wedding we attend. Kinda sad.

  16. That dress looks great on you! I like the cut of Eliza J dresses myself. I think they are very flattering. I love to dance, and luckily for me I have a lot of weddings to get out and dance at this year. My family and I dance on our boat a lot during lake days lol we all love to dance!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  17. Oh I LOVE your dress! The halter neckline is so flattering and the color is so pretty. As for dancing, lately if we're at a live music might catch me up on the dance floor if the song is a favorite. :)
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  18. I'm a total sucker for dresses that allow you to twirl! I swear I can spin around and feel 5 years old again :)

  19. I have no doubt that you're an amazing dancer! I, on the other hand, cannot dance to save my life haha but I do love a good twirl, and that dress looks perfect to twirl in! As always, you're beautiful!

  20. I know you can bust a move😉 The poppy color of that dress and the halter neckline are two of my favs, throw you in and that's 3 favs in one post. 😘Happy Wednesday! XO

  21. That song is now stuck in my head. Complete with visuals of the neon fingerless gloves & headband Miss Houston wore :) haha
    I am constantly dancing. I always get busted breaking a move at red lights :) cant help it

  22. That dress would look great on my dancer daughter and it looks great on you!

  23. I love that dress. Eliza J dresses rock! I do love to dance. I'm lucky that the hubs is in a band and they play some really good dancing tunes so I get to dance at the gigs! I hope your day is off to a great start!

  24. Stunning! Love this dress and the halter style on you, along with the color, so beautiful! I have heard several ladies wearing the Eliza J dresses, I need to chekc that line out! Yes 80s music for dancing. I still remember my first slow dance... Babe, in 7th grade by Styx!
    enjoy your day!
    jess xx

  25. Poppy is my favorite summer color! Im loveing the nude heels with that dress! You look darling.

  26. This is such a fun dress and would be perfect for dancing. I love the high low look and the subtle print. Dancing is so fun and we need to do it more. For now, we're all about the living room dance parties with the boys. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  27. It's so fun that you mentioned a song--my post also mentions "Satisfaction" from the Stones... Great minds...

  28. I am meeting my best friend for lunch today and when we were in our 20s before we would go out dancing we would always listen to that song. It always makes me think of all of our fun nights out! :-) Anyways!! LOVE that dress and it looks great on you. Also, you look beautiful in these photos. I mean your skin is FLAWLESS! :-) Have a glorious day!!!

  29. I dance around my kitchen to 90s music all the time, but that's about it. Love that dress!

  30. Olivia would love your dress because she thinks the twirlier the better!! You look beautiful as always!

  31. That is the perfect dance dress. Love the beautiful colors!

  32. Such a fun dress! It deserves a night out dancing! Zoe loves to have dance parties and I question whether I should pass on my dance skills to her or not. I don't think they are going to help her out any LOLOL

  33. I love that dress and that color is wonderful on you. I bet it would make a great "dancing dress" for sure. Hubby and I did take ballroom dancing many years ago with several friends and we loved it. But, afterwards there wasn't any where to go to do it. Thus, it was just fun taking the lessons and we've since forgotten how. Sad!

  34. That dress is so pretty!

  35. This is the most perfect dress for dancing. You look so amazing in it. I love the colors! And that song too! I remember dancing alllll night with friends out at a club the night we heard Whitney died. Crazy what things you hold on to!

  36. What a pretty dress and it is so perfect for dancing! I love to dance but it seems rare that I get a chance to go out and do that either! My husband HATES to dance though, I practically have to drag him out there :)

  37. This dress is so pretty! Eliza J is the best!!

  38. Love that wispy dress, you look so pretty!!
    Always loved to dance. Tainted Love is my musical magnet, I get lured to the dance floor immediately I hear the opening bars. It is impossible for me to sit through that one. Then there's Family Affair, Brown Sugar, and as for Simply Beautiful ...! However my granny dancing is apparently v. embarrassing and worse than my singing (and that's saying something!) so maybe I've danced badly all my life and the truth is only told out of the mouths of babes 😖. Hugs my twirling beauty, x.

  39. Love love that dress! Beautiful!

  40. We have clubs here for 21+, but never had any (unless it was a school dance) for 20 and under! That sounds fun, though. I do enjoy dancing and yes, it seems the only time I get to is when there is a wedding these days. That dress is so flirty and fun and a beauty on you! I hope you get in some dancing before the end of this summer still!


  41. You look beautiful in that dress, Andrea. I love to dance. In fact, it's how I met my hubby. He saw me dancing in the local disco on my 16th birthday. I was always the first one on the dance floor! He told his friends that I was making him get all hot under the collar lol!! I used to win all the dance competitions back in the day.... a long time ago!
    I also ADORE that song by Whitney. But I'm a sucker for all 80s music too :)
    Suzy xx

  42. You look lovely in this poppy red dress - and I love, love the print and hi-lo twirly vibe the dress has. Do I dance, well...let's just say I love to move but it's a comical show. I feel I bring shame to my latin culture with my dance moves. lol! Big hugs beautiful and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week - almost to the weekend now!

  43. You always look great, but this dress is simply stunning on you. Great summertime look and I would want to dance too!

  44. I love that dress - perfect for this heatwave we're having too x #BrillBlogPosts

  45. Twirl, Girl!! This is the most twirl worthy dress I've seen! And you're right - totally made for dancing those summer nights away. Love your cute hair like this too! Hope you guys have a great weekend!! XOXO


  46. I love Eliza many great options. this one looks great on you!

  47. You are ready to twirl it up in this pretty dress, my friend!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  48. This is a perfect dancing dress, so beautiful too! I will have to check out Eliza J!

    xx, Elise

  49. You are a dancing queen!! Love this cute dress on you!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  50. Love love love this cute dress!!! I dance all the time - around my house, when I go out, in my car when a good song comes on lol:) Literally any time I feel like it!

    Black Coffee Beautiful

  51. Did I comment on this already? You are gorgeous in that dress! Like it was made for you.

    Yes I dance all the time. all. the. time!!

  52. So cute! The perfect party dress, just made for twirling!

  53. Your dress is darling, I will check out their website.
    Be sure to stop by and share your blog!! PS your pineapple jumper is our Friday Fashion feature this week!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!!

  54. You look great in that dress!! 80's music and oldies is by far my favorite genre of music!!

  55. Now I have that song stuck in my head and I'm dancing around in my chair haha. Love this outfit, super cute! Thanks for joining my linkup this week!

  56. This looks super on you, and yes I think it's a good dancing dress. I too love dancing and love my dancing classes. Thanks for hosting the linkup Andrea. x Jacqui Mummabstylish

  57. As soon as I read your title the song was playing in my mind and I was invisioning you twirling around in that dress. It just screams for twirling, summer care free nights. Beautiful.

  58. I love a good twirly dress! It always takes me back to when I was a kid and I would play dress up and twirl around. Your dress is beautiful!

  59. Yes, you look ready to dance the night away! Lovely dress, Andrea. xo

  60. The twirl factor is so important!!! Lovely dress, and now you've saddled me with a Whitney Houston earworm...


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