

Whoop Whoop, ready for inspiration inside the kitchen galore with this month's recipe sharing theme for Let's Talk with Momfessionals Andrea and Erika! Not only do I have "The" recipe for the delicious caramel corn that my sweet mama so graciously decided to share with you little pretties but also a couple requested memorable recipes on 
this all fine Fall Day!!!! 

A week ago Friday, in my Friday Favorites, I told you how it is tradition that every year my mom makes her fantabulous caramel corn and I hoard and hide it as to indulge in it all my myself. She makes it in fairly small batches and that is what makes it so fresh, crisp and never sticky. Kids, I have been known to eat the whole container full in one setting. Husband caught onto me this year...sorry babe.

 When I see this container in the Fall, I know what is inside!!!!!

Ya know, that is what I love about recipes, especially in the Fall and Cold months, there is just so much darn love that goes into them and I feel it makes them extra good.
Our matching Aprons

So besides having the honor of sharing Mom's Caramel Corn Recipe with you today, I'll share a couple more from posts past that have sweet sentimental meaning behind them. They are also two that would work stupendously for your Thanksgiving get togethers coming up in gasp...3 1/2 weeks!! 

What you'll need for the Caramel Corn

3 1/2 quart (14 cups) unsalted popped corn
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white corn syrup
1 stick butter
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Combine the brown sugar, corn syrup and butter in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the baking soda and the vanilla. Stir until very foamy. Put the popcorn that has been popped in a roaster or very large pan. Pour the syrup mixture over the popcorn and stir until coated. Bake for 45 minutes total, stirring well after every 15 minutes. Dump onto waxed or parchment paper to cool. Store in an airtight container. 

How Cute in my new Fall Mug!!!

More Recipe Love

The Most Requested Thanksgiving Dish of all and one I make Every Year...and tastes just like the side at Ruth Chris

Cherry Delight...Memories of Family Get-Together's and Great Holiday Dessert...

Weekend update: Our football boy and his team won under the Friday Night lights 49-7....onward to the next round but playing the #1 team in the state...let's hope for a BIG Upset..can you imagine how crazy we'll go in the stands?

Recipe's From the Heart are a Great place to start!!!! Happy Week ahead Friends!!



  1. Wow when you just wrote that Thanksgiving is in 3 1/2 weeks I had a mini panic attack - how can that be?! Thank you for sharing your mom's recipe - I love caramel corn!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. That looks so yummy!!!!

  3. These recipes look delicious! I could seriously eat that whole container of caramel corn! And thanks for the ideas for Thanksgiving. I love the picture of you and your mom. Congrats on the football win...on to the playoffs - yea!

  4. Anonymous31.10.16

    Mom's Caramel Corn looks wonderful - thanks for sharing the recipe :) Happy Monday !

  5. I love caramel corn! Thank you for sharing your moms recipe! Congrats to your son and his team! So exciting!

    Doused In Pink

  6. YAY for the win--good luck to your son's football team!!! All of these recipes sound so darn good! It makes me BEYOND excited for Thanksgiving!


  7. This is my biggest (and best!) weakness!! It's so fall, and SO Halloween...and such s neat memory for you and your Mom, too! You guys could not be any cuter either :) Happy Halloween, babe! Have a spooky night!



  8. Love it when recipes come from somewhere special. Great memory making and thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh your mom's caramel popcorn looks soo good!! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I totally need to try and make it one of these days. Happy Halloween.

  10. I am such a sucker for caramel popcorn but have never tried making it homemade, so thanks to your gorgeous momma for sharing her recipe with us! I hope your week is off to a lovely start my beautiful friend and Happy Halloween! XO -Kim

  11. Oh boy, that caramel corn looks delicious. I can't wait to give it ago myself!

  12. Yum this caramel corn looks amazing!! I totally understand how you can eat an entire container in one sitting haha!


  13. Your are killing me this morning with the caramel corn, the sweet potatoes and cherry pie oh my! I NEED SWEETS!!!

  14. Caramel corn is one of my weaknesses! Growing up, my mom and I use to make caramel corn together too because we are both so obsessed with it! Congrats to your son's team, that was a blowout!! Happy Halloween!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  15. Aww! This post makes me think of my grandma who makes the best caramel corn I've tasted. I bet yours is just as tasty! Bring on the holidays and the holiday food!

  16. Aww! Carmel corn is my fave and this recipe is just awesome! Thanks so much for sharing, my beautiful and wonderful friend!
    Happy Monday, love!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  17. Mouth officially watering! Looks delicious.


