

I hear ye dub this the week the week of gingham and royalty. LOL. With my Post on Monday, I shared my 9 Favorite Royal Wedding moments and I have never tired of the coverage all week! Magical! And it appears I cannot stop the Gingham train anytime soon, lol. This weekend, to me, is the official start of summer. We plan to have a family cookout on Monday and an inaugural outdoor fire. I'll probably make another batch of the Strawberry Banana Cheesecake Salad I shared this week.
I hope you enjoy some extra sweetness and summertime vibes this weekend. 

1. Blogger Spotlight:
Food and Lifestyle Blogger: Missy Quigley  
Friends, you are looking at one talented NOLA lady here. If she ever quits her day job, as a LAWYER, she has a backup as a CHEF with her amazing recipes. The majority of which are full of healthily ingredients. The title of Missy’s Lifestyle/Food Blog cracks me up: My Shitty Kitchen. There’s nothing crappy about it, she’s just a hoot and a half too. She is an amazing aunt and has nicknamed her handsome beau for us as Gentleman Caller. This girl gives back to the community, her alma mater, has fun and when you read her recipes, your mouth waters with the anticipation of her flavor combos. I know you’ll love her as much as I do so make sure you check out her BLOG . AND wish her a Happy Birthday as it’s a party for Miss Missy this weekend as she celebrates her special day. 

2. Gingham Pool Slides
Enter these darling Steve Madden pool slides. Since when did slide sandals become named “pool slides?” Lol. Well, since our pool is still not complete due to the [explanative, explanative] concrete guy, I’m just gonna say my Gingham Slides! Hey that’d be a cool new dance…”The Gingham Slide!” LOL


3. Week's Attire
Kate Spade top HERE, Amazon Shoes Similar Here

Free People Top, Tory Burch Sandals HERE

Old Navy Top HERE, Target Sandals HERE, The Loft capri's, 
Nickel&Suede Earrings in Platinum

4. Gingham Top
Every time I wear this top, Mr. Nine says “I like your Gingham!” So, I’ve been wearing it a lot. Ha! I got it at Walmart 5 years ago and the roll up sleeves with tinier contrasting Gingham has me still loving it to pieces. 


More Inspo

5. Misc. Fun 
I know Monday is Memorial Day for those of us in the States but come back Monday to see the FAB 40's Blog Hop I am a guest of this month. The theme is Fairytales from this month's leader Suzy Turner of
The Fab 40's and it's sure to be magical and fun. I went for a modern day Cinderella....can't wait to show you the photos and the outfit!!

These were samples at our local supermarket. I often get this Asturi brand of Bruschetta toasts that are delicious so I knew the cookies would be great, They are so tiny and cute and I love the hit of almond flavoring. I never used to take the samples but the old ladies like to chat so now I do...I may be THAT old lady someday ya know! 

BEST Fitting Dress
This DRESS which I first saw last Friday on the blog of my Birthday beauty Missy mentioned in one. I have never had a better fitting dress and loving the colors..ya know with the rainbow trend and all! Going to do a full colorful photo shoot this weekend in this delight! 


I just ordered this darling Gingham Headband for 5.99. Scary no eyed mannequin head not included, lol.


Remember the Birthday Trip reschedule? Well, Chi-Town here we come. 
Have a fabulous long weekend babes! 

Linking up with  Amanda // Friday Favorites  // High 5 For Friday // 5 on Friday // Fashion Friday



  1. Have a great weekend.

  2. This made me realize I simply don't have enough gingham in my closet!! Have the best weekend Andrea!! xo, Biana- BlovedBoston

  3. Loving your gingham! I just packed gingham button up for the beach!! :)

  4. Ugh I don't have ANY gingham in my closet but that needs to happen! Love that red on you Andrea!!! Your rainbow dress is super cute- can't wait to see the pictures! Enjoy your Memorial Weekend! Shan

  5. Happy friday, pretty lady! I want cookies for breakfast now 😬

  6. I want to get one of those gingham headbands! I have to read your thoughts on the royal wedding too, I've been enjoying all the coverage this week too. I hope you have the best weekend with the family cooking out girlfriend!
    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  7. Ha! Come on everyone and do the gingham slide! Little Dude has been working on his dance moves for my brother's wedding next weekend, so I'll see if he can work up some steps for us! I am loving all of this gingham and you too of course! Have a wonderful long weekend, I can't wait to hear about your adventures. (Have some deep dish for me!)

  8. So much gingham goodness all in one post! Love it!! I suddenly feel the urge to shop! ;) lol! But first, I'm excited to catch up on one of my sweetest blogging friend's posts! ;) xoxo!

