

As we find ourselves going into the last weekend of Summer, I realized I've never told how we found the town that we spend our Summer family vacations in. It's a goodie and I think you'll like it. It garners lots of Aww's every time we tell it. 

Our wedding anniversary is in the Month of May, May 29th to be exact, and since it usually falls around the Memorial holiday, we usually try to go on a little long weekend getaway, just the two of us. One year early on, we decided to travel North to our beloved Michigan and go to Traverse City, which we had never been to before. Many of you may have heard of the ever popular M22, a stretch of road in northern Michigan that is one of the most beautiful drives ever and it takes you into so many sweet and quaint towns with so much to offer. One day was particularly overcast and cloudy, it happened to be on our exact anniversary and we decided to take a drive south on M22 to see what the hype was about. 

After about 45 minutes of driving, and lots of good northern Michigan coffee, we needed a restroom break. We came to a jaunt on the highway and wondered whether or not the closest restroom was to the left or right. My husband commented that to the right it looked like it was a town so as we drove through the most amazing peace came over us and at the end we ended was a parking lot at a beach. It was so foggy by this time that you could not even see the water but we quickly spotted a bench and decided to take in the peacefulness for a while. 

As the fog begin to lift, we saw a light and knew there was a lighthouse at the end of the pier. With such a peaceful Tranquality experience, we decided to go grab some food to make a picnic out of it and eat on the bench. After a trip the grocery store with some meat, cheese and fruit, we sat back down on the bench to soak in the ambience of the area.

I happened to turn around and noticed that there was a dedication on the bench we were sitting on. The dedication was a Happy Anniversary to a couple, their 50th mind you, and guess what the anniversary date was? You guessed it, that exact day, our EXACT anniversary May 29! Talk about a coincidence, talk about a meant to be, and about that time as the fog began to completely fadeaway, we noticed many more benches and beheld the most beautiful sites on Lake Michigan. We quickly realized we were amidst some beautiful lakefront condos and figuring that there was probably never an opening, we went to the front desk. As luck would continue to be on our side, they happened to have four days free that coming summer and we knew we would be bringing the boys back. That July, all five of us fell in love with everything this town in our beloved Michigan had to offer! 

 One of my favorite years and "boys" picture

A much younger Mr. and Mrs. Nine.

Hanging by one of the many lakes around the area

When we went to check out, we figured it was a fluke that we got to stay there but as luck would continue to have it, a condo was free. Now, mind you, this place is so beloved that one never becomes free unless someone gives it up or passes away. So we felt very blessed to get this and will continue to keep it in the family. 

Our Bench

Someday this will be a more permanent home for us, in the peace and tranquility, I long for those years of my life when I can spend many more days walking the streets of this town, grabbing the most wonderful donuts I've ever had, seeing smiles that seem brighter on the faces of the people, where all seasons are spectacular, feeling the sand under my feet and sweet, blue, Lake Michigan waters. 

More POSTS about our Paradise HereHereHereHere, and Here

 Find your Paradise! 

I'll be back with a sweet treat recipe tomorrow that takes me to Paradise!! 



  1. Oh my gosh! How beautiful! I love your story!

  2. Sweet, sweet story! I love it and that little place looks just like a slice of heaven! xo

  3. This is the sweetest story ever. I may have some happy tears right now ha. Happy Monday!

  4. Oh wow, what a story! And such a sweet way to find your paradise. I can't get over the story of the bench. It really was meant to be! Happy Monday, Andrea!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  5. The bench coincidence is really fate stepping in! I love this story and love the tradition you guys have of going back! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Your story is so sweet and I love that you've made so many memories there. I have never been to Michigan but the photos that you share sure make me want to go!

  7. What a great story and such a coincidence you stumbled upon the bench! It looks gorgeous there and definitely meant to be your spot and piece of paradise. xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  8. What a great story! My bff and I keep saying we want to vacation on Lake Michigan, it is so different from what we're used to here in FL. Everyone keep saying we need to go to Mackinaw but I'm not sure. I have some research to do, I want a quaint little beach town with lots of character. This place was definitely meant to be for the Nine's!

  9. Oh my gosh! How beautiful! Who wouldn't want to live there permanently but if it's for vacation it's still a blessing!

  10. Awwww I LOVE this!! How crazy to just stumble across it and then finding that bench! OMG!! We drove up M22 this year and it is the most beautiful scenery!!

  11. And just like everyone else, I am swooning. This is just the best story ever. I have never been up north, but you're making me want to go on a trip. It sounds so beautiful.