  18. Caramel corn was always something my sweet MIL loved making.

  19. My husband and I LOVE caramel corn...I will have to save this and give it a try sometime. It sounds wonderful. You and your mom are just the cutest!
    I would love the be a guest during Thanksgiving, I bet you guys have SO many yummy goodies! :)
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  20. Yay, she shared the recipe! A big thank you to your sweet momma. I've never attempted caramel corn but I'm looking forward to trying this. A lot of love behind the scenes always makes things taste so much better <3 Beautifully Candid

  21. yum!!!!! makes me think of the popcorn balls my dad used to make when I was little

  22. I love caramel corn. When I went off to college my mom made me a big container like that to take with me. I lived off that for awhile ha.

  23. I always love when our vendors send big buckets of caramel corn to work during the holidays... so yummy! Yours sounds amazing!

  24. It's funny how you mention seeing a container and knowing what's inside! Especially if the container is your mom's! I feel the same way! Love that picture of you two beauties in your matching aprons! Happy Halloween!

  25. Yum! My aunt makes caramel corn each year and I'm am so excited for this year as I can actually eat it! Woo hoo. This looks delicious!

  26. Oh, I'm saving this one - I'd love to make the caramel corn and have never tried to do it myself - but I sure do love to eat it! And sweet potato crisp casserole - praise and amen that sounds good!!! So exciting about the football win and upcoming game - I'm cheering from over here!!! Have a safe and fun night!

  27. I haven't made caramel corn in ages (because Yoder Caramel Corn is SO good and my dad keeps my stocked!), but this recipe looks very similar to ours!!! I could seriously make a meal out of caramel corn!!!

  28. Food and family are just ties to our hearts that are not easily loosened. Thankfully! Great post!

  29. First off, I love this tradition you have with your mom! Second, I never knew caramel corn was so easy to make, and I'm definitely adding that to the list! Third, that cherry delight looks heavenly! Yum, yum, yum!

  30. Happy Halloween! The caramel corn looks yummy :)

  31. That caramel corn looks delicious! Happy Halloween!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  32. Mmmmmmm! Now I am craving caramel corn! I have been wanting to take a bite ever since you talked about it last week. I am going to have to make a batch, homemade caramel corn is one of those simple pleasures that is hard to beat!

  33. YUM! Andrea, you spoke right to my heart with caramel corn :) It is one of my favorites! Have a great day!

  34. Congrats to the football team! My grandma used to make popcorn balls, and your recipe reminds me of those. Yum!

  35. That popcorn looks o so so very delicious , I can almost taste it!

  36. Oooh, girlfriend- this caramel corn looks amazing. And I love that it's your mom's recipe!

    Best of luck to your son's team- gooooo get 'em! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  37. Oh my gooooodness, thanks Mom for sharing the recipe...this looks beyond delicious! Hope you're having a good week beautiful!

  38. Yes! Glad you got her to share that recipe!

  39. That picture of you and your mom is just precious! I am definitely pinning this to make with my kids. We are huge popcorn fans here. :)

  40. Oh my word, that looks so good! My mouth is watering!!!!

  41. My mom loves caramel corn, but I've never tried making my own! I'm going to have to try this out on her! :)

  42. I love a good home cooked dessert! This sounds delciious and so sweet of your mom to share her secret recipe with the world. I honestly don't blame you for wanting to eat the whole container ha! You and your mom are gorgeous and the cherry delight is calling my name!!

  43. This sounds SO good! Tell your mom thanks for sharing the recipe, I'm going to have to try making it. YUM!

    Amanda Kids and Cabernet

  44. Congrats to your son on his football victory! And hooray for planning food for the holidays! :)

  45. oh my word!! Looks SOOOOOO good!!

  46. Goodness me! That caramel corn looks so inviting and reminds me of my mama's. Will have to make this soon. Pinning for now! Thanks much for sharing with us at Weekend Potluck. Keep 'em comin! =)

  47. Your mom's caramel corn recipe is the same as my mom's. We love the stuff. I haven't made it in years -- think it might be time to dust off the recipe and get out my roaster (the only pan I have that's big enough to bake it in). :)

  48. Yum!! Looks great, thanks for sharing :)

  49. Oh yum, this looks so good! Caramel corn is one of my all time favourite things! :D #FridayFrivolity

  50. I would totally eat all of that myself and not share it with anyone! Thanks for joining us at #FridayFrivolity this week!

  51. This looks so yummy, I could just eat a mug full, yummy :) Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, last week. You are one of this weeks featured blogs.

  52. I just love Caramel Corn, a very special treat! Hope you have a great week and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Miz Helen

  53. This is one recipe I am pinning! It sounds and looks divine! I may just hoard the whole batch myself! Thanks for sharing at DI & DI. :)


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