  9. All the gingham is so it! Sorry about your is so unpredictable. Maybe by the end of summer?!? Thanks for the link over to My Sh... Kitchen - a new blog for me to check out.

  10. Have a great time in Chicago! When I posted the gingham top on TBB I thought of you - you always look so amazing in gingham. Have a wonderful weekend - as we kick of summer!

    Daily Style Finds

  11. Love all the gingham!! And those cookies need to be in my life! Trying to find them this weekend!

  12. I'm loving gingham too! My girlfriend calls it my picnic shirts. :)

  13. So much gingham love - and you know I love me some gingham!!! The new dress is a beauty too! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ours is supposed to be very wet - yuck!!!!
    Can't wait to see your cinderella moment on Monday!

  14. I just bought myself the cutest black gingham top this week and I love all things gingham too. I would love to have a red gingham shirt and will be on the hunt for that before the 4th. Pool slides, how funny! Have yourself a wonderful time with family on Monday and thankfully, I am feeling soooo much better so think I'm good to go now. Hugs sweet girl!

  15. Gingham is my fave lately, and how cute that your hubby even knows what it is!!
    Happy weekend, Andrea!! Your posts always make me smile!!

  16. Cute post! I love those Gingham slides :) So perfect and trendy for right now!
    -Jenna <3
    Follow me back? The Chic Cupcake

  17. Hey cutie, you look fabulous! Gingham looks so cute on you. Good to see you enjoying life and having fun. Have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend.

  18. Those gingham slides are flawless, as are you, my friend! I hope you have the best long weekend planned with your family! <3

  19. Gotta love the gingham! Have a great weekend!

  20. I adore Missy. I have met her twice in NOLA now. She is pretty amazing!!! Loving all the hingham!! I hope you have the best weekend!

  21. Give me all the gingham!! I cannot get enough! And you have quite the collection there, too! Happy weekend!

  22. I saw that striped dress on the Target website and loved it! It looks great on you. And great minds must think alike because I'm wearing gingham today :)

  23. Im loveing the gigham! My favorite outfit you show here is the pink Old Navy top out fit. So cute! I got a pair of dinky cheep bow slides to try out. I like them som much im tempted to get the better ones like you show here for example. I am STILL currently working on a crochet Yellow Gingham check blanket. I rarely work on it as I have gotten tired of making it. haha. I need to get busy and finish it before summer ends!!

  24. I love gingham and it just screams summer. You always look so pretty in all of your nice outfits.
    Hope you have a nice holiday weekend.

  25. Those pool slides are so cute! So is the red top! Have a great weekend!

  26. I am obsessed with slides and thinking those ones need to be added to my mix! That dress looks amazing on you! I remember seeing it on Missy's blog last week. So cute on! Hope you have a great weekend!

  27. Thank you for your sweet shout out! You are the best! I am so glad that dress worked for you, it is perfect for the summer. I love all the gingham! I hope you have a great trip and an amazing weekend!

  28. I freaking love gingham! I love you more and I hope your weekend away is perfect-o! XOXOXOXO

  29. I LOVE those slides!

  30. Those gingham slides are so cute!

  31. I am loving all the fun gingham in this post! That red gingham top is adorable! What a great Walmart find!

  32. The gingham is pretty. Love those slides despite not having a pool in
    My Sussex garden. Some do have pools but I doubt they are used much in the UK. Thanks for introducing us to Missy. I like seeing that you are wearing 5 year old clothes.

  33. Love the gingham sliders Andrea. Thanks for sharing there pieces. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  34. Oh Andrea, you defenitely have to participate in Shelbee s and mine serie The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! Next month the theme is Gingham! You van now send in your photo and a few lines if you please!

  35. I love how you are styling the gingham, Andrea. But you could pull off anything! One question. I have a top, an elastic, off the shoulder style. How do you keep it from rolling up when you lift your arms? I was so disappointed when I wore it out one night.

    And...can you tell us how you do your hair with that sweet pouf on the top?!! I am in love with it, although I don't have bangs. It looks gorgeous on you!

    Enjoy Memorial Day!


  36. You crack me up!! I have to go check the royal wedding post. I tried that Free the People top - fell in love with it, but it just was too fancy for me! Looks great on you!!

    I haven't been by for awhile so I'm off to catch up on what you've been doing!


  37. Now, thats my type of salad! Looks so easy to make and delicious, I'll have to try it out. I think you rock gingham like no other gf! Loving the pool slides
    Thanks for linking up with us,



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