  12. Such a sweet story and SUCH a special place! It looks like you stumbled upon an absolute gem!! Gorgeous!

    Rosy Outlook

  13. Darlings, i completely understand :-) This place looks awesome.
    I love these pictures. Have a great day.

    Love, Esther

  14. What a great place and what a great story. It looks absolutely beautiful. Paradise!

  15. That's such a great story, Andrea!! It was made for you!!

  16. Oh, Andrea! I just loved this post! How romantic!

  17. Wow! What a neat story!! It was meant to be for you both to find that special spot. It looks magical and oh-so dreamy too. Doesn't it just warm your heart that you have found that truly special place where you have left a piece of your heart behind? That's Tahoe for me :) Have a beautiful week my gorgeous friend!! XO


  18. Oh what a lovely story! It truly was meat to be. Thanks for sharing your story, it totally made my day.

  19. Such a sweet story, gorgeous views, and that bench - WOW! Loving the throwback pictures of everyone! Such a beautiful place, definitely paradise <3
    Green Fashionista

  20. I can't believe I've never heard this story considering how I feel about Lake Michigan! I love how special this place is to you. And by the way, do you ever age?! You look exactly the same in your "younger" picture!

  21. I love this story and how it has continued on in your traditions. I will have to visit someday!

  22. looks so peaceful and beautiful there...what an awesome story about the dedication!

  23. Awww I love knowing the story of your special place. So fun and love the pictures!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  24. Oh, this is awesome! Love when things like this happen. And, it is the perfect picture of peace and tranquility for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  25. What an incredibly sweet story! It was fate that you all found that bench and your "spot". So nice to re-visit somewhere every year with family! :)

  26. Such a sweet story with so much meaning. I love that you guys continue to go and have made it a tradition.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  27. This was an amazing story! So cool that you found your paradise! Have a great week!

  28. What an amazing place! The peacefulness seriously looks like a dream... Have an awesome week Andrea!

    Brittany :)

  29. What a beautiful place and a beautiful story to go along with it! And may I say, Mrs. Nine, that you haven't aged a BIT. Girl, you seriously do not age! I'm going to start calling you Adaline. Did you ever see that movie Age of Adaline? It was really great and you are totally ageless like she was in that movie!

  30. Anonymous28.8.17

    Your spot in Michigan looks like a little slice of heaven !!! Beautiful ! Happy Monday dear lady :) xoxo

  31. What a cute story! Now I want to find our bench in our paradise! ❤

  32. oh my gosh... just the coolest. I love stories that like that shows theres romance & fairy tales in everyone's life ;)

  33. That's seriously so cool how you found your little piece of paradise! I feel like it's fate that you found it, and I love that y'all go back every year!

  34. This is such a beautiful story and how gorgeous is this little piece of paradise! Love the fact that y'all go back every year!

    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  35. That was definitely a God Thing! What a sweet story. Sadly we have put our Michigan home on the market. It's hard being 800 miles away.

  36. I was an on and off reader for quite some time, and now you are on my favorites! I just wanted to thank you for how real you are. I read about 6 blogs daily, and after this last Nordstrom I can not take it anymoreQ It consumes their lives! Now I love it and I am a cardcolder, I know it all.....but thank you so much for being real...and admitting yes you have a $17.00 pair of pants from JC Penny! I read you everyday now and you rock!

    Melissa from Chicago

  37. That story about the bench gave me goosebumps! those pictures are unreal!!! just beautiful!!

  38. Such a cool story! Looks like a very beautiful place.

  39. What a sweet story and fun little walk down your memory lane! Thanks for sharing sweet Andrea! XO

  40. Love this! We have a very similar story for our little beach town. And BTW, Mr. & Mrs. Nine of today look exactly the same as the younger version!

  41. How wonderful that you found such a beautiful part of the world to (kind of) call your own. I love that you found the bench too - that's fate for you! You two always look so happy and in love - and that photo of younger selves? You look exactly the same!!
    Suzy xx
    Suzy Turner at Yogadocious

  42. That is a sweet story! How perfect!

  43. Great story. It was meant to be. We lived in Michigan for several years but never made it to the Upper Peninsula. You have inspired me to try to make it up there some day.

  44. This is the best story! I would say seeing that bench with the plaque sealed it for you two. When I lived in Michigan in the mid-60;s, it was in the Upper Peninsula. No sunny beach days there... xoxo

  45. What a fabulous story and adventure! What a sweet gift to you and your family!! This blesses me and the beauty makes me long to know our Creator more. Thank you for sharing and now I feel I must visit Michigan some day!!

  46. It was just meant to be! I have never been that far north but took in the beauty of Lake Michigan from Milwaukee last year and fell in love. Speaking of falling in love, you and Mr. Nine are just too cute!

  47. Hermoso lugar para una pareja feliz y radiante..La banca estará de seguro ahí esperándolos nuevamente..Saludos desde Costa Rica

  48. Hermoso lugar para una estadía banca estará ahí esperandolos nuevamente. Saludos desde Costa Rica

  49. I love this story. I can see from the pictures why you fell in love with it!

  50. Beautiful story and beautiful place. I love that you truly appreciate everything around you.

  51. What a great story! My dad grew up in Traverse City so we have been there so many times and love the lakes, scenery and more. :)

  52. Wow, talk about a meant to be happening. Seems like this is where you were meant to find and be.

  53. What a gorgeous spot (and gorgeous pictures too!)! Obviously it was meant to be :)

  54. That is such a sweet story. It was fate that brought you there and made it your very own special spot.


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