

LOVE is in the air! And no, I am not just talking about Romantic Love!! I am talking about the love of our families, our friends, our pets, etc. I consider all of you my "Gal"entines so let's toss some love around and answer these fun February TBB ASKS LOVE questions! 

1. Kisses or Hugs? I'm a Hugger!! My whole family are huggers so I love hugs but I LOVE kisses from Mr. Nine and as for candy, I like candy kisses better than the "Hugs!"

2. Candy or Flowers? I truly like both and I do bring in fresh flower bouquets every week. I must say a favorite candy to receive is a box of assorted ones from a really good candy shop. I eat a corner, if it's one I like, I eat it, if not, it gets pitched. So indulgent. I do like to give super fun gifts to the kids and my man, like this one I gave Mr. Nine here: The Valentine Goodie Gram!

3. Baking or Cooking? You all know from my weekly Tasty Tuesday recipes that I LOVE both and show my family my love by baking and cooking! I would say one of my favorite baked goods to bake are the Sea Salt Caramel Oatmeal Bars and for Valentines, I've been known to cook up Heart Shaped Turkey Meatloaves and pink mashed potatoes!
Recipe HERE

Recipe HERE and Heart Shaped Muffin Pan HERE

4. Do you remember your first kiss? My first actual kiss was the summer after 8th grade in my parent's basement with a boy from a rival school. All I remember was his name was Jason Skwarcan with blonde hair and it was quick. My first kiss with Mr. Nine was in my laundry room as he was leaving after our 2nd meeting. I wanted it to last forever. Essentially, it has! 

5. Favorite Color of Roses? Pink or Coral

6. Conversation Hearts, yes or no? A BIG Yes, but only the green, yellow and white ones. I throw this others out, lol

7. Do you leave love notes? Yeppers. For Mr. Nine, the kids, my friends, my mom. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE notes. A little note can make someone's day! 

8. Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? Last year I showed you my Valentine's Day Decor at the old house. This year, about the only thing Valentine related in the new house is this fluffy Heart Pillow on my new favorite chair in my office! (From Hobby Lobby!)

9. Red or Pink? LOVE to wear red and red at Christmas but I like other things in pink!

10. Milk, White or Dark Chocolate? Probably milk but I do not like Chocolate just by itself, it has to have caramel or nuts, peanut butter or toffee, etc. Now if it is baked goods, I tend to create a lot of yummy White Chocolate recipes like my White Chocolate Pink Moscato Cupcakes or White Chocolate Pistachio Toffee
Recipe HERE

Recipe HERE

11. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sure Do!

12. Do you give Humorous or Serious Valentine Cards? I've given both but I tend to be more sentimental and usually give Mr. Nine a serious, mushy one!

13. Favorite Chick Flick or Romantic Movie? Pretty Woman! You can see my re-creation of her brown Polka Dot dress HERE 

And we just watched Home Again with precious Reese. This is a good one, even Mr. Nine liked it a lot!

14. Stay In or Go Out? "IN" baby, we stay in! In fact, just ordered a sign for the house that says "Let's Stay In!"

I hope you have a GREAT day. My eyes are still puffy from "This Is Us" last night and staying up waaaaay past my bedtime.

LOVE at all TIMES!! xo



  1. Sending a hug!
    Laurie xx

  2. So fun! I'm a hugger too!

  3. Awww, such sweet answers and no surprises here my friend! You are a lady with a big heart and lots of love!

  4. I knew you were a hugger my friend! Have a great week enjoying whatever except working. Love you to you, friend!

  5. What a fun fact about you and chocolate and I can totally see you as a hugger and you're probably a great hugger too! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I just watched Home Again a week ago and loved it!

  7. Andrea... boy, could I ever go for one of those oatmeal bars this morning!! You look adorbs in your Pretty Woman dress. I loved that movie too. Hope you have a wonderful week!!

  8. How did I not think of Pretty Woman?? Oh, well! I guess I had Mr. McConaughey on the brain! Loving that houndstooth, Girlfriend! It looks great with that red jacket! Roll Tide! Love you!

  9. Ohhhhh I love, love Pretty Woman!! Haven't seen it in FOREVER though! I also like sentimental cards but the hubby likes funny, so I get him funny and he gets me mushy, usually :)

  10. Hugs and lots of fine chocolates! <3 We are stay in folks too. Little Dude and I plans that require a glue gun for his Valentines this year... so stay tuned ;-)

  11. Anonymous5.2.18

    Gorgeous pink chair in your office and that pretty heart pillow adds the perfect touch ! Have a wonderful Monday lady :)

  12. Of course I adored this post as it was written by one of the bloggy friends that I adore most! I think I could comment on all 14 things here - lol! Your Valentine foods and goodie gram all look amazing!! The pics of you and your hubby are too cute! Your recreated Pretty Woman look is perfection! I'll forever think of you whenever I see green, yellow, and white conversation hearts now! :) Can't wait to see Home Again after reading your review of it here! Wishing you a Valentine's month that's every bit as lovely and sweet as you truly are, dearest Andrea! Thanks so much for the sweetness you left on my blog this morning by the way, it was such a happy way to start my day! :) xoxo!

  13. I like hugs and staying in too. You leave love notes on your friends' blogs, which is awesome!

  14. It's funny, I don't usually decorate for Valentine's Day, but this year I did! Couldn't resist all of the cute decor at Hobby Lobby... what can I say? I'm just a big old pile of must these days! Nothing wrong with that, right? :) I love your cute heart pillow, and love you even more!! Hope you have a great week, gorgeous!



  15. You can send all the other conversation hearts my way - I love them!!! I can imagine that you write the sweetest notes for all your loves. It's true, just a little note can really make someone's day! And I totally forgot about Pretty Woman - that is such a great movie!!! I feel like Home Again was a great recent chick flick. I feel like it's hard to find those anymore!

  16. Of course you are a hugger! :-) Those pictures with Mr. Nine are so sweet. I also love that heart shaped pillow and those meatloaves. :-) I hope that you stay warm today and that you have a wonderful day!! :-)

  17. This is all so fun and showcases the fun side of Vday. I usually try to create a fun time at home too. I make a nice dinner and plan a casual evening. I dont' decorate but I am thinking I might need to this year! Happy Monday!

  18. I think that is so sweet that you are a love-note writer! That is something I should really do more of--you're absolutely right that a little note can make someone's day.
    These were such fun questions!

  19. I only saw a teeny tiny peek of your office (love the wallpaper!!) and I can already tell how gorgeous your space must be! Love the heart pillow and the fact that you are your family are huggers! So are we! Great post on Valentine's Day, dear!
    Happy Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  20. This is so fun to learn about you Andrea!!
    I'm a hugger too, and I'm sure many of my friends wish I wasn't---ha ha!!
    But I was telling Kellyann, that I'm an equal opportunity chocolate lover---bring them all on!!

  21. So fun! I love that heart pillow and your Pretty Woman costume. Super cute!

  22. Love this questionnaire. And your Pretty Woman recreation is spot on.

  23. Yes to all the hugs and staying in! And I'm so excited that I finally own Pretty Woman, one of my all time favs. Cheers to a fabulous week sweet friend <3
    Green Fashionista

  24. Ohh I want to see Home Again!!! I love Reese! I am with you on the milk and white chocolate. Dark is so bitter! I am alllll about staying in on Vday, I hate the crowds. Is that wallpaper in your office???? AHHHHH I squealed. I love it!

  25. I'm linking up tomorrow. So fun.
    The kiss that last forever... You two are so cute.
    I love a huggy family

  26. So happy you love to bake AND cook, because I so enjoy your recipes! And you definitely look absolutely smashing in red!

    Have a wonderful day, Andrea, and thank you for this so-much-fun TBB Asks series. 😊❤️

  27. This is such a sweet post! I definitely love getting candy AND flowers! There's no losing with either! I also NEED that blush chair! So GORGEOUS!

    Rosy Outlook

  28. Oh goodness, those Sea Salt Caramel Oatmeal Bars look FAB. I am putting the ingredients on my grocery list tonight! LOL! I should take more time to write love notes to my husband. I do want to get a few surprises (just little things he needs) to give him next week.


  29. Oh my goodness, YES...aren't you just a little depressed today after finally learning about Jack's death. AND all I could think was she wasn't by his side, he was alone. Oh the regret. Such a heartbreaker. Okay, moving on to something more fun like your answers. You are so darn cute. I think I could have guessed a lot of these correctly. Funny thing is we answer a lot of them differently, but I still know we'd be bosom buddies WHEN we finally meet. Here's a hug for you my sweet Galentine!!! XOXO

  30. Such a cute montage of you and Mr. Nine! I love how you described that first kiss with him, I feel the same way about when gentleman caller finally kissed me on our third date! Ah I am soo behind on this is us, have not started this season yet. Have a sweet day my sweet friend!

  31. Such a fun post, Andrea! I have been wanting to see Home Again with Reese so I'm glad to hear that your husband liked it. Maybe I can convince my husband to watch it this weekend! Also, I love your blush pink chair with the heart pillow. SO cute! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  32. Oh I love these posts!! I too am a hugger. I know so many people who don't like to hug. It's so odd to me. I stopped watching This is Us because well I got tired of them playing with my emotions. Plus, I have enough sadness in my life. I hardly even watch tv these days. Trying to read more.

  33. Something tells me that you are the most thoughtful person around Valentine's Day or really any day for that matter! I want to take some inspiration from you about how to treat my loved ones next week!

  34. I love that we pretty much had the same exact answer for the first question! And I love that you leave love notes for everybody! I always loved getting notes from my mom in my lunch when I was little.

  35. I love hugs, too!! I hug anybody and everybody! haha. And right now with that flu going around I don't wanna kiss anybody!

  36. Yay for hugs and for your photos of you guys partaking!! Love that you said your kiss with Mr. Nine has essentially lasted forever. PC isn't much of a PDA guy or even a DA guy, ha!! I hugged him after our first date because I wanted to see how he felt...G-rated. He was shocked that I would hug on the first date.

    Enjoy your Valentine's Day!

  37. OMG those salted caramel bars look amazing!

  38. Love, love this post and your awesome pictures. Love you and Julia in your poka dot dresses, so cute! Loved that movie as well, one of the best. Have a great week!

  39. The heart shaped meatloaf is so cute!

  40. That heart shaped pillow so dang cute! And I like the other conversation hearts, so let's get together, hehe :) I remember your recreation of that look, loved it then and now! Happy, happy week love!

  41. Oh my Andrea, this post is filled with so much yummy goodness!! How cute is that Goodie box! Love it!! Love your Pretty Woman look! FUN!!

  42. Too funny! We should eat conversation hearts together because I only like the pink, purple, and orange ones!!

  43. These are all so fun. Those salted caramel bars look so good! As much as I love sweets and baking, I like to cook in general too.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  44. I absolutely LOVE love notes!!! I used to leave them for Dustin all the time when we were dating and he would leave me ones, too! I've only done it a few times since we've been married, so you've encouraged me to do it more. And Pretty Woman is mine and my mom's favorite movie!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  45. That sea salt caramel bar recipe went on my Pinterest board for sure! I'll show my boys some love with them! I'm also a firm believer in love st first sight, first time I saw my husband I said I'm going to marry that man! Luckily he went along with it lol!

    pumps and push-ups

  46. I LOVE big warm hugs from all my loved ones but a kiss from your MR. is like no other! You are the best for writing and leaving love notes for those special in your life. Everyone needs a mother/wife/daughter/sibling/friend like you to brighten their day! I wish I was sitting on that cute chair in your new office with the fluffy pillow having a real life conversation! xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  47. So fun learning more about you! P.S. You look even more beautiful than Julia Roberts in that dress! :)

  48. Pretty Woman, LOVE!!! That is such a great one. And from one hugger to another, I am smiling. Hugs are just the best. This was a great questionnaire friend. Thanks for putting it together.

  49. I love hugs too. I just picked up some conversation hearts at our loyal place- the dollar tree! The packs said DREAM BIG on one side so I had To get them- and I love The pink the most so send those my way! Haha. Always love learning more about you- love your heart pillow :)

  50. When I picture red and pink I think of you and now I want to hug you.

  51. I agree that the green conversation hearts are probably the best flavor! Love the heart pillow on your new chair--festive, but cute enough to leave out all year round!

  52. I agree with Deena - time for an Andrea hug!

  53. Well, I love everything about this post and I've been trying to tell you for 24 hrs! The comments box either didn't appear or my lovely detailed comment wouldn't send because of the drop down not working in "comment as". I've really struggled to leave a comment and I am still unable to link up a post,the message given is that I'm "not allowed". I can link up on other sites but not yours, sweetie 😢. Hugs anyway, lovely post, x.

  54. Lovely post Andrea, sending you love and hugs my friend. x Jacqui

  55. This is the cutest post ever, Andrea! Pretty Woman is one of the best chick flicks out there, isn't it? And I love your polka dot outfit to match Julia's! Hubby and I are haven't really done much for Valentine's for years. Maybe this year is the time to change all that lol!!!
    Suzy xx

  56. Aw, I love that goodie gram basket you gave your husband. How cute is that? I really like both red and pink, though I probably WEAR red more than anything. And you don't like just plain chocolate?! I'll eat chocolate in almost any form...except cake. I don't like chocolate cake for some reason. haha


  57. I think I just gave a full sigh after reading your post, like I just completed my fave chick flick! :) What a sweet post, full of lovely pictures! I even hopped over and checked out your Valentine decor at the old house. This is what I love about you. You celebrate everything with gusto and sweetness. And I love the chair in your new house. I put a heart fuzzy pillow in my online target cart...so tempted!! Thank you for sharing this part of YOU. Have a great day!

  58. omg you in that pretty woman outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!! Can't wait to hug you in October!!

  59. I just watched Home Again as well. I loved it. You look great at Pretty Woman!!! I want those cupcakes. They are right up my alley!

  60. Even though I haven't met you IRL, I totally see you as a hugger! You seem so warm and sweet that it totally goes!

  61. That chair in your office is so fun! Can't wait to hug your neck this year!

  62. I love that chair and that cute heart pillow! And that goodie gram looks so sweet! What a cute idea! :)